Articles producció científica: Història i Història de l'Art

Un totat de 307 resultats.
Títol Data
Abundance or stress? Faunal exploitation patterns and subsistence strategies: The case study of Brush Hut 1 at Ohalo II, a submerged 23,000-year-old camp in the Sea of Galilee, Israel2022
Accumulation agents and bird assemblages: The case of the TE9d level at Sima del Elefante (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain)2022
A contextual approach to women's entrepreneurship in Latin America: Impacting research and public policy2021
Age and Date for Early Arrival of the Acheulian in Europe (Barranc de la Boella, la Canonja, Spain) 2014
A Generalised Neural Network Model to Estimate Sex from Cranial Metric Traits: A Robust Training and Testing Approach2022
A Granularity-Based Intelligent Tutoring System for Zooarchaeology 2019
A multilevel analytical framework for studying cultural evolution in prehistoric hunter-gatherer societies 2020
A multilingual Romance-language lexicon for manufactured objects2019
A multi-technique approach to characterization: the Sant Marti de Tous chert as a prehistoric resource for the NE of the Iberian Peninsula2023
Analysis and classification of Middle Palaeolithic lithic raw materials from Teixoneres cave: Project overview and initial results2023
An archaeostratigraphic consideration of the Gran Dolina TD10.2 cultural sequence from a quantitative approach2023
An assessment of bone tool cleaning procedures in preparation for traceological analysis2022
Ancient DNA from an extinct Mediterranean micromammal-Hypnomys morpheus (Rodentia: Gliridae)-Provides insight into the biogeographic history of insular dormice 2020
A neo-taphonomic approach to human campsites modified by carnivores2020
A new approach to measure reduction intensity on cores and tools on cobbles: the Volumetric Reconstruction Method 2020
A new species of dog from the Early Pleistocene site of Venta Micena (Orce, Baza Basin, Spain)2021
A New Virtual Reconstruction of the Ndutu Cranium2023
Animal husbandry in Sicilian prehistory: The zooarchaeological perspective from Vallone Inferno (Scillato, Palermo)2023
200 anys del Trienni Liberal (1820-1823) 2020
A Pilot Nurse-Administered CBT Intervention for Insomnia in Patients with Schizophrenic Disorder: A Randomized Clinical Effectiveness Trial2023
Apprentissage coopératif ou pédagogies coopératives ? 2023
Aprenent història amb treball cooperatiu. Estudi de cas a primer de batxillerat2019
Aproximación tafonómica al Abrigo de Navalmaíllo: el uso de fragmentos diafisarios de animales de talla grande como retocadores óseos2023
Aproximació sobre l\'abastiment de paper a la Catedral de Tarragona a la segona meitat del segle XVIII: les marques d\'aigua en els manuscrits musicals d\'Antoni Milà 2019
Archaeological chert artifacts from Atapuerca sites (Burgos, Spain): Characterization, causes of decay and selection of compatible consolidating products2021
Archaic lithic industries: structural homogeneity 2018
A review on the Pleistocene occurrences and palaeobiology of Hippopotamus antiquus based on the record from the Barranc de la Boella Section (Francolí Basin, NE Iberia)2023
A rock engraving made by Neanderthals in Gibraltar 2014
A symbolic Neanderthal accumulation of large herbivore crania2023
Asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation hyphenated to Orbitrap high resolution mass spectrometry for the determination of (functionalised) aqueous fullerene aggregates 2014
Between two worlds: Cova Eiros and the Middle-Upper Palaeolithic transition in NW Iberia2021
Beyond the Problem of Bone Surface Preservation in Taphonomic Studies of Early and Middle Pleistocene Open-Air Sites2022
Borehole image techniques applied to identification of chert and dolomite layers in lacustrine sediments 2016
Browsing into a Panamanian tropical rainforest: micro- and mesowear study of Central American red brocket deer2023
Butchering knives and hafting at the Late Middle Paleolithic open-air site of Nahal Mahanayeem Outlet (NMO), Israel2023
Cal Sitjo: A new Mesolithic to Neolithic sequence in a chert-rich region (Sant Marti de Tous, NE Iberia)2023
Caminant entre feres: el \Nen de Moià\ y els grans carnívors a les Coves del Toll i de les Teisoneres de Moià (Moianès) 2021
Campanars tardans del barroc tarragoní: El cas de Sant Miquel d’Alforja 2020
