A claims problem approach to the cost allocation of a minimum cost spanning tree | 2022 |
Advances in shared decision-making for breast cancer screening in Spain
A first insight about spatial dimension of COVID-19: analysis at municipality level | 2021 |
A forecast of Cava wine sales applied to vine planting authorizations | 2022 |
Airline consolidation and the distribution of traffic between primary and secondary hubs
Air quality in smart sustainable cities: target and/or trigger? | 2022 |
A model of a team contest, with an application to incentives under list proportional representation
An egalitarian approach for sharing the cost of a spanning tree
A new approach for bounding awards in bankruptcy problems
A New Measure of Wage Risk: Occupation-Specific Evidence for Germany | 2022 |
A qualitative study on a decision aid for breast cancer screening: Views from women and health professionals. | 2017 |
A review on basic income: A radical proposal for a free society and a sane economy by Philippe van Parijs and Yannick Vanderborght
A second-best analysis of alternative instruments for the preservation of natural resources | 2020 |
A Sequential Allocation Problem: The Asymptotic Distribution of Resources
A trial-based cost-effectiveness analysis of antibiotic prescription strategies for non-complicated respiratory tract infections in children | 2023 |
Attitudes towards single parents’ children in private and state-dependent private schools: experimental evidence | 2023 |
Barriers and Facilitators to the Implementation of a Personalized Breast Cancer Screening Program: Views of Spanish Health Professionals | 2022 |
Brownian Signals: Information Quality, Quantity and Timing in Repeated Games | 2018 |
Built structures influence patterns of energy demand and CO2 emissions across countries | 2023 |
Capacity constraints as a trigger for high growth | 2022 |
Circular economy and public policies: A dynamic analysis for European SMEs
Cómo afectará la covid-19 al mundo del deporte
Combining Cluster-Based Profiling Based on Social Media Features and Association Rule Mining for Personalised Recommendations of Touristic Activities | 2021 |
Competing risks to breast cancer mortality in Catalonia
Competition for domestic tourism in the COVID-19 pandemic: A characterization using a contest model | 2023 |
Conflict and Competition over Multi-Issues | 2018 |
Conflicting national policies: The creation of the euro and the rebalancing of telecommunications prices | 2023 |
Contribution of major economies to global GDP and product reallocation around the world
Contribution of major economies to global GDP and product reallocation around the world | 2024 |
Correlation regimes in international equity and bond returns | 2021 |
Cost-effectiveness of double reading versus single reading of mammograms in a breast cancer screening programme
Cost-effectiveness of early detection of breast cancer in Catalonia (Spain)
Cuestionario de acumulación autoadministrado para adolescentes: CUAC-A
Data and Competitive Markets: Some Notes on Competition, Concentration and Welfare | 2023 |
Decomposing the Changes in Water Intensity in a Mediterranean Region
Defining an ‘Epidemiological Risk Index’ to analyse COVID-19 mortality across European regions
Defining prices in an inter-regional SAM system | 2021 |
Defining sustainability in an input–output model: An application to Spanish water use | 2021 |
Demografía industrial y convergencia regional en España
Destination Image Analysis for Tarragona Culttural Heritage
Detection of geographical clustering: cultural and creative industries in Barcelona | 2023 |
Development of a common framework for analysing public transport smart card data | 2021 |
Development of support material for health professionals who are implementing Shared Decision-making in breast cancer screening: validation using the Delphi technique | 2022 |
Diabetes mellitus and inequalities in the equipment and use of information technologies as a socioeconomic determinant of health in Spain | 2023 |
Diferencias de género en la maratón de Sevilla: ¿Presentan los hombres más exceso de confianza que las mujeres? = Gender differences in the Marathon of Seville: Are men more overconfident than women? | 2022 |
Differential impact of social capital on mental health in the native-born and immigrant populations living in Catalonia (Spain)
Dissemination of periodic mammography and patterns of use, by birth cohort, in Catalonia (Spain)
Distributing the European structural and investment funds from a conflicting claims approach | 2022 |
Does gender matter for innovative and non-innovative firms’ growth? An empirical analysis of Chilean managers | 2021 |
Does the duration of ambulatory consultations affect the quality of healthcare? A systematic review | 2023 |
Do local characteristics act in a similar way for the first two waves of COVID-19? Analysis at intraurban level in Barcelona | 2021 |
Do schools discriminate against homosexual parents? Evidence from a randomized correspondence experiment
Do schools discriminate against homosexual parents? Evidence from a randomized correspondence experiment | 2016 |
Earnings risk and demand for higher education: A cross-section test for Spain
Eco-Efficiency Actions and Firm Growth in European SMEs | 2018 |
Editorial introduction: Studies about the impact of recent economic crises
Effectiveness and counter-cyclicality of fiscal consolidation under compliance regulation: The case of the Stability and Growth Pact | 2024 |
