Articles producció científica: Enginyeria Informàtica i Matemàtiques

Un totat de 529 resultats.
Títol Data
A biased-randomized algorithm for optimizing efficiency in parametric earthquake (Re) insurance solutions 2020
Abrupt transition in the structural formation of interconnected networks2013
Absolute Distance Prediction Based on Deep Learning Object Detection and Monocular Depth Estimation Models2021
Achieving security and privacy in federated learning systems: Survey, research challenges and future directions2021
A Clinical Decision Support System for Diabetic Retinopathy Screening: Creating a Clinical Support Application2019
A comparative CFD study of four inferior vena cava filters2018
A Comparative Study of Two Rule-Based Explanation Methods for Diabetic Retinopathy Risk Assessment2022
A compression strategy for an efficient TSP-based microaggregation2023
A criticality result for polycycles in a family of quadratic reversible centers 2018
A Critical Review on the Use (and Misuse) of Differential Privacy in Machine Learning2023
Actitud hacia las matemáticas de los estudiantes de quinto grado de educación primaria y autoeficacia de los profesores 2021
Active contours driven by local and global fitted image models for image segmentation robust to intensity inhomogeneity 2017
Active Contours Using Additive Local and Global Intensity Fitting Models for Intensity Inhomogeneous Image Segmentation 2016
A Curated Dataset for Crack Image Analysis: Experimental Verification and Future Perspectives2022
A Decoding Approach to Reed-Solomon Codes from Their Definition2018
A deep learning-based approach for multi-label emotion classification in Tweets2019
Adversarial Learning for Depth and Viewpoint Estimation From a Single Image2020
A feature selection strategy to optimize retinal vasculature segmentation2022
A framework for the construction of generative models for mesoscale structure in multilayer networks2020
A framework for unifying ontology-based semantic similarity measures: A study in the biomedical domain 2014
A hopfield network for the portfolio selection problem 2005
A link model approach to identify congestion hotspots2022
A Low-Cost and Do-It-Yourself Device for Pumping Monitoring in Deep Aquifers2022
A Low-Cost Multicomputer for Teaching Environments2020
A mathematical model for the spatiotemporal epidemic spreading of COVID192020
A method to determine a personalized set of online exercises for improving the positive mental health of a caregiver of a chronically ill patient2021
A model to identify urban traffic congestion hotspots in complex networks 2016
A model to identify urban traffic congestion hotspots in complex networks2016
Analogies between the geodetic number and the Steiner number of some classes of graphs2015
Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater for prevalence estimation and investigating clinical diagnostic test biases2023
Analysis of the structure of complex networks at different resolution levels2008
Analyzing the Reliability of Different Machine Radiomics Features Considering Various Segmentation Approaches in Lung Cancer CT Images2022
An Analogue of Thébault’s Theorem Linking the Radical Center of Four Spheres with the Insphere and the Monge Point of a Tetrahedron2022
An Enhanced Scheme for Reducing the Complexity of Pointwise Convolutions in CNNs for Image Classification Based on Interleaved Grouped Filters without Divisibility Constraints2022
A New Model to Compute the Information Content of Concepts from Taxonomic Knowledge2012
An Internet local routing approach based on network structural connectivity 2011
An inverse approach to the center problem 2019
Anonymization of nominal data based on semantic marginality 2013
Anonymous and secure aggregation scheme in fog-based public cloud computing2018
A note on double domination in graphs2021
µ-ANT: Semantic Microaggregation-based Anonymization Tool2020
A population-based controlled experiment assessing the epidemiological impact of digital contact tracing2021
A probabilistic approach for breast boundary extraction in mammograms 2013
A probabilistic approach for breast boundary extraction in mammograms2013
A probabilistic integrated object recognition and tracking framework2012
A Real-Time Query Log Protection Method for Web Search Engines 2020
Artificial intelligence for the study of human ageing: a systematic literature review2024
A Security Model for Randomization-based Protected Caches2022
A Seer knows best: Auto-tuned object storage shuffling for serverless analytics2024
A semantic framework for noise addition with nominal data2017
A Survey on Privacy Properties for Data Publishing of Relational Data2020
A symplectic approach to Schrodinger equations in the infinite-dimensional unbounded setting2024
Asymptotic expansion of the Dulac map and time for unfoldings of hyperbolic saddles: Coefficient properties2024
Asymptotic expansion of the Dulac map and time for unfoldings of hyperbolic saddles: General setting2021
Asymptotic expansion of the Dulac map and time for unfoldings of hyperbolic saddles: Local setting 2020
A Systematic Literature Review of Blockchain-Enabled Supply Chain Traceability Implementations2022
Atomicity and density of Puiseux monoids2021
A uniformization-based approach to preserve individuals' privacy during process mining analyses2021
Automatic assessment of privacy policies under the gdpr2021
Automatic nipple detection in breast thermograms 2016
Automatic nipple detection in breast thermograms2016
Aweu-net: An attention-aware weight excitation u-net for lung nodule segmentation2021