Cantacorbs: Recuperant un jaciment neolític oblidat a les muntanyes de Prades (Rojals-Montblanc, Tarragona) 2020
Caprine dental microwear reveals livestock management and exploitation of landscape during the Middle and Late Bronze Age of the Balearic Islands (ca. 1500-850 cal. BC)2022
Castigar, atemorir i silenciar. l’abast de la primera repressió franquista a Catalunya (1938-1948) 2022
Cazadores de Historias: Un caso de implementación de storytelling en el aula como herramienta para incentivar la creatividad colectiva 2021
Choose what suits you best: reproductive patterns and livestock management in the Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (3rd c. BC)2023
Co-creation Processes Contributing to the Societal Impact of Science: Contributions from the Net4Impact Network2022
Com evolucionem els humans?2021
Comparing spatial networks: A one-size-fits-all efficiency-driven approach 2020
Complex Tasks Force Hand Laterality and Technological Behaviour in Naturalistically Housed Chimpanzees: Inferences in Hominin Evolution 2012
Compliance with COVID-19 Prevention Measures in the Spanish Population during the New Normal: Will the Need for Greater Community Involvement Be One of the Lessons Learned?2022
Compulsive internet and prevalence substance use among spanish adolescents 2020
Concreció, aplicació i humilitat 2019
Conservation of Archaeological Bones: Assessment of Innovative Phosphate Consolidants in Comparison with Paraloid B722022
Convergent evidence of eagle talons used by late Neanderthals in Europe: A further assessment on symbolism 2014
Craftswomen entrepreneurs in flow: no boundaries between business and leisure2023
Creatividad y futuros en stop motion: aprendiendo a construir historias colaborativamente2022
Cumulative effect of high-resolution silicone moulds on the morphology of cut marks 2023
Darrere els passos de Bosch Gimpera: un projecte arqueològic global per recuperar el jaciment de la Gessera de Caseres (Terra Alta)2018
De la paraula al fet: la dificultat de cooperar 2021
De l’esplendor arquitectònic a l’abandonament: el cas de l’església parroquial de Santa Perpètua de Gaià (inici segle XIX) 2020
Dental Microwear Texture Analysis between occlusal and buccal surfaces 2023
De Oriente a Occidente. Una letra de bronce de cingulum militare hallada en el ager Tarraconensis2021
Description and interpretation of a Megatherium americanum atlas with evidence of human intervention 2017
Detecting Human Presence at the Border of the Northeastern Italian Pre-Alps. 14C Dating at Rio Secco Cave as Expression of the First Gravettian and the Late Mousterian in the Northern Adriatic Region 2014
Detecting Human Presence at the Border of the Northeastern Italian Pre-Alps. 14C Dating at Rio Secco Cave as Expression of the First Gravettian and the Late Mousterian in the Northern Adriatic Region 2014
De tres investigaciones cualitativas a una investigación cualitativa longitudinal sobre género e interculturalidad en parejas binacionales en España2022
2D Geometric morphometrics of the first lower molar of the genus Meles Brisson, 1762 including new badger evidence from the Lower Pleistocene Quibas site (Murcia, Spain)2023
Diet and ecological niches of the Late Pleistocene hyenas Crocuta spelaea and C. ultima ussurica based on a study of tooth microwear2022
Dietary ecology of extant guanaco (Lama guanicoe) from Southern Patagonia: Seasonal leaf browsing and its archaeological implications 2013
Dietary flexibility and niche partitioning of large herbivores through the Pleistocene of Britain 2016
Dietary traits of the ungulates from the Middle Pleistocene sequence of Lazaret Cave: palaeoecological and archaeological implications2023
3D Insights into the Effects of Captivity on Wolf Mastication and Their Tooth Marks; Implications in Ecological Studies of Both the Past and Present2021
Direct evidence of megamammalcarnivore interaction decoded from bone marks in historical fossil collections from the pampean region 2017
Direct evidence of megamammalcarnivore interaction decoded from bone marks in historical fossil collections from the pampean region 2017
Discontinuity of human presence at Atapuerca during the early Middle Pleistocene: A matter of ecological competition? 2014
Discordia fratrum y el influjo historiográfico sobre la Historia mal llamada Silense 2013
Discriminatory Expressions, the Young and Social Networks: The Effect of Gender2016