Effectiveness of early detection on breast cancer mortality reduction in Catalonia (Spain)
Effect of information about the benefits and harms of mammography on women's decision making: The InforMa randomised controlled trial
El impacto regional de la renovación de la industria tradicional
El método de la transferencia de beneficios para la valoración económica de bienes de no mercado generados por los eventos deportivos
El papel del Estado en el fomento de la innovación en España
Energy import costs in a flexible input-output price model
Environmental Taxation and International Trade in a Tax-Distorted Economy | 2023 |
Estacionalidad turística y dinámicas metropolitanas: un análisis a partir de la movilidad en transporte público en el Camp de Tarragona
Estratègies i aplicacions d'aprenentatge actiu en l'assignatura d'Economia del Medi Ambient
European national health plans and the monitoring of online searches for information on diabetes mellitus in different European healthcare systems | 2022 |
Evolución de la mortalidad por cáncer de mama y diseminación de la mamografía de cribado en Cataluña: un análisis por regiones sanitarias
Exploring the public bus ridership loss and recovery during the COVID-19 pandemic: a spatiotemporal analysis using smart card data | 2023 |
Export and variability in the innovative status | 2023 |
Financial constraints and the failure of innovation projects
From bargaining solutions to claims rules: A proportional approach
From bargaining solutions to claims rules: A proportional approach
Gender differences in competition: gender equality and cost reduction policies
Gender diversity and innovation in manufacturing and service firms
Gender, occupational diversity of R&D teams and patents generation: an application to Spanish firms | 2022 |
Global inequalities in food consumption, cropland demand and land-use efficiency: a decomposition analysis
Global inequalities in food consumption, cropland demand and land-use efficiency: A decomposition analysis | 2020 |
Green and digital entrepreneurship in smart cities | 2022 |
Green mobility at home, green mobility at tourism destinations: A cross-country study of transport modal choices of educated young adults | 2022 |
Healthcare professionals’ behaviour regarding the implementation of shared decision-making in screening programmes: A systematic review | 2021 |
High-growth firms and innovation in European countries
High-Growth Firms in European Countries: the Role of Innovation
How to distribute the European regional development funds through a combination of egalitarian allocations: the constrained equal losses min | 2023 |
Hybrid cooperation agreements in networks: The case of the airline industry
Ideological alignment, public sector size and tax morale: empirical evidence from OECD economies | 2023 |
Ideology and redistribution through public spending
Immigrants, natives and job quality: Evidence from Spain
Income inequality and technological progress: The effect of R&D incentives, integration, and spillovers
Independent Central Banks: Low Inflation at No Cost? A Model with Fiscal Policy
Information and optimal trading strategies with dark pools | 2023 |
Informed choice in breast cancer screening: the role of education | 2021 |
Infraestructures de transport i localització industrial. Evidència empírica per a Catalunya.
Innovació organitzativa: els contractes d'integració a la ramaderia intensiva catalana
Innovation and geographical spillovers: new approaches and empirical evidence.
Innovation applied to facing of enterprises social economy. A case of impact investment
International Ecological Footprint Inequality: A Methodological Review and Some Results
Introducción al semimonográfico El sistema agroalimentario global en la encrucijada: crisis y alternativas. Introduction to The global agri-food system at the crossroad: crisis and alternatives
Is there a risk-return trade-off in educational choices? Evidence from Spain
La confianza en la relación profesional de la salud y paciente | 2020 |
La diversidad de género: factor de impulso de la innovación
La innovación aplicada a la financiación de las empresas de la economía social. El caso de las inversiones de impacto
L'anàlisi transaccional de l'empresa
L’art de repartir recursos escassos
Las start-ups como agentes disruptivos: retos y oportunidades
Leaders, factions and the determinants of electoral success | 2023 |
L’impacte de la pandèmia sobre les pimes industrials catalanes
Location attributes explaining the entry of firms in creative industries: evidence from France | 2024 |
Location determinants of high-tech firms: an intra-urban approach | 2021 |
Long-memory and volatility spillovers across petroleum futures | 2022 |
Los costes energéticos y la competitividad de la industria española
Macroeconomic effects of populist radical right parties in a rational partisan model
Market power and welfare in asymmetric divisible good auctions | 2021 |
Market structure and quality determination for complementary products: Alliances and service quality in the airline industry | 2020 |
Measuring the influence of energy prices in the price formation mechanism | 2018 |
Measuring the tourism economic impact of summer university courses
Measuring tourism markets vulnerability across destinations using composite indexes | 2022 |
Metropolitan areas in the world. Delineation and population trends
Microfinance and credit rationing: does the microfinance type matter?