A White-Box Sociolinguistic Model for Gender Detection2022
Behavioural response to heterogeneous severity of COVID-19 explains temporal variation of cases among different age groups2022
BenchBox: A User-Driven Benchmarking Framework for Fat-Client Storage Systems2018
Benchmarking parallelism in FaaS platforms2021
Benchmark model to assess community structure in evolving networks2015
Bifurcation analysis of the Microscopic Markov Chain Approach to contact-based epidemic spreading in networks 2023
Bifurcations of Zeros in Translated Families of Functions and Applications 2022
Biomechanical modelling of the pelvic system: improving the accuracy of the location of neoplasms in MRI-TRUS fusion prostate biopsy2022
Biomechanical response of human rib cage to cardiopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers: Effects of the compression location2022
Blockchain-based access control system for efficient and GDPR-compliant personal data management2024
Bond percolation on multiplex networks2016
Boundary powerful k-alliances in graphs 2013
Bounds on the number of numerical semigroups of a given genus 2009
Breast cancer detection in thermal infrared images using representation learning and texture analysis methods2019
Breast Tumor Classification in Digital Tomosynthesis Based on Deep Learning Radiomics2022
Breast Tumor Classification Using Dynamic Ultrasound Sequence Pooling and Deep Transformer Features2024
Breast tumor segmentation and shape classification in mammograms using generative adversarial and convolutional neural network2020
Building a Territorial Working Group to Reduce Gender Gap in the Field of Artificial Intelligence2022
Center problem for generalized Λ-Ω differential systems2018
Centrality rankings in multiplex networks2014
Challenges in the exploitation of historical clinical data for the classification of diabetic retinopathy patients2023
Changes observed in diabetic retinopathy. Eight year follow up of a Spanish population2016
Chaotic Dynamics at the Boundary of a Basin of Attraction via Non-transversal Intersections for a Non-global Smooth Diffeomorphism2024
Characterization of interactions’ persistence in time-varying networks2023
Characterizing interactions in online social networks during exceptional events2015
Circuit-Free General-Purpose Multi-Party Computation via Co-Utile Unlinkable Outsourcing2023
Classifying Breast Tumors in Digital Tomosynthesis by Combining Image Quality-Aware Features and Tumor Texture Descriptors2024
Closed formulae for the strong metric dimension of lexicographic product graphs 2016
Closed formulae for the strong metric dimension of lexicographic product graphs2016
Closed formulas for the total Roman domination number of lexicographic product graphs2021
Clustering determines the dynamics of complex contagions in multiplex networks 2017
Coexisting chaotic and multi-periodic dynamics in a model of cardiac alternans 2014
Collective frequency variation in network synchronization and reverse PageRank2016
Collective Phenomena Emerging from the Interactions between Dynamical Processes in Multiplex Networks 2017
Collective Phenomena Emerging from the Interactions between Dynamical Processes in Multiplex Networks2017
Color-Aware Two-Branch DCNN for Efficient Plant Disease Classificat2022
Comment on "Unique in the shopping mall: On the reidentifiability of credit card metadata" 2016
Common information, matroid representation, and secret sharing for matroid ports2021
Comparing spatial networks: A one-size-fits-all efficiency-driven approach 2020
Competing spreading processes on multiplex networks: Awareness and epidemics2014
Complex systems in the spotlight: next steps after the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics2023
Comprehensive Simulation of a Software Project throughout Several Subjects 2020
Computing the k-metric dimension of graphs2017
Computing the metric dimension of a graph from primary subgraphs2017
Conditional generative adversarial and convolutional networks for X-ray breast mass segmentation and shape classification2018
Confidence-ranked reconstruction of census records from aggregate statistics fails to capture privacy risks and reidentifiability2023
Congestion Induced by the Structure of Multiplex Networks2016
Connected McMullen-like Julia sets in a Chebyshev-Halley family2024
Connecting intercity mobility with urban welfare2022
Conocimiento matemático de estudiantes para docentes de Educación Primaria: Análisis de variables2021
Contagion-diffusion processes with recurrent mobility patterns of distinguishable agents2022
Continuous Dynamic Update of Fuzzy Random Forests2022
Corona metric spaces: Basic properties, universal lines, and the metric dimension2022
Correspondence consensus of two sets of correspondences through optimisation functions2017
Cost of diabetic retinopathy and macular oedema in a population, an eight year follow up 2016
Co-utile disclosure of private data in social networks2018
Co-Utile Peer-to-Peer Decentralized Computing2020
Co-Utility: Self-Enforcing protocols for the mutual benefit of participants 2017
C-sanitized: A privacy model for document redaction and sanitization2016
Database Reconstruction Is Not So Easy and Is Different from Reidentification2023
Decentralized k-anonymization of trajectories via privacy-preserving tit-for-tat2022
Decongestion of Urban Areas with Hotspot Pricing2018
Deep learning-based survival prediction of brain tumor patients using attention-guided 3D convolutional neural network with radiomics approach from multimodality magnetic resonance imaging 2023
