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Motivació i recursos humans en el sector hoteler: el cas de Salou - TFG:1466

Student:Banús Rovira, Maria Estel·la
Title in original language:Motivació i recursos humans en el sector hoteler: el cas de Salou
Title in different languages:Motivation and human resources in the hotel industry: the case of Salou
Keywords:Motivation, human resources, hotel industry
Abstract:The hotel industry has been growing during the last years up to the point of turning into the economic engine of the 21st century, which has led to a higher competition year after year. That is why has arisen the belief that customer loyalty must be based on human resources and not only on tangible attributes, which are easily imitable and substitutable. For this reason, the concern of companies to seek to maximize the potential of their workers, especially those in direct contact with customers, has been increasing. However, in order to achieve the maximum from each worker, they must be satisfied and motivated. In this work, the existing motivational techniques applied in this sector are studied, especially in the department of reception from the hotels in Salou, and how these really affect the final worker motivation.
Project director:Muiños Villaverde, Maria Jesús
Education area(s):Turisme
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:6
Creation date in repository:2018-03-14
Work's public defense date:2016-09-01
Academic year:2015-2016
Subject areas:Tourism and leisure
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