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Educación social, construyendo puentes: conocimiento de las necesidades y recursos para las familias con niños y niñas con TEA - TFG:2671

Student:Díaz Martínez, Noelia
Title in original language:Educación social, construyendo puentes: conocimiento de las necesidades y recursos para las familias con niños y niñas con TEA
Title in different languages:Social education, building bridges-undrstanding the needs and requirements of families of children with autism spectrum disorder
Keywords:Autism, Family, Successful educational practices, Inclusion, Social educador
Subject:Ciències de l'educació
Abstract:The Final Degree Project of Social Education that I am going to present, has its main objective to know, the needs, of families with children with autism, in Villanova i la Geltrú from the social, associative and educational fields. On the one hand, the present work, specifically in the conceptual framework, refers to the concept, history and diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. It also describes the needs of these, successful educational practices and the role played by the educator and social educator regarding the intervention of these children and their families. On the other hand, this study aims to investigate the reality of these families and the professionals who accompany them. To this end, a qualitative methodology has been used, managing six semi-open interviews, aimed at professionals from two different fields (social and educational) and a discussion group to an association. The results found from this research by the professionals are that they are not available to tent to Children with autism because they need more training and time to meet with other establishments dealing with autistic children Finally, the conclusions drawn from this study are that families with children with ASD need guidance and professional guidance in the different stages of development of boys and girls, that the incorporation of the figure of the educator and the social educator it is considered positive and that there is an insufficient supply of public resources to meet the needs of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their families.
Project director:Casas Casajuana, Jèssica
Education area(s):Educació Social
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:9
Creation date in repository:2020-09-25
Work's public defense date:2019-11-06
Academic year:2018-2019
Subject areas:Education sciences
Access rights:info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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