Deep learning-based survival prediction of brain tumor patients using attention-guided 3D convolutional neural network with radiomics approach from multimodality magnetic resonance imaging2024
Degree of intervality of food webs: From body-size data to models2013
Derivation of the effective reproduction number R for COVID-19 in relation to mobility restrictions and confinement2020
Detecting Breast Tumors in Tomosynthesis Images Utilizing Deep Learning-Based Dynamic Ensemble Approach 2023
Detecting Breast Tumors in Tomosynthesis Images Utilizing Deep Learning-Based Dynamic Ensemble Approach2023
Detection of timescales in evolving complex systems 2016
Detection of timescales in evolving complex systems2016
Differences in Collaboration Patterns across Discipline, Career Stage, and Gender 2016
Differences in Collaboration Patterns across Discipline, Career Stage, and Gender2016
Differentially private publication of database streams via hybrid video coding2022
Diffusion and Synchronization Dynamics Reveal the Multi-Scale Patterns of Spatial Segregation2022
Diffusion dynamics on multiplex networks 2013
Diffusion dynamics on multiplex networks2013
Diffusion Geometry Unravels the Emergence of Functional Clusters in Collective Phenomena 2017
Dimension Reduction of Multidimensional Structured and Unstructured Datasets through Ensemble Learning of Neural Embeddings2024
Disorder induces explosive synchronization2014
Distributed multicast of fingerprinted content based on a rational peer-to-peer community2013
Distribution of Microaneurysms and Hemorrhages in Accordance with the Grading of Diabetic Retinopathy in Type Diabetes Patients2024
Dominating the direct product of two graphs through total Roman strategies 2020
Double domination in lexicographic product graphs 2020
Double domination in rooted product graphs2023
Dynamical interplay between awareness and epidemic spreading in multiplex networks2013
Dynamic group size accreditation and group discounts preserving anonymity2018
Dynamics of a Family of Rational Operators of Arbitrary Degree2021
Dynamics of the Secant map near infinity2022
Effective Approaches to Fetal Brain Segmentation in MRI and Gestational Age Estimation by Utilizing a Multiview Deep Inception Residual Network and Radiomics2022
Effective ML-based quality of life prediction approach for dependent people in guardianship entities2023
Effectiveness of an App for tobacco cessation in pregnant smokers (TOBBGEST): study protocol 2022
Effectiveness of social marketing strategies to reduce youth obesity in European school-based interventions: A systematic review and meta-analysis 2016
Effect of Denoising in Band Selection for Regression Tasks in Hyperspectral Datasets 2013
Effect of Lipids on Diabetic Retinopathy in a Large Cohort of Diabetic Patients after 10 Years of Follow-Up2023
Effects of walking in deep venous thrombosis: a new integrated solid and fluid mechanics model2017
Efficient deep learning-based semantic mapping approach using monocular vision for resource-limited mobile robots2022
Efficient Fundus Image Gradeability Approach Based on Deep Reconstruction-Classification Network2021
Efficient group signatures for privacy-preserving vehicular networks 2015
Efficient Multi-Organ Multi-Center Cell Nuclei Segmentation Method Based on Deep Learnable Aggregation Network2021
Efficient Stain-Aware Nuclei Segmentation Deep Learning Framework for Multi-Center Histopathological Images2021
Efficient Staining-Invariant Nuclei Segmentation Approach Using Self-Supervised Deep Contrastive Network2022
EHealth Solutions for the Integrated Healthcare 2018
Elementos auxiliares de construcción en la arquitectura gótica. El pilar «major» de la catedral de Tortosa. 2015
El uso de metodologías altamente competenciales de Educación Física para el aprendizaje de la orientación espacial en Primaria2018
Emergence of explosive synchronization bombs in networks of oscillators2022
Emergence of protective behaviour under different risk perceptions to disease spreading2022
Emergence of spatial transitions in urban congestion dynamics2021
Enabling semantic similarity estimation across multiple ontologies: An evaluation in the biomedical domain2012
Energy-Aware Topology Control Strategy for Human-Centric Wireless Sensor Networks 2014
Enhanced wireless channel estimation through parametric optimization of hybrid ray launching-collaborative filtering technique2020
Enhancing Fair Tourism Opportunities in Emerging Destinations by Means of Multi-criteria Recommender Systems: The Case of Restaurants in Riohacha, Colombia2024
Enhancing spatial ability and mechanical reasoning through a STEM course2018
Enhancing spatio-chromatic representation with more-Than-Three color coding for image description2017
Enhancing the stability of the synchronization of multivariable coupled oscillators2015
Epidemic spreading: Tailored models for COVID-192020
Erratum to: A hierarchical multi-criteria sorting approach for recommender systems 2016
Estimation Model for Bread Quality Proficiency Using Fuzzy Weighted Relevance Vector Machine Classifier2021
Evaluation of the COVID-19 response in Spain: principles and requirements2020
Evolution of Cooperation in Multiplex Networks2012
Evolution of cooperation in the presence of higher-order interactions: From networks to hypergraphs2020
Evolving activity cascades on socio-technological networks2018
Explainable, automated urban interventions to improve pedestrian and vehicle safety2021
Explaining Image Misclassification in Deep Learning via Adversarial Examples2021
Explaining predictions and attacks in federated learning via random forests2023
