Repositori institucional URV
Español Català English
Situación laboral de las mujeres extranjeras en Cataluña (2012-2021): Análisis comparativo social y territorial - TFG:7601

Student:Sánchez Justica, María
Title in original language:Situación laboral de las mujeres extranjeras en Cataluña (2012-2021): Análisis comparativo social y territorial
Title in different languages:Labour situation of foreign women in Catalonia (2012-2021): A social and territorial comparative analysis
Keywords:Migrant women, discrimination, labour market
Subject:Mercat de treball
Abstract:The present study describes the labour situation of foreign women residing in Catalonia between 2012 and 2021. From this group doubly discriminated due to their sex and origin, the data on labour indicators are compared with the data from two other discriminated groups: national women, due to their sex, and foreign men, due to their origin. Furthermore, with the data from the indicators, it investigates whether the reality of foreign women is different between those who live in Barcelona and those who live in Girona, Lleida, and Tarragona. To determine these differences, it uses a quantitative methodology, which allows analysing data obtained from Spain’s National Statistics Office, the Social Security and the Observatori del Treball i Model Productiu. In addition, it takes into account the national data on the indicators in previous years to determine if the data between 2012 and 2021 follows a trend.
Project director:Quesada Arana, Antonio
Education area(s):Administració i Direcció d'Empreses
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
Creation date in repository:2024-09-19
Work's public defense date:2024-06-25
Academic year:2023-2024
Subject areas:Economic and business sciences
Access rights:info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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