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El códice 137 del Colegio de España en Bolonia: una aproximación arqueológica. - TFM:425

Estudiant:Cano Aguilera, Sandra
Títol en la llengua original:El códice 137 del Colegio de España en Bolonia: una aproximación arqueológica.
Títol en diferents idiomes:The Colegio de España in Bologna's codex 137: an archaeological approach.
Paraules clau:epigraphy, manuscript, Bologna
Matèria:Edificis. Instal·lacions
Resum:The Colegio de España’s Library in Bologne houses among its bookshelves a manuscript that receives the number 137, whose pages contain, partially, the transcription of some epigraphs from Rome and Tivoli. However, even today it has not been studied in depth so that resolves all the uncertainties it arouses. Thus, the aim of our work is to increase the knowledge that is currently available about the manuscript from three different disciplines’ point of view: philology, which allows us to understand the original pieces, the history of the cultural context in which it was produced and archaeology, since it mentions inscriptions that have become iconic in the Latin antiquity’s landscape.
Director del projecte:Gorostidi Pi, Diana
Codirector del treball:Parada López de Corselas, Manuel
Departament:Història i Història de lArt
Ensenyament(s):Arqueologia Clàssica
Entitat:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
Crèdits del TFM:12
Data de la defensa del treball:2019-06-21
Curs acadèmic:2018-2019
Data d'alta al repositori:2019-10-14
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