Exploring Efficacy of a Serious Game (Tobbstop) for Smoking Cessation During Pregnancy: Randomized Controlled Trial2019
External Monitoring Changes in Vehicle Hardware Profiles: Enhancing Automotive Cyber-Security2019
Fair detection of poisoning attacks in federated learning on non-i.i.d. data2023
Fast Transmission to Remote Cooperative Groups: A New Key Management Paradigm2013
FCA-Net: Adversarial Learning for Skin Lesion Segment Lion Based on Multi-Scale Features and Factorized Channel Attention2019
Feature Selection and Outliers Detection with Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks 2005
Federated learning-based natural language processing: a systematic literature review2024
Fetal brain tissue annotation and segmentation challenge results2023
FGR-Net: Interpretable fundus image gradeability classification based on deep reconstruction learning2024
Finding the most sustainable wind farm sites with a hierarchical outranking decision aiding method2022
Flexible attribute-based encryption applicable to secure e-healthcare records2015
Food places classification in egocentric images using Siamese neural networks2019
Formalization and acquisition of temporal knowledge for decision support in medical processes 2018
From Italian domination in lexicographic product graphs to w-domination in graphs2022
From Modular to Centralized Organization of Synchronization in Functional Areas of the Cat Cerebral Cortex2010
From the quasi-total strong differential to quasi-total italian domination in graphs2021
From the Strong Differential to Italian Domination in Graphs2021
From w-Domination in Graphs to Domination Parameters in Lexicographic Product Graphs2023
FRR: Fair remote retrieval of outsourced private medical records in electronic health networks2014
Full quadrant approximations for the arctangent function2013
Fully Automated Breast Density Segmentation and Classification Using Deep Learning2020
Functional Multiplex PageRank 2016
Functional strengthening through synaptic scaling upon connectivity disruption in neuronal cultures2020
Fuzzy-LORE: A Method for Extracting Local and Counterfactual Explanations Using Fuzzy Decision Trees2022
General Confidentiality and Utility Metrics for Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing Based on the Permutation Model2021
Generalized Rings Around the McMullen Domain 2019
Generating Deep Learning Model-Specific Explanations at the End User's Side2022
Generation and control of locomotion patterns for biped robots by using central pattern generators 2017
Generation of Synthetic Trajectory Microdata from Language Models 2022
Geometric determination of the hyperbolic paraboloids of the vaults in the entrance porch to the Crypt of Colonia Guell by Antoni Gaudi2019
Give more data, awareness and control to individual citizens, and they will help COVID-19 containment2020
Give more data, awareness and control to individual citizens, and they will help COVID-19 containment2021
Giving wings to your data: A first experience of Personal Cloud interoperability 2017
Giving wings to your data: A first experience of Personal Cloud interoperability2018
Global dynamics of the real secant method 2019
Glomerular Filtration Rate and/or Ratio of Urine Albumin to Creatinine as Markers for Diabetic Retinopathy. A Ten-Year Follow-Up Study2018
Greedy Routing in Circulant Networks2022
Grouped Pointwise Convolutions Significantly Reduces Parameters in EfficientNet2021
Group of components detection in engineering drawings based on graph matching2021
Hierarchical Approach to Classify Food Scenes in Egocentric Photo-Streams 2020
Higher-order interactions can better optimize network synchronization2021
Higher order interactions in complex networks of phase oscillators promote abrupt synchronization switching2020
Homophily impacts the success of vaccine roll-outs2022
Homophily in the adoption of digital proximity tracing apps shapes the evolution of epidemics2021
Ideals of Numerical Semigroups and Error-Correcting Codes 2019
Identification of robust retailing location patterns with complex network approaches2022
Impact of implementing a long-term STEM-based active learning course on students' motivation 2019
Impact of temporal scales and recurrent mobility patterns on the unfolding of epidemics2020
Improved prognostic classification of breast cancer defined by antagonistic activation patterns of immune response pathway modules2010
Improved salp-swarm optimizer and accurate forecasting model for dynamic economic dispatch in sustainable power systems2020
Improving multivariate microaggregation through hamiltonian paths and optimal univariate microaggregation2021
Improving the Linear Programming Technique in the Search for Lower Bounds in Secret Sharing 2020
Increasingly Enumerable Submonoids of : Music Theory as a Unifying Theme 2020
Individual differential privacy: A utility-preserving formulation of differential privacy guarantees 2017
Individualized 3D scanning and printing for non-melanoma skin cancer brachytherapy: A financial study for its integration into clinical workflow2017
Induced Unbalanced Linguistic Ordered Weighted Average and its application in multi-person decision making 2014
Infectious disease dynamics in metapopulations with heterogeneous transmission and recurrent mobility2021
Inferring preferences in ontology-based recommender systems using WOWA 2019
Influence of trust in the spreading of information 2017
Influence of trust in the spreading of information2017
Information Security and Privacy in Railway Transportation: A Systematic Review2022
