An evolution of Korean literary translation into English through its paratexts (1951–2000)
An experimental study on grammatical sensitivity and production competence in Chinese and Spanish EFL learners and its implications on EFL teaching methods | 2023 |
An interview with Jonathan Rosa, expert in language, race, and education
Arminius: un estudi onomástic
Aspectos culturales en los manuales de E/LE destinados a alumnos de español fuera de sus fronteras lingüísticas: El Caso de los Manuales de español para argelinos | 2020 |
A theoretical journey from social constructivism to digital storytelling | 2021 |
A typology of translation solutions
Avaluant en temps de COVID-19: Les proves invertides o flipped exams per a una avaluació fiable i formadora
Bilinguals are better than monolinguals in detecting manipulative discourse | 2021 |
Captions in l2 learning from language teachers’ perspective: What do teachers believe and do?
Challenges in promoting an inclusive educational environment for british children: Issues of race, ethnicity and social class
Desarrollo de un test de nivel de comprensión pragmática para estudiantes sinohablantes de español como lengua extranjera | 2020 |
Developing Teaching Competences With Service-Learning Projects
Differential Object Marking in 19th Century Spanish in Catalonia: register and language contact | 2022 |
Discourses of Regulation and Resistance: Censoring Translation in the Stalin and Khrushchev Era Soviet Union | 2017 |
Disseny d’una simulació judicial multilingüe per futurs traductors, intèrprets i operadors jurídics: Col•laboració interdepartamental
Effect of Cooperative Learning Instruction and Blogs on Apprehension of Intercultural Communication
Effect of Cooperative Learning Instruction and Blogs on Apprehension of Intercultural Communication | 2019 |
Effect of Gamification on students’ motivation and learning achievement in Second Language Acquisition within higher education: a literature review 2011-2019 | 2020 |
Effect of translation strategies in reading manga: A reception experiment
El Mapa Lingüístico Argelino
El mito de Sigurdo I de Noruega como cruzado
English as a Foreign Language: Listening to Students and Teachers, a Case Study in LAO PDR | 2021 |
Enhancing urban culture awareness and anti-racism values in the efl classroom
ESP1 within ESP: the design and implementation of a pronunciation module in a technical English course
Estudiantes sinohablantes de español en programas de inmersión lingüística: ¿fusión de metodologías?
Evolution of images of Korea in the paratexts to Korean literature in English translation | 2021 |
Feedback and mobile instant messaging: Using whatsapp as a feedback tool in EFL
Foreign Language Learning In Knowledge Forums: using a knowledge-building forum in an EFL classroom | 2019 |
Formulaic Sequences in the Written Production of L2 Learners of English
Generic and action-dependent abilities in Spanish 'Be capable' | 2018 |
Hidden Struggles: Presentations of Korea in Translated Korean Literature
La confianza de los estudiantes de traducción en la traducción automática: ¿demasiado buena para ser verdad? | 2021 |
Language Choice and Researcher's Stance in a Multilingual Ethnographic Fieldwork
Language policy and the internationalization of universities: A focus on Estonian higher education
Language processing at its trickiest: Grammatical illusions and heuristics of judgment
Language(s), culture(s), ethnicity(-ies), social class and religious background: Intersections in researcher's identity and ethnography
Mid-level generalizations of generative linguistics: Experimental robustness, cognitive underpinnings and the interdisciplinarity paradox
Mind the (terminological) gap: 10 misused, ambiguous, or polysemous terms in linguistics | 2021 |
Morphosyntactic inconsistency in cross-linguistic transfer: Pedagogical implications for teaching English questions to Chinese EFL learners | 2021 |
Multiple Strategies Approach and EFL Reading Comprehension of Learners with Dyslexia: Teachers' Perceptions | 2018 |
73% of the observed bilingual (dis)advantageous effects on cognition stem from sociolinguistic factors: A systematic review | 2023 |
On "free" grammatical variation in a mixed lect: Clitic placement in Cypriot Greek | 2021 |
On the phantom-like appearance of bilingualism effects on neurocognition: (How) should we proceed? | 2021 |
Preliminary study for the creation of a test of pragmatics for Chinese students of Spanish as a foreign language | 2020 |
Promoting translanguaging (or not) in the ESP classroom: An analysis of monoglossic and heteroglossic practices and discourses | 2022 |
Questionnaire for the Assessment of Self-Disgust: The psychometric testing among mental disorders in China | 2020 |
Research skills in Translation Studies: What we need training in
Revisiting the past, narrating war memories: retelling the Falklands War in a soldier’s song | 2021 |
Risk mitigation in translator decisions | 2018 |
Second language learning in knowledge forums: an analysis of L2 acquisition of students participating in the knowledge building international project | 2019 |
Should raw machine translation be used for public-health information? Suggestions for a multilingual communication policy in Catalonia
Systematic testing of three Language Models reveals low language accuracy, absence of response stability, and a yes-response bias
Test de nivel de comprensión pragmática para estudiantes sinohablantes de español como lengua extranjera | 2021 |
Tests para la evaluación/correlación de la competencia pragmática y gramatical en estudiantes sinohablantes de español | 2023 |
'That's how you make the most out of a stay': Positionings within, and perspectives on, the truly intercultural experience during study abroad | 2018 |
The Effect of Text Messaging on EFL Learners' Lexical Depth and Breadth | 2021 |
The Myth of Sigurd of Norway as a Crusader
The pedagogical value of translation solution types
The Reflection of Vocabulary Implementation Through Educational Texting on EFL Learner's Reading Skill | 2021 |
Tradução e aprendizado de línguas como opções políticas: questões de custo e desenvolvimento de literacia | 2023 |
Translating linguistic variation: Parody and the creation of authenticity | 2022 |
Translation as an instrument for multilingual democracy
Translation skill-sets in a machine-translation age
Translation Studies in Europe - reasons for it, and problems to work on | 2014 |
Tribuna: Nous camins per la nordística medieval
Where Translation Studies lost the plot Relations with language teaching
Work placements in doctoral research training in the humanities: Eight cases from Translation Studies