Distinguishing between three modern Ellobius species (Rodentia, Mammalia) and identification of fossil Ellobius from Kaldar Cave (Iran) using geometric morphometric analyses of the first lower molar2021
Déjà vu: on the use of meat resources by sabretooth cats, hominins, and hyaenas in the Early Pleistocene site of Fuente Nueva 3 (Guadix-Baza Depression, SE Spain)2023
Dragged, lagged, or undisturbed: reassessing the autochthony of the hominin-bearing assemblages at Gran Dolina (Atapuerca, Spain)2021
Early evidence of Prunus and Prunus cf. amygdalus from Palaeolithic sites in the Khorramabad Valley, western Iran2018
Early evidence of stone tool use in bone working activities at Qesem Cave, Israel 2016
Early Neolithic human remains from Galería del Sílex in Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain2023
Editorial. Fer de mestre en la realitat política i social actual 2018
El aprendizaje de los periodos históricos con el método Puzle en la formación docente virtual 2023
El exilio cotidiano: sociedad, violencia y guerra civil en el siglo XIX español 2018
El nucli fortificat de Puig Rom i el seu entorn immediat (2014-2017) 2020
El paisatge i l’aprofitament de recursos forestals durant el neolític antic a Catalunya 5600
El proceso constructivo del Monasterio de Santa María de Vallbona de les Monges: consideraciones cronológicas y nuevas propuestas interpretativas 2018
El reialisme a la Catalunya del Trienni Liberal (1820-1823) 2021
Els bombardeigs franquistes a l'Alt Camp i la Conca de Barberà (1938-1939) 2019
Els feminismes del segle XX a Catalunya 2020
Els inventaris templers de la Ribera d’Ebre. Comunicació i fiscalització institucional 2020
El teatre romà, noves dades sobre el procés d’urbanització de l’àrea portuària de Tàrraco 2020
El Tribunal de Responsabilitats Polítiques, una tenalla de ferro econòmica, desdibuixada, contra els vençuts de la Guerra Civil del 1936-1939. El cas de Montferri 2019
El Trienio Constitucional (1820-1823): revolución y contrarrevolución2022
Entrevista a Luisa Girondo2019
Entrevista a Sylvain Connac2021
Españolismo y catalanidad en la historiografía catalana decimonónica 2001
ESR dating of the Early Pleistocene archaeological site at Vallparadis (Terrassa, Cataluna, Spain) 2011
Estudio de la cerámica medieval de Cova Eirós (Triacastela, Lugo)2018
Eurasian griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus) as a bone modifying agent and its implications for archaeology2023
EVANGELISTA VILANOVA. El coratge de creure (Col. Saurí, 32) 1977
Evidence for parallel development of ever-growing molars in Early Pleistocene rodents from southern Spain and their paleoenvironmental implications2023
Evolución cultural: una lectura darwinista de la historia 2023
Evolución del asentamiento humano en la región de Aïn Beni Mathar-Guefaït (Jerada, Marruecos Oriental). Investigaciones recientes y cartografía del poblamiento humano al norte del Sáhara. 2020
Evolutionary selection and morphological integration in the foot of modern humans2023
Examining the Relevance of Religious Affiliation and Migrant Status in the Protective Capacity of Religion against Adolescent Alcohol Use—Evidence from Tarragona (Spain)2023
Examples and Results of Aerial Photogrammetry in Archeology with UAV: Geometric Documentation, High Resolution Multispectral Analysis, Models and 3D Printing2022
Experimental artefacts in research on prehistoric and aboriginal technology: a standardised terminology and registry code based on alpha-taxonomy and the chaîne opératoire2018
Experimental butchering of a chimpanzee carcass for archaeological purposes 2015
Explaining Cannabis Use by Adolescents: A Comparative Assessment of Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis and Ordered Logistic Regression2022
Exploring the Communication of Social Movements in Primary Education2022
Extended-range luminescence chronologies for the Middle Pleistocene units at the Sima del Elefante archaeological site (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain)2022
Falsas historias, proposiciones certeras. Dominio visual e imágenes persuasivas en el entorno aúlico de la Corona de Aragón 2011
Family presence during invasive procedures: a pilot study to test a tool2022
Faunal Assemblages From Lower Bed I (Oldupai Gorge, Tanzania)2022
First presence of Macaca sylvanus at the late Early Pleistocene of Barranc de la Boella (La Mina locality, Francolí Basin, NE Iberia)2023