Information transfer in community structured multiplex networks2015
Insight on how to assess and improve the response to the COVID-19 pandemic [Reflexiones sobre cómo evaluar y mejorar la respuesta a la pandemia de COVID-19]2022
Interactive online learning for graph matching using active strategies2020
Interplay between k -core and community structure in complex networks 2020
Interplay between population density and mobility in determining the spread of epidemics in cities2021
Introducing semantic variables in mixed distance measures: Impact on hierarchical clustering 2014
Introducing sentiment analysis of textual reviews in a multi-criteria decision aid system2021
Investigation of the Effects of an Inferior Vena Cava Filter and Captured Clot Size on the Hemodynamic Parameters in Non-Newtonian Turbulent Pulsatile Blood Flow2023
In vitro evaluation of antifungal drug combinations against sarocladium (Acremonium) kiliense, an opportunistic emergent fungus resistant to antifungal therapies2014
Invoice #31415 attached: Automated analysis of malicious Microsoft Office documents2022
IOStack: Software-Defined Object Storage 2016
Isometry-dual flags of AG codes 2020
Justification about the existence and location of Chartres' cathedral labyrinth based on astronomy and geometry 2019
Keynet: An asymmetric key-style framework for watermarking deep learning models2021
Knowledge of numbers and geometry of pre-service teachers in the primary education degree [Conhecimento dos Números e Geometria dos futuros professores do Ensino Primário]2021
Learning ensemble classifiers for diabetic retinopathy assessment2018
Learning the Edit Costs of Graph Edit Distance Applied to Ligand-Based Virtual Screening2020
Learning the Graph Edit Costs Based on a Learning Model Applied to Sub-optimal Graph Matching2020
Les taules de multiplicar a través d’imatges 2014
Les taules de multiplicar a través d'imatges 2014
LezioSeg: Multi-Scale Attention Affine-Based CNN for Segmenting Diabetic Retinopathy Lesions in Images2023
Ligand-based virtual screening based on the graph edit distance2021
Ligand-based virtual screening using graph edit distance as molecular similarity measure 2019
Light Effects of the Rose Windows in Mallorca Cathedral2023
Link quality prediction in wireless community networks using deep recurrent neural networks2020
Local-based semantic navigation on a networked representation of information 2012
Local bounds for the optimal information ratio of secret sharing schemes 2019
Local synthesis for disclosure limitation that satisfies probabilistic k-anonymity criterion 2017
Local synthesis for disclosure limitation that satisfies probabilistic k-anonymity criterion 2017
LungINFseg: Segmenting COVID-19 Infected Regions in Lung CT Images Based on a Receptive-Field-Aware Deep Learning Framework2021
Machine Learning Based Method for Estimating Energy Losses in Large-Scale Unbalanced Distribution Systems with Photovoltaics2020
Machine Learning Methods for Automatic Gender Detection2022
Making it easy for transport stakeholders to share mobility data 2023
Mapping multiplex hubs in human functional brain networks 2016
Market Imitation and Win-Stay Lose-Shift Strategies Emerge as Unintended Patterns in Market Direction Guesses2016
Maternal Nutritional Factors Enhance Birthweight Prediction: A Super Learner Ensemble Approach2024
Mathematical knowledge of elementary education student teachers: variable analysis2021
Mathematics Teaching Efficacy Belief and Attitude of Pre-service Teachers and Academic Achievement2022
Mathematics teaching self-efficacy and outcome expectancy of pre-service and in-service primary education teachers 2020
m-Carer: Privacy-Aware Monitoring for People with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia 2013
MemberShield: A framework for federated learning with membership privacy2025
Memory selection and information switching in oscillator networks with higher-order interactions2021
Mesoscopic Structure Conditions the Emergence of Cooperation on Social Networks2008
Message-passing approach to epidemic tracing and mitigation with apps2021
Methods and measures to quantify ICU patient heterogeneity2021
Microaggregation- and permutation-based anonymization of movement data2012
Minimizing the disclosure risk of semantic correlations in document sanitization 2013
MLLESS: Achieving cost efficiency in serverless machine learning training2024
Modeling Abnormal Priming in Alzheimer's Patients with a Free Association Network2011
Modeling Communicable Diseases, Human Mobility, and Epidemics: A Review2022
Modeling international crisis synchronization in the World Trade Web 2012
Modeling structure and resilience of the dark network 2017
Modeling the Spatiotemporal Epidemic Spreading of COVID-19 and the Impact of Mobility and Social Distancing Interventions2020
Molecular characterization of Vitis vinifera L. local cultivars from volcanic areas (Canary Islands and Madeira) using SSR markers 2019
MONET: a toolbox integrating top-performing methods for network modularization2020
Monocular Depth Estimation Using Deep Learning: A Review2022
Monocular depth map estimation based on a multi-scale deep architecture and curvilinear saliency feature boosting2022
MSClique: Multiple structure discovery through the maximum weighted clique problem2016
Multi-Dimensional Randomized Response2022
Multilayer networks2014
Multi-level medical knowledge formalization to support medical practice for chronic diseases 2019
Multi Objective Genetic Algorithm for Optimal Route Selection from a Set of Recommended Touristic Activities2022
