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Which Meteorological and Climatological Information Is Requested for Better Surfing Experiences? A Survey-Based Analysis - imarina:9187103

Autor/s de la URV:Aguilar Anfrons, Enrique Modesto / Boqué Ciurana, Anna
Autor segons l'article:Boque Ciurana, Anna; Aguilar, Enric;
Adreça de correu electrònic de l'
Identificador de l'autor:0000-0002-8384-377X
Any de publicació de la revista:2021
Tipus de publicació:Journal Publications
Referència de l'ítem segons les normes APA:Boque Ciurana, Anna; Aguilar, Enric; (2021). Which Meteorological and Climatological Information Is Requested for Better Surfing Experiences? A Survey-Based Analysis. Atmosphere, 12(3), -. DOI: 10.3390/atmos12030293
Referència a l'article segons font original:Atmosphere. 12 (3):
Resum:This paper extends the work of previous research by investigating surfing practices and surf-recreation companies from a behavioral perspective. The study's main aim is to gain insights into the role of meteorological/climatological information in decision-making related to the surf-tourism activities market. This information was gathered employing an online survey that asked respondents about where they surf and how they check forecasts for surfing. Climate services (CS) are promoted to support the decision-making process to better prepare for and adapt to the risks and opportunities of climate variability and change. The current market for CS is still in its early stages. In this paper, we report the findings from our recent investigation into the actual and potential market for CS for the Iberian Peninsula surf-tourism sector. Based on surfers' and surf companies' demands, it was found that an improved surfing climate service (herein, SCS) will have clear implications in the management of these tourism areas and provide insights into whether surfing activities may be successful. At the same time, such services can help to manage adaptive actions in regard to the impacts of climate change in surfing areas.
DOI de l'article:10.3390/atmos12030293
Enllaç font original:
Versió de l'article dipositat:info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Accès a la llicència d'ús:
Grup de recerca:Centre en Canvi Climàtic (C3)
URL Document de llicència:
Àrees temàtiques:Meteorology & atmospheric sciences
Matemática / probabilidade e estatística
Environmental sciences
Environmental science (miscellaneous)
Engenharias iii
Engenharias ii
Engenharias i
Educação física
Ciências ambientais
Atmospheric science
Paraules clau:Weather forecasting
Tourist behavior
Tourism sectors
Tourism market
Tourism management
Recreational activity
Potential markets
Online surveys
Information system
Iberian peninsula
Gain insight
Demand-side management
Decision making process
Decision making
Coastal zone
Climatological information
Climate variation
Climate variability and change
Climate services
Climate effect
Climate conditions
Climate change
Adaptive management
Entitat:Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Data d'alta del registre:2024-07-27
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