Repositori institucional URV
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Quality of Online Courses - RP:3540

Author, as appears in the article.:Sharif, Afsaneh
Journal publication year:2014
Publication Type:info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Abstract:Instructional designers strive to create quality online courses by using different methods and strategies; however, they rarely find the time to reflect on their work and evaluate their final course design. There are three main challenges that instructional designers face while developing online course. First, instructional designers have ambiguity around their roles, and their skills and expertise are often not used as they fulfill their responsibilities.
Instructional designers strive to create quality online courses by using different methods and strategies; however, they rarely find the time to reflect on their work and evaluate their final course design. There are three main challenges that instructional designers face while developing online course. First, instructional designers have ambiguity around their roles, and their skills and expertise are often not used as they fulfill their responsibilities.
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