Multiple abrupt phase transitions in urban transport congestion2021
Network clique cover approximation to analyze complex contagions through group interactions2021
New inequalities involving the geometric-arithmetic index 2017
New inequalities involving the geometric-arithmetic index2017
Nonperturbative heterogeneous mean-field approach to epidemic spreading in complex networks2011
Non-selective distribution of infectious disease prevention may outperform risk-based targeting2022
Nonunique UPGMA clusterings of microsatellite markers2022
Obtaining the consensus of multiple correspondences between graphs through online learning2017
On controlling networks of limit-cycle oscillators 2016
On controlling networks of limit-cycle oscillators.2016
On Determining Suitable Embedded Devices for Deep Learning Models2021
On distances in generalized Sierpinski graphs2018
One-Out-of-q OT Combiners2024
On generalized sierpi¿ski graphs 2017
On Improving Breast Density Segmentation Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks2018
Online human assisted and cooperative pose estimation of 2D cameras 2016
Online human assisted and cooperative pose estimation of 2D cameras2016
On real time image processing on a network of PCs 2005
On the (adjacency) metric dimension of corona and strong product graphs and their local variants: combinatorial and computational results2018
On the basin of attraction of a critical three-cycle of a model for the secant map2024
On the basins of attraction of a one-dimensional family of root finding algorithms: from Newton to Traub2023
On the cyclicity of Kolmogorov polycycles2022
On the Inclination of a Flying Buttress Arch2022
On the k-metric dimension of metric spaces 2019
On The (k,t)-Metric Dimension Of Graphs2021
On the number of stable solutions in the Kuramoto model2023
On the number of vertices of projective polytopes2023
On the optimal resistance against mafia and distance fraud in distance-bounding protocols2023
On the Outer-Independent Roman Domination in Graphs 2020
On the 2-Packing Differential of a Graph2021
On the Roman domination number of generalized Sierpiński graphs2017
On the Secure Total Domination Number of Graphs2019
On the separatrix graph of a rational vector field on the Riemann sphere2021
On the super domination number of graphs2020
On the super domination number of lexicographic product graphs 2019
On the weak Roman domination number of lexicographic product graphs 2019
Optimal map of the modular structure of complex networks2010
Optimal prediction of decisions and model selection in social dilemmas using block models2018
Optimal Voltage Control in Distribution Systems with Intermittent PV Using Multiobjective Grey-Wolf-Lévy Optimizer 2020
Outsourcing analyses on privacy-protected multivariate categorical data stored in untrusted clouds2020
Outsourcing scalar products and matrix products on privacy-protected unencrypted data stored in untrusted clouds2018
Parametric Design of Triangulated Tensile Spoke-Wheels With Bi-Convex Profile for Roof Structures on Elliptical Stadium Stands2024
Pattern formation and bifurcation analysis of delay induced fractional-order epidemic spreading on networks2023
Percolation in networks with local homeostatic plasticity2022
Perfect Domination, Roman Domination and Perfect Roman Domination in Lexicographic Product Graphs2022
Performance Analysis of ZigBee Wireless Networks for AAL through Hybrid Ray Launching and Collaborative Filtering2016
Personalized routing for multitudes in smart cities 2015
Perspectives from the NanoSafety Modelling Cluster on the validation criteria for (Q)SAR models used in nanotechnology2018
Predicting Breast Tumor Malignancy Using Deep ConvNeXt Radiomics and Quality-Based Score Pooling in Ultrasound Sequences2022
Predicting Intensive Care Unit Patients’ Discharge Date with a Hybrid Machine Learning Model That Combines Length of Stay and Days to Discharge 2023
Predicting Personalized Quality of Life of an Intellectually Disabled Person Utilizing Machine Learning2022
Predicting topology propagation messages in mobile ad hoc networks: The value of history2020
Pre-service teachers’ belief about the efficacy of their mathematics teaching: A case study2021
Privacy and security in cognitive cities: A systematic review2021
Privacy-aware loyalty programs2016
Privacy-preserving and advertising-friendly web surfing2018
Privacy-preserving data outsourcing in the cloud via semantic data splitting 2017
Privacy-preserving process mining: A microaggregation-based approach2022
Privacy protection of textual attributes through a semantic-based masking method2012
Probabilistic Discrete-Time Models for Spreading Processes in Complex Networks: A Review2024
Proceso de rotura de una cúpula oval en la catedral de Tortosa. Análisis del mecanismo de colapso 2013
Promising Deep Semantic Nuclei Segmentation Models for Multi-Institutional Histopathology Images of Different Organs2021
Promising Depth Map Prediction Method from a Single Image Based on Conditional Generative Adversarial Network2021
Protection of Graphs with Emphasis on Cartesian Product Graphs2019
Protection of Lexicographic Product Graphs2022
Provably secure public-key encryption with conjunctive and subset keyword search 2019
Pulsating campaigns of human prophylaxis driven by risk perception palliate oscillations of direct contact transmitted diseases2020
Quantifying the diaspora of knowledge in the last century2016
Quantifying the Performance of Individual Players in a Team Activity 2010
