Autor/s de la URV: | Ahedo Santisteban, Angel Manuel
Autor segons l'article: | Manuel Ahedo Santisteban
Adreça de correu electrònic de l'autor: |
Any de publicació de la revista: | 2018
Tipus de publicació: | Journal Publications
Referència de l'ítem segons les normes APA: | Manuel Ahedo Santisteban (2018). Egungo euskarazko literaturaren soziologia kultural baterantz: ispiluak eta tresnak sistema literario eta marko ideologikoen artean. Inguruak. Revista De Sociología, (64), 1-23
Referència a l'article segons font original: | Inguruak. Revista De Sociología. (64): 1-23
Resum: | This article presents a theorizing pre-study of sociology of literature that can be used as theoretical and analytical frame for research purposes. Ferguson, Desan and Griswold (1988) indicated the three main assets for a sociology of literature: text (mirror), system (demons) and ideological frames. A pragmatic sociology of literature (Dromi and Illouz, 2010) was one of the new perspectives of sociology of literature identified by English (2010). In the recently proposed comparative cultural sociology (Lamont and Thévenot, 2000), a constructivist and reflexive proposal is developed to analyze and evaluate the field of cultural production (Beljean, et al, 2016). Within this broad comparative cultural sociology, societies and social actors, to understand their own realities, are depicted as deploying different tools produced in their respective societies. Literature is one of these tools, especially, those literary works dealing with society’s relevant features and concerns, and those that have gained a minimum of status and public. Thus, for a cultural sociology approach to literature the integration and deployment of the metaphors of mirror and tool is proposed, together with the concepts of literary system and ideological frames. To apply this analytical framework to contemporary literature in Basque, a conceptualization of Basque reality is needed. In the complex Basque reality two features-challenges are selected:
DOI de l'article: | 10.18543/inguruak-64-2018-art01
Enllaç font original: |
Versió de l'article dipositat: | info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
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Departament: | Gestió d'Empreses
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Àrees temàtiques: | Sociología Ciencias sociales Ciencias políticas
Entitat: | Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Data d'alta del registre: | 2023-06-17