First review of lyncodontini material (Mustelidae, Carnivora, Mammalia) from the lower pleistocene archaeo-palaeontological sites of orce (Southeastern Spain)2021
Fish remains from the Neolithic site of El Mirador cave (Atapuerca, Spain): Seasonality and resource management 2016
Five-fold expansion of the Caspian Sea in the late Pliocene: New and revised magnetostratigraphic and Ar-40/Ar-39 age constraints on the Akchagylian Stage2021
Flake morphologies and patterns of core configuration at the Abric Romaní rock-shelter: A geometric morphometric approach 2014
Flexibility within Quina lithic production systems and tool-use in Northern Italy: implications on Neanderthal behavior and ecology during early MIS 42022
Formas de consciencia, Inteligencia Artificial y nuevos retos para la Sociología 2020
¿Fosilizan los actos morales? Una contribución a la hipótesis de Darwin sobre el origen de la conciencia moral 2022
Four millennia of Iberian biomolecular prehistory illustrate the impact of prehistoric migrations at the far end of Euroasia2018
Gender balance in the scientific production of the Atapuerca archaeological and palaeontological research Project2018
Geomorphological analysis using small unmanned aerial vehicles and submeter GNSS (Gara Soultana butte, High Plateaus Basin, Eastern Morocco) 2020
Hearths and bones: An experimental study to explore temporality in archaeological contexts based on taphonomical changes in burnt bones 2017
Hogs, hippos or bears? Paleodiet of European Oligocene anthracotheres and entelodonts2023
Hormones and bile acids as biomarkers for the characterization of animal management in prehistoric sheepfold caves: El Mirador case (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain)2022
Hunting Activity Among Naturalistically Housed Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) at the Fundació Mona (Girona, Spain). Predation, Occasional Consumption and Strategies in Rehabilitated Animals 2012
Iconografía de género: los sellos de las reinas de Aragón en la Edad Media (siglos XII-XVI) 2006
Identidad de las hospitalarias en la corona de Aragón (siglos XII y XIII) 2014
Identification of animal species housed and herding practices in ancient sediments from the Vallone Inferno rock-shelter (Scillato, Sicily, Italy) using faecal biomarkers, hormones, and their metabolites2024
Identifying activity areas in a neanderthal hunting camp (the Navalmaillo Rock Shelter, Spain) via spatial analysis2023
Identifying biological affinities of Holocene northern Iberian populations through the inner structures of the upper first molars2022
Imagen y propaganda en las primeras amonedaciones del rey de Aragón 2015
Imágenes sobre el altar: iconografía y simbolismo en las claves de bóveda de la diócesis de Tarragona (1150-1350).2022
Impediments per construir esglésies parroquials al s. XVIII: el cas Pira (Conca de Barberà). 2020
Increase on environmental seasonality through the European Early Pleistocene inferred from dental enamel hypoplasia2023
Innovación tecnológica para la mentoría social dirigida a personas inmigrantes y refugiadas 2021
In pursuit of our ancestors' hand laterality 2017
Inscripció gravada sobre un dolium de la romana de Cal.lípolis (Vila-seca, Tarragona) 2020
Insights on the Early Pleistocene Hominin Population of the Guadix-Baza Depression (SE Spain) and a Review on the Ecology of the First Peopling of Europe2022
Instancias de género en instituciones de educación superior chilenas: características de su implementación 2023
Integrating buccal and occlusal dental microwear with isotope analyses for a complete paleodietary reconstruction of Holocene populations from Hungary2021
Intra-tooth isotopic analysis (delta C-13 and delta N-15) of dentine collagen in high-crowned teeth: A new experimental study with modern sheep specimens2022
Investigating Neolithic caprine husbandry in the Central Pyrenees: Insights from a multi-proxy study at Els Trocs cave (Bisaurri, Spain)2021
Investigation of equid paleodiet from Schöningen 13 II-4 through dental wear and isotopic analyses: Archaeological implications 2015
Is a spatial investigation possible without long-distance refit/conjoin? Application to the MIS 11 lithic assemblage of levels E and J from La Cansaladeta site (Tarragona, Spain)2021
José antonio primo de rivera and the popular front 2019
José Antonio Primo de Rivera y el Frente Popular 2019