Quantitative account of social interactions in a mental health care ecosystem: cooperation, trust and collective action2018
Quantum-Like Approaches Unveil the Intrinsic Limits of Predictability in Compartmental Models2024
Quantum Navigation and Ranking in Complex Networks 2012
Quasi-Ordinarization Transform of a Numerical Semigroup2021
Query profile obfuscation by means of optimal query exchange between users2012
Random walk centrality in interconnected multilayer networks 2016
Real-Time Communication Support for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks2017
Real-world outcomes of a clinical decision support system for diabetic retinopathy in Spain2022
Recent advances in healthcare software: Toward context-aware and smart solutions2017
Recognizing Food Places in Egocentric Photo-Streams Using Multi-Scale Atrous Convolutional Networks and Self-Attention Mechanism2019
Redefining the Graph Edit Distance2021
Referable Diabetic Retinopathy Prediction Algorithm Applied to a Population of 120,389 Type 2 Diabetics over 11 Years Follow-Up2024
Referenceless Image Quality Assessment Utilizing Deep Transfer-Learned Features2022
Regions-of-interest discovering and predicting in smartphone environments2018
Reliable and Rapid Traffic Congestion Detection Approach Based on Deep Residual Learning and Motion Trajectories 2020
Reliable Deep Learning Plant Leaf Disease Classification Light-Chroma Separated BranchesBased on2021
Reliable Scene Recognition Approach for Mobile Robots with Limited Resources Based on Deep Learning and Neuro-Fuzzy Inference2022
Reliable Solar Irradiance Forecasting Approach Based on Choquet Integral and Deep LSTMs2021
Replacement techniques for dynamic NUCA cache designs on CMPs 2013
Research trends, challenges, and emerging topics in digital forensics: A review of reviews2022
Resolució de problemes i aprenentatge de les matemàtiques escolars 2022
Retrospective study of the first wave of covid-19 in Spain: Analysis of counterfactual scenarios2023
Roman domination in cartesian product graphs and strong product graphs2013
Round-Efficient and Sender-Unrestricted Dynamic Group Key Agreement Protocol for Secure Group Communications2015
Routing Drones in Smart Cities: A Biased-Randomized Algorithm for Solving the Team Orienteering Problem in Real Time2020
SafeMove: monitoring seniors with mild cognitive impairments using deep learning and location prediction2022
Scheduling real-time traffic in underwater acoustic wireless sensor networks2016
Secure and Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning via Co-Utility2022
Secure domination in rooted product graphs2021
Secure Italian domination in graphs2021
Secure many-to-one communications in wireless sensor networks2009
Secure monitoring in IoT-based services via fog orchestration2020
Secure total domination in rooted product graphs2020
Secure w-domination in graphs2020
Security and Privacy Analysis of Mobile Health Applications: The Alarming State of Practice2018
Security and Privacy in a Blockchain-Powered Access Control System for Low Emission Zones2023
Segmentation of Left and Right Ventricles in Cardiac MRI Using Active Contours 2017
Semantic analysis and the evolution towards participative branding: Do locals communicate the same destination brand values as DMOs?2018
Semantic comparison of the emotional values communicated by destinations and tourists in social media 2017
Semantic disclosure control: semantics meets data privacy2018
Semantic microaggregation for the anonymization of query logs using the Open Directory Project2011
Sensors for context-aware smart healthcare: A security perspective2021
SiTAKA at SemEval-2017 Task 4: Sentiment Analysis in Twitter Based on a Rich Set of Features2017
Size reduction of complex networks preserving modularity2007
SLSNet: Skin lesion segmentation using a lightweight generative adversarial network2021
Smart Health-Enhanced Early Mobilisation in Intensive Care Units2021
Smart Health in the 6G Era: Bringing Security to Future Smart Health Services2024
Software-based remote memory attestation using quantum entanglement2024
SoK: cross-border criminal investigations and digital evidence2022
Solution of the Chen-Chvatal conjecture for specific classes of metric spaces2021
Some basics on privacy techniques, anonymization and their big data challenges 2018
Spontaneous Facial Behavior Analysis Using Deep Transformer-based Framework for Child-computer Interaction2024
Spreading dynamics in networks under context-dependent behavior2023
Stability of Boolean multilevel networks2012
Stone sawing machine at the Temple of Artemis in Jerash, Jordan 2023
Strategical incoherence regulates cooperation in social dilemmas on multiplex networks2015
Strong resolving graphs: the realization and the characterization problems2018
Structural Patterns in Complex Systems Using Multidendrograms2013
Study of the Effects Created by the Sunlight Passing Through the Rose Windows of Mallorca Cathedral 2024
Study of the period function of a two-parameter family of centers 2017
Study of the period function of a two-parameter family of centers 2017
Survey and evaluation of Web search engine hit counts as research tools in computational linguistics2018
Symmetry-breaking mechanism for the formation of cluster chimera patterns2022
Systematic calculation of flying buttress parameters by means of geometric regression2022
Taxation and evasion: a dynamic model 2022
Tempered monoids of real numbers, the golden fractal monoid, and the well-tempered harmonic semigroup 2019
The adjacency dimension of graphs2022
The counterfactual framework in Jarmin et al. is not a measure of disclosure risk of respondents2024
