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Pla de Màrqueting per al Turisme Actiu a Cambrils - TFG:1162

Student:Nadal Jiménez, Eva
Title in original language:Pla de Màrqueting per al Turisme Actiu a Cambrils
Title in different languages:Active Tourism Marketing Plan in Cambrils
Keywords:active torism, marketing, destination
Subject:Turisme i oci
Abstract:Tourism in Costa Dorada is one of the key sectors for the economic development of many towns. Cambrils is not an exception. It was traditionally a fishing village but from the decade of the 60s to the 20th century most of its economy has been based in tourism. Nowadays it has become a recognised sun and beach destination. However, since the 90s, in front of the changes in the tourism demand and the increase of competition, Cambrils must diversify its offer. One of these initiatives is the active tourism. Cambrils is considered a sun and beach mature destination that offers quality services and can offer an alternative and complementary offer in active tourism taking advantage of the synergies of the area. The hypothesis is that Cambrils is perfect to become a known destination at national level for practising sport. To achieve that purpose, an Active Tourism Marketing Plan covering the needs of the town has been created. First of all, two analyses have been made: on the one hand, an analysis of the destination, territory, infrastructure, resources, accommodation, tourism offer and demand, and on the other hand, an analysis of the destination related with active tourism. The result of the analysis is a matrix DAFO which summarizes the main characteristics of the destination. It complements the analysis with a trading scene that will allow working a specific market. The analysis concludes that Cambrils is a consolidated destination in Spain. It has two tourism certifications, the Familiar Tourism certification and the Sportive Tourism certification. It is a dynamic destination with an organisation and responsible management. It has different sportive competitions along the year, some of them of international scope. The strategies that have been established are: putting new energy into the active tourism focused on the families, promotion in other regions, putting in value the destination like a quality, familiar and sportive destination and introducing new technologies. The final results are a product development plan and a promotion and commercialisation plan. The main product created is a children triathlon of national scope that will be commercialised specially in the Basque Country. This plan pretends to create curiosity and interest among familiar tourism with a healthy, dynamic and funny tourism. Besides, it incorporates an application for mobile devices, a sector on rise that creates interest among children.
Project director:Beas Secall, Lorena
Education area(s):Turisme
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:6
Creation date in repository:2017-02-06
Work's public defense date:2014-09-04
Academic year:2013-2014
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