La Alemania nazi y el fascismo español durante la Guerra Civil 2020
La Cella (Salou, Tarragona). A commercial port on the cessetanian coast [La Cella (Salou, Tarragona). Un puerto comercial en el litoral cessetano] 2016
La construcción pública en las ciudades hispanas:: talleres, modas y tradiciones 2020
La Cova de Dalt del Tossal de la Font (Vilafamés, Castellón): conclusiones preliminares de las intervenciones arqueológicas (1982-1987 / 2004-2012) 2013
La didáctica de la historia del arte y la educación competencial. Propuesta de replanteamiento currricular 2019
La Diputación de Tarragona durante el Trienio Liberal (1820-1823)2023
La División Azul en el contexto de las relaciones entre la España de Franco y la Alemania Nazi 2012
La Falange triomfal a Madrid, el 1953: l’exponent personal de la Ribera d’Ebre 2021
La Gessera de Caseres: 1914–2014. From Juan Cabré and Pere Bosch Gimpera to the Research Group Seminari de Protohistöria i Arqueologia de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili [La Gessera de Caseres: 1914–2014. De Juan Cabré i Pere Bosch Gimpera al Grup de Rec2021
La llarga ombra de la Guerra Civil: Espanya i les grans potències (1939-1953) 2020
La llegenda de Muhàmmad V i la lluna: una interpretació política 2021
La Milicia Nacional Voluntaria en Cataluña durante el Trienio Liberal (1820-1823). Una aproximación sociológica y geográfica2022
La muralla romana de Tortosa: Un proyecto defensivo de la Antigüedad Tardía2022
La naturaleza del hueso y su fosilización. La Tafonomía para el estudio del estado de conservación del hueso arqueológico y paleontológico2021
La panoplia ibérica de guerra recuperada en la torre T3 del poblado protohistórico de l’Assut (Tivenys, Baix Ebre, Tarragona)2021
Las políticas de empleo como refuerzo de la precariedad y la división sexual del trabajo: el papel del personal técnico 2021
L’assentament protohistòric de La Cella (Salou, Tarragonès): campanyes del 2010 al 2017 2020
Las yacentes episcopales como mecanismos de pronóstico escatológico. Contextos teológicos de los sepulcros de Juan de Aragón y Arnau Sescomes2021
Late Neanderthal short-term and specialized occupations at the Abri du Maras (South-East France, level 4.1, MIS 3)2021
Late Neanderthal subsistence strategies and cultural traditions in the northern Iberia Peninsula: Insights from Prado Vargas, Burgos, Spain2021
Late Pliocene vegetation and orbital-scale climate changes from the western Mediterranean area 2013
Latitudinal gradient in dairy production with the introduction of farming in Atlantic Europe2020
L'esfera emocional 2019
Les monedes de l\'excavació al solar de les cases de la Catedral de Tortosa: la circulació monetària als segles V-VI dC. 2019
Les polítiques d’igualtat per raó de gènere en la ciència a Catalunya:: entre la regulació jurídica i l’acció política2022
Liberales y realistas en la Cataluña del Trienio Liberal (1820-1823) 2020
Livestock activity biomarkers: Estimating domestication and diet of livestock in ancient samples2021
Los escenarios tangerinos de Mariano Fortuny y de Francisco Lameyer 2022
Los judíos tangerinos en la pintura de Alfred Dehodencq2022
Los signos del poder: regalías como complemento a los emblemas de uso inmediato 2011
Los Villares locality (Ruidera, Castilla-La Mancha, Spain): a new Middle Pleistocene fossil assemblage from the Southern Iberian Plateau with possible evidence of human activity2022
Low-cost technologies in a rich ecological context: Hotel California open-air site at Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain2023
Lucernas argelinas tipo Bussière EIV 2 en Tarraco (Hispania Tarraconensis)2022
Mapping sexual dimorphism signal in the human cranium2023
Mean body size estimation in large mammals and the computation of biomass in past ecosystems: An application to the Pleistocene sites of Orce and Sierra de Atapuerca (Spain)2022
Microbotanical residues for the study of early hominin tools2022
Microscopic imaging of human bloodstains: testing the potential of a confocal laser scanning microscope as an alternative to SEMs2020
Mid-holocene palaeoenvironment, plant resources and human interaction in northeast Iberia: An archaeobotanical approach 2021
Migecianos, casianistas y la definición de una herejía (fin del siglo VIII – principio del IX) 2020
Mobilitat logística al nivell P de lAbric Romaní (Capellades, Anoia): estudi tafonòmic i espacial de les restes faunístiques 2022