The criticality of reversible quadratic centers at the outer boundary of its period annulus2022
The effect of hba1c variability as a risk measure for microangiopathy in type 1 diabetes mellitus2021
The equidistant dimension of graphs: NP-completeness and the case of lexicographic product graphs2024
The impact of pixel resolution, integration scale, preprocessing, and feature normalization on texture analysis for mass classification in mammograms 2016
The impact of pixel resolution, integration scale, preprocessing, and feature normalization on texture analysis for mass classification in mammograms2016
The interconnection between independent reactive control policies drives the stringency of local containment2022
The Isometry-Dual Property in Flags of Two-Point Algebraic Geometry Codes2022
The k-Metric Dimension of a Unicyclic Graph2021
The Local Metric Dimension of the Lexicographic Product of Graphs 2019
The metric dimension of strong product graphs2015
The MultiFurcating Neighbor-Joining Algorithm for Reconstructing Polytomic Phylogenetic Trees2023
The multiplex network of human diseases2019
The non-smooth and bi-objective team orienteering problem with soft constraints 2020
The period of the limit cycle bifurcating from a persistent polycycle2024
The power of swarming in personal clouds under bandwidth budget 2016
The pursuit of citizens' privacy: A privacy-aware smart city is possible 2013
The Resilience of the Multirelational Structure of Geopolitical Treaties is Critically Linked to Past Colonial World Order and Offshore Fiscal Havens2023
The right-generators descendant of a numerical semigroup2020
Thermal Instability analysis of an elastico-viscous nanofluid layer 2018
The semigroup of combinatorial configurations2012
The simultaneous local metric dimension of graph families2017
The Simultaneous Strong Metric Dimension of Graph Families 2016
The strong metric dimension of generalized Sierpinski graphs with pendant vertices2017
The Symmetric Key Equation for Reed-Solomon Codes and a New Perspective on the Berlekamp-Massey Algorithm 2019
The Text Anonymization Benchmark (TAB): A Dedicated Corpus and Evaluation Framework for Text Anonymization2022
The Use of Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Smart Classrooms is in Its Infancy2024
Time Series Analysis to Predict End-to-End Quality of Wireless Community Networks2019
Time Series Analysis to Predict Link Quality of Wireless Community Networks2015
Tongues in degree 4 Blaschke products 2016
Topological Properties of the Immediate Basins of Attraction for the Secant Method2021
Topological traps control flow on real networks: The case of coordination failures2010
Total domination in rooted product graphs2020
Total Mutual-Visibility in Graphs with Emphasis on Lexicographic and Cartesian Products2023
Total Protection of Lexicographic Product Graphs2022
Total Roman Domination Number of Rooted Product Graphs 2020
Total Weak Roman Domination in Graphs2019
Toward computational and experimental characterisation for risk assessment of metal oxide nanoparticles2018
Toward sensitive document release with privacy guarantees 2017
Tracking and Predicting End-to-End Quality in Wireless Community Networks 2015
Tracking and predicting link quality in wireless community networks 2014
Tracking traders' understanding of the market using e-communication data2011
Transformer-Based Radiomics for Predicting Breast Tumor Malignancy Score in Ultrasonography2022
Transparent serverless execution of Python multiprocessing applications2023
Triggerflow: Trigger-based orchestration of serverless workflows2021
Two conjectures by Victor Thébault linking tetrahedra with quadrics. 2015
Two new topological indices based on graph adjacency matrix eigenvalues and eigenvectors2019
T-YOLO: Tiny vehicle detection based on YOLO and multi-scale convolutional neural networks2023
Una escalera suspendida 2014
Uncertainty propagation in complex networks: From noisy links to critical properties2020
Unsupervised clustering analysis: A multiscale complex networks approach2012
Unsupervised machine learning application to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis in medical research2016
Using a history-based approach to predict topology control information in mobile ad hoc networks 2014
Utility-Preserving Privacy Protection of Textual Documents via Word Embeddings2023
Utility preserving query log anonymization via semantic microaggregation2013
Utility-preserving sanitization of semantically correlated terms in textual documents 2014
Validación de la escala de actitud ante la programación2021
Validation of a Deep Learning Algorithm for Diabetic Retinopathy 2020
Validation of a Diagnostic Support System for Diabetic Retinopathy Based on Clinical Parameters2021
Variables influyentes en la autoeficacia de la enseñanza de las matemáticas de profesores en servicio. 2022
Virtual simulation of the biomechanics of the abdominal wall with different stoma locations2022
Virus spread versus contact tracing: Two competing contagion processes2021
Vortex-induced vibrations of a circular cylinder with a pair of control rods of varying size2018
Weak Roman domination in rooted product graphs2021
Web-based efficient dual attention networks to detect COVID-19 from X-ray images2020
Weierstrass semigroup at m+1 rational points inmaximal curves which cannot be covered by the Hermitian curve 2020
WEU-Net: A Weight Excitation U-Net for Lung Nodule Segmentation2021
Working at the web search engine side to generate privacy-preserving user profiles 2016