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El sarcófago de plomo del museo Castell-Cartoixa de Vallparadís (Tarrassa). Técnica de fabricación, función e iconografía. - TFM:428

Student:Serrano Cerezo, Elías
Title in original language:El sarcófago de plomo del museo Castell-Cartoixa de Vallparadís (Tarrassa). Técnica de fabricación, función e iconografía.
Title in different languages:The leaded sarcophaghus from the Castell-Cartoixa museum of Vallparadís (Terrassa). Manufacturing technique, role and iconography.
Keywords:sarcophagus, lead, Terrassa.
Subject:Edificis. Instal·lacions
Abstract:Since the beginning of history, death has been a major event for the human being, and that’s why a special attention has been focused on the acts and elements that are part of such event. Over the years, various forms of burial followed, but around the 2nd century A.D. the funeral ritual of the burial began to gain ground against incineration and this caused changes in the funeral spaces and in the burial typologies. One of these forms was the lead sarcophagus, a trend that spread through the territories of the Roman empire, having numerous variants in terms of morphology and decoration, and reaching in great number to the east coast of Hispania.
Project director:Ruiz de Arbulo, Joaquín
Department:Història i Història de lArt
Education area(s):Arqueologia Clàssica
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFM credits:12
Work's public defense date:2019-06-21
Academic year:2018-2019
Creation date in repository:2019-10-14
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