Modelling terrestrial route networks to understand inter-polity interactions (southern Etruria, 950-500 BC) 2019
Morphometric assessment of convergent tool technology and function during the early middle Palaeolithic: The case of Payre, France 2016
Multiple approaches to predicting flake mass 2022
mundo [>.<] interior// backup! v.3.1 Un ejercicio de archivo performativo para el patrimonio artístico digital latinoamericano2022
Neanderthal Fossils, Mobile Toolkit and a Hyena Den: The Archaeological Assemblage of Lateral Gallery 1 in Cova Del Gegant (NE Iberian Peninsula)2022
Neanderthals' hunting seasonality inferred from combined cementochronology, mesowear, and microwear analysis: case studies from the Alpine foreland in Italy2022
Neanderthal teeth from Lezetxiki (Arrasate, Iberian Peninsula): New insights and reassessment2023
New evidence of Neandertal butchery traditions through the marrow extraction in southwestern Europe (MIS 5-3)2022
New insights in Neanderthal palaeoecology using stable oxygen isotopes preserved in small mammals as palaeoclimatic tracers in Teixoneres Cave (Moia, northeastern Iberia)2022
New interpretation of the Gran Dolina-TD6 bearing Homo antecessor deposits through sedimentological analysis 2016
New methods for old challenges: A sampling protocol for sequential stable isotope analysis (813C and 815N) of dentine collagen in high-crowned teeth2024
New paleoecological perspectives on Late Pleistocene Neanderthals in northern Balkans: the rodent assemblages from Smolucka cave (Serbia)2022
New quantitative method for dental wear analysis of small mammals 2022
Novel Curvularia species from clinical specimens 2014
Obtaining new resolutions in carnivore tooth pit morphological analyses: A methodological update for digital taphonomy 2020
Palaeoecological reconstructions of the Middle to Late Pleistocene occupations in the Southern Caucasus using rodent assemblages2022
Palaeolithic archaeology in the conglomerate caves of north-eastern Iberia2022
Paleoenvironment in East Java during the last 25,000 years as inferred from bovid and cervid dental wear analyses 2016
Palynological investigations in the Orce Archaeological Zone, Early Pleistocene of Southern Spain2022
Papal policies towards the Templars and Hospitallers in the Crown of Aragon and the Kingdom of Navarre (12th-13th Centuries) 2018
Pastando en las marismas. Una aproximación desde la técnica del microdesgaste dentario a la alimentación del ganado ovino en el Empordà romano (noreste de la Península Ibérica) [Grazing in the marshes. A dental microwear approach to study sheep feeding in the Roman Empordà plain (northeast of the Iberian Peninsula)] 2017
Perception of home teleworking during COVID-19 crisis in Spain: significant factors and assymetrical influence on acceptance and resistance2023
Perception of the Effects of Working from Home on Isolation and Stress by Spanish Workers during COVID-19 Pandemic2023
Peregrinus et exorcista: el nacimiento legendario de san Bartolomé en la hagiografía y la cultura visual de la Edad Media2021
Pliocene to Middle Pleistocene climate history in the Guadix-Baza Basin, and the environmental conditions of early Homo dispersal in Europe2021
Polish is quantitatively different on quartzite flakes used on different worked materials 2020
Poéticas Anarchivísticas: Algoritmos que activan el patrimonio audiovisual 2023
Primeras evidencias de arte rupestre prehistórico en la Cueva del Camello (Zegzel, Berkane, Marruecos) 2021
Protectors i agents de les esglésies tarragonines barroques: ordenances, tradició i empremtes arquitectòniques didentitat local2021
Recommendations for improving photo quality in close range photogrammetry, exemplified in hand bones of chimpanzees and gorillas [Recomendaciones para mejorar la calidad de las fotos en fotogrametría de corto alcance, ejemplificado en huesos de las m 2020
Reconstructing depositional environments through cave interior facies: The case of Galería Complex (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain)2023
Redefining the MIS 3 climatic scenario for Neanderthals in northeastern Iberia: A multi-method approach2023
Refits, cobbles, and fire: Approaching the temporal nature of an expedient Gravettian lithic assemblage from Lagar Velho (Leiria, Portugal)2023
Religion as a protective factor against adolescent smoking habits: Evidence from Spain2021