Mining bus travel card data for analysing mobilities in tourist regions
Moral hazard in repeated procurement of services
Moving toward personalized breast cancer screening: The role of Primary Care | 2022 |
National support for the European integration project: Does financial integration matter? | 2021 |
New empirical insights into conflicting claims problems | 2022 |
On the first-offer dilemma in bargaining and negotiations | 2020 |
On the heterogeneity of the long-term leverage-growth relationship: A cross-country analysis of manufacturing firms | 2022 |
On the optimal distribution of traffic of network airlines
Organización y costes de la atención extrahospitalaria del ictus. Revisión sistemática de la literatura | 2023 |
Partial decentralization as a way to prevent secessionist conflict
Pautes de localització industrial: estructura productiva i capital humà als municipis catalans
Pautes locacionals dels sectors innovadors a escala metropolitana
Percepción de los profesionales de salud para la toma de decisiones compartida en atención primaria: Barreras y facilitadores
Performance Evaluation: Subjectivity, Bias and Judgment Style in Sport
Platform competition and consumer foresight: The case of airports
Political leaders with professional background in business and climate outcomes | 2022 |
Pollution and congestion in urban areas: The effects of low emission zones | 2021 |
Presence of tourists and perceived safety from COVID-19 among local bus users: Evidence from a Mediterranean city | 2022 |
Price versus quantity measures to deal with pollution and congestion in urban areas: A political economy approach | 2022 |
Profiling tourists' use of public transport through smart travel card data
Quantifying the employment impacts of gross exports: a global accounting perspective | 2022 |
Quantile Risk-Return Trade-Off
Regulatory commitment versus non-commitment: Electric vehicle adoption under subsidies and emission standards | 2023 |
Research calls, competition for funding and inefficiency | 2022 |
Resilience dynamics and their determinants: The transition to coronavirus pandemic recovery | 2024 |
Resource allocations with guaranteed awards in claims problems | 2023 |
Risk attitude and wage growth: Replicating Shaw (1996)
Scenarios post foreclosure crisis in catalonia: Accumulation of housing by banks as the first step for the rise of large private landlords | 2021 |
Sequential bankruptcy problems | 2021 |
Some notes and comments on the efficient use of information in repeated games with Poisson signals
Sovereign bond spreads determinants during the last financial crisis: The European case [Determinantes de Spreads soberanos durante la reciente crisis financiera: El caso Europeo]
Spatial analysis of clustering of foreclosures in the poorest-quality housing urban areas: Evidence from Catalan cities | 2018 |
Spatial distribution of economic activities: a network approach
Spatial patterns of built structures co-determine nations level of resource demand | 2024 |
Stackelberg Social Equilibrium in Water Markets | 2023 |
Territorial tourism resilience in the COVID-19 summer | 2022 |
Text messaging as a tool to improve cancer screening programs (M-TICS Study): A randomized controlled trial protocol | 2021 |
The birth of new HGEs: internationalization through new digital technologies | 2022 |
The catalan health budget: A conflicting claims approach
The Catalan tourism subsystem: applying the methodology of subsystems in the tourism sector
The city of start-ups: Location determinants of start-ups in emergent industries in Barcelona | 2022 |
The costs associated with stroke care continuum: a systematic review | 2023 |
The determinants of CO2 prices in the EU emission trading system | 2022 |
The Determinants of Exit in a Developing Country: Core and Peripheral Regions | 2015 |
The Determinants of Tourist Use of Public Transport at the Destination | 2016 |
The diversity of the top management team and the survival and success of international companies: The case of Spanish companies with foreign direct investment in China
The duration of compulsory education and the transition to secondary education: Panel data evidence from low-income countries
The economic reaction to non-pharmaceutical interventions during Covid-19 | 2021 |
The effect of information about the benefits and harms of mammography on women's decision-making: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
The effect of information about the benefits and harms of mammography on women's decision-making: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. | 2017 |
The effects of high uncertainty risk on international stock markets
The regional anatomy of youths' educational attainment in Spain: The role of the employment structure in local labour markets
The relationship between overweight and education revisited: a test of the selection hypothesis based on adolescents’ educational aspirations | 2023 |
The Relocation of R&D establishments in France: An empirical analysis
The role of science and technology parks as firm growth boosters: an empirical analysis in Catalonia. | 2018 |
The role of time in patient participation in cancer treatment decision making: A scoping review | 2023 |
The shipping industry under the EU Green Deal: An Input-Output impact analysis
The Transition to Self-Employment and Perceived Skill-Mismatches: Panel Data Evidence from Eleven EU Countries | 2021 |
The Unanimity Rule under a Two-Agent Fixed Sequential Order Voting | 2022 |
Tourists' transport modal choices in Barcelona | 2023 |
Transport Mode Choice by Tourists Transferring from a Peripheral High-Speed Rail Station to Their Destinations: Empirical Evidence from Costa Daurada | 2019 |
Trends in African Migration to Europe: Drivers Beyond Economic Motivations
Unilateral effects screens for partial horizontal acquisitions: The generalized HHI and GUPPI | 2018 |
Using contests to design emission tax mechanisms | 2022 |
Using the contingent grouping method to value forest attributes
Validación del instrumento Informed Choice para medir la decisión informada de mamografía en mujeres chilenas usuarias de Atención Primaria de Salud
Vertical differentiation and airline alliances: The effect of antitrust immunity | 2020 |
Views of health professionals on risk-based breast cancer screening and its implementation in the Spanish National Health System: A qualitative discussion group study | 2022 |
Walking through a pandemic: How did utilitarian walking change during COVID-19? | 2023 |
Water and Agriculture in a Mediterranean Region: The Search for a Sustainable Water Policy Strategy | 2016 |
What prompts tourists to become public transportation users at their destination? The case of a Mediterranean city | 2021 |
Why does eco-innovation differ in service firms? Some insights from Spain
Women's preference to apply shared decision-making in breast cancer screening: a discrete choice experiment | 2022 |