Resinous deposits in Early Neolithic pottery vessels from the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula2023
Results of Mentoring in the Psychosocial Well-Being of Young Immigrants and Refugees in Spain2021
Revisió dels materials arqueològics recuperats durant l\'exploració de la Cova del Buldó (la Bartra / Montblanc, Conca de Barberà) els anys 1926-1928 2019
Revisión sistemática de la evaluación de la mentoría social dirigida a jóvenes vulnerables2021
Revision of TD1 and TD2 stratigraphic sequence of Gran Dolina cave (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain)2022
Ripple-based design-oriented approach for predicting fast-scale instability in voltage-mode buck converter 2014
Risk of Exclusion in People with Disabilities in Spain: Determinants of Health and Poverty 2018
San Nicolás polifacético: el ciclo del santo obispo en el claustro catedralicio de Tarragona 2014
Santiago y sus rivalidades con Toledo y Roma a principios del siglo XII. Sus huellas en el género historiográfico2023
Seasonality, duration of the hominin occupations and hunting grounds at Middle Pleistocene Qesem Cave (Israel)2021
Shaped stone balls were used for bone marrow extraction at Lower Paleolithic Qesem Cave, Israel2020
Sheep husbandry in the early Neolithic of the Pyrenees: New data on feeding and reproduction in the cave of Chaves2021
Short, but repeated Neanderthal visits to Teixoneres Cave (MIS 3, Barcelona, Spain): A combined analysis of tooth microwear patterns and seasonality 2014
Small mammals (Insectivora, Rodentia, Lagomorpha) from the Early Pleistocene hominin-bearing site of Dmanisi (Georgia)2022
Sobre los orígenes del lenguaje: cerebro, gestos y chimpancés humanizados 2011
Socio-Ecological Contingencies with Climate Changes over the Prehistory in the Mediterranean Iberia 2020
Spanish Workers’ Judgement of Telecommuting during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed-Method Evaluation2023
Spearheading into the Neolithic: Last Foragers and First Farmers in the Dinaric Alps of Montenegro 2019
Speciated mechanism in Quaternary cervids (Cervus and Capreolus) on both sides of the Pyrenees: a multidisciplinary approach2022
Sufismo y devoción popular en la pintura tangerina de Josep Tapiró Baró (Reus 1836-Tánger 1913): Los bustos de santones y la fiesta de los Issawa. 2021
Systematization of butchery processes during the last Glacial Maximum in the Cantabrian region, a view from La Lluera cave (Asturias, Spain) 2022
Taphonomic analysis on fossil remains from the Ciota Ciara Cave (Piedmont, Italy) and new evidence of cave bear and Wolf exploitation with simple quartz flakes by neanderthal 2016
Taphonomic and spatial analyses from the Early Pleistocene site of Venta Micena 4 (Orce, Guadix-Baza Basin, southern Spain)2021
Taulell 2020
Teaching to make stone tools: new experimental evidence supporting a technological hypothesis for the origins of language.2017
Teletrabajo y conciliación: ¿una trampa para las mujeres? 2022
Tests with SAR Images of the PAZ Platform Applied to the Archaeological Site of Clunia (Burgos, Spain)2021
The archaeological sites of the sierra de Atapuerca. 150 years of explorations, excavations and science2021
The 'bear' essentials: Actualistic research on Ursus arctos arctos in the Spanish Pyrenees and its implications for paleontology and archaeology 2014
The children from valdavara cave (Becerreá, lugo): A morphological, pathological and dental microwear analyses 2019
The Crusades and the Latin East in the Memories of the Hispanic Hospitallers (14th Century)2023
The diet of the first Europeans from Atapuerca 2017
The earliest Acheulean technology at Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain) Oldest levels of the Galería site (GII Unit) 2014
The earliest cut marks of Europe: a discussion on hominin subsistence patterns in the Orce sites (Baza basin, SE Spain) 2019
The earliest European Acheulean: new insights into the large shaped tools from the late Early Pleistocene site of Barranc de la Boella (Tarragona, Spain)2023
The earliest pigeon fanciers 2014
The early hunting dog from Dmanisi with comments on the social behaviour in Canidae and hominins2021
The emergence and significance of heavy-duty scrapers in ancient stone toolkits2018
The Exceptional Presence of Megaloceros giganteus in North-Eastern Iberia and Its Palaeoecological Implications: The Case of Teixoneres Cave (Moià, Barcelona, Spain)2023
The Experience of Insomnia in Patients With Schizophrenic Disorder: A Qualitative Study2022
The first direct ESR analysis of a hominin tooth from Atapuerca Gran Dolina TD-6 (Spain) supports the antiquity of Homo antecessor2018
The Guinardera quarry (Sant Marti de Tous, Barcelona): A new chert exploitation location during historical times 2021
The impact of sediment abrasion on tooth microwear analysis: an experimental study2021
The influence of raw material qualities in the lithictechnology of Gran Dolina (Units TD6 and TD10) and Galería(Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain): A view fromexperimental archeology 2014
The large flake Acheulean with spheroids from Santa Ana Cave (Cáceres, Spain)2022
The limestone spheroids of 'Ubeidiya: intentional imposition of symmetric geometry by early hominins?2023
The Middle-to-Upper Paleolithic transition occupations from Cova Foradada (Calafell, NE Iberia) 2019
The Neandertal nature of the Atapuerca Sima de los Huesos mandibles2024
The occupational pattern of the Galería site (Atapuerca, Spain): A technological perspective 2016
The ontogenetic pattern of Hippopotamus gorgops Dietrich, 1928 revealed by a juvenile cranium from the one-million-years-old paleoanthropological site of Buia (Eritrea)2022
The quantification of surface abrasion on flint stone tools 2023
The scarcity of fossils in the African rainforest. Archaeo-paleontological surveys and actualistic taphonomy in Equatorial Guinea2022
The Self-Coronation of Peter the Ceremonious (1336): Historical, Liturgical, and Iconographical Representations 2014
The semiotics of wine. Analysis of wine-related cultural consensus in two Spanish wine-producing regions2022
The Significance of Subtlety: Contrasting Lithic Raw Materials Procurement and Use Patterns at the Oldowan Sites of Barranco Leon and Fuente Nueva 3 (Orce, Andalusia, Spain)2022
The Western European Acheulean: Reading variability at a regional scale2023
Three archaeomagnetic applications of archaeological interest to the study of burnt anthropogenic cave sediments 2016
Too good to go? Neanderthal subsistence strategies at Prado Vargas Cave (Burgos, Spain)2023
Trones i litúrgia a les esglésies parroquials barroques de la Conca de Barberà. 2022
Understanding the emergence of modern humans and the disappearance of Neanderthals: Insights from Kaldar Cave (Khorramabad Valley, Western Iran) 2017
Ungulate feeding ecology and Middle Pleistocene paleoenvironments at Hundsheim and Deutsch-Altenburg 1 (eastern Austria) 2012
Unraveling Neolithic sharp-blunt cranial trauma: Experimental approach through synthetic analogues2023
Unravelling Hominin Activities in the Zooarchaeological Assemblage of Barranco Leon (Orce, Granada, Spain) 2022
Updated Atapuerca biostratigraphy: Small-mammal distribution and its implications for the biochronology of the Quaternary in Spain 2016
Use and re-use: Re-knapped flakes from the Mode 1 site of Fuente Nueva 3 (Orce, Andalucía, Spain) 2014
Using GIS and Geostatistical Techniques to Identify Neanderthal Campsites at archaeolevel Ob at Abric Romaní2023
Variability of limestone knapping methods in Middle Palaeolithic levels M and Ob of Abric Romani (Barcelona, Spain)2021
Vaso con decoración cardial de Cova Eirós (Triacastela, Lugo)2019
Vincles constructius entre els mestres de cases, rectors i feligresos per construir les fàbriques parroquials i abadies tarragonines barroques 2020
Violencia de género en estudiantes universitarias: Un reto para la educación superior2021
Virtual archaeology: From archaeological excavation to the management and diffusion of heritage. Les cases de la catedral (Tortosa) and the protohistorical settlement of la Cella (Salou), Tarragona 2018
Visiones coréuticas: danzas diabólicas en el relato hagiográfico y ejemplar 2023
Visualizing Monarchic Power from the 13th to 15th centuries: An Example of Narrative told through Chronicles and Funeral Images in the Iberian peninsula 2015
What about the buccal surfaces? Dental microwear texture analysis of buccal and occlusal surfaces refines paleodietary reconstructions2022
Where and when? Combining dental wear and death seasons to improve paleoenvironmental reconstruction through ungulate diets2023
Who peeled the bones? An actualistic and taphonomic study of axial elements from the Toll Cave Level 4, Barcelona, Spain 2020