A Bibliometric Analysis of the Association Between Compassion Fatigue and Psychological Resilience From 2008 to 2021 | 2022 |
Adaptando para (con)viver: experiência de homens com a hemofilia no sul do Brasil
Adapting to (co)exist: experience of men with hemophilia in southern Brazil | 2021 |
A Hybrid Methodology for the Evaluation of Clinical Practice in Final-Year Nursing Students | 2023 |
Alcohol use and sexual violence among nursing students in Catalonia, Spain: A multicentre cross-sectional study | 2021 |
Analysis of Psychosomatic Disorders According to Age and Sex in a Rural Area: A Population-Based Study | 2022 |
Análisis de las emociones negativas generadas ante el dolor de parto, en mujeres atendidas en un hospital público de Tarragona
Análisis de la transición de los postcuidadores familiares desde la teoría de las transiciones de meleis: una aproximación cualitativa
Análisis del proceso de divorcio como transición de salud según la teoría de las transiciones de Alaf Meleis
Anotaciones sobre la Ley de Eutanasia de España | 2022 |
Ansiedad ante la muerte en enfermeras de Atencion Sociosanitaria: Datos y significados
A Pilot Nurse-Administered CBT Intervention for Insomnia in Patients with Schizophrenic Disorder: A Randomized Clinical Effectiveness Trial | 2023 |
Apuntes históricos sobre la hospitalización de militares en Tarragona (1713-1931) | 2023 |
A randomized controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of metacognitive training for people with schizophrenia applied by mental health nurses: Study protocol
Aspectos que favorecen el proceso de convertirse en madre: experiencia vivida de una gestante primeriza | 2021 |
Aspects perceived by first-time mothers as flattering in the adoption of his new role
Assessing Nursing Students' Self-Perceptions about Safe Medication Management: Design and Validation of a Tool, the NURSPeM | 2022 |
Association between anti-thyroid antibodies and negative symptoms in early psychosis
Beyond the clinical context: the process of losing oneself living with Huntington's disease | 2022 |
Blood Biomarker Panels for the Early Prediction of Stroke-Associated Complications | 2021 |
Calidad de vida en personas con depresión y comorbilidad física desde una perspectiva de género | 2021 |
Care and Society in Modern Spain. Materials for the History of Nursing in the XVI and XVII centuries
Caring efficacy: nurses’ perceptions and relationships with work-related factors: Caring efficacy among nurses
CD68 and CD83 immune populations in non-metastatic axillary lymph nodes are of prognostic value for the survival and relapse of breast cancer patients | 2022 |
Clinical learning environment and graduating nursing students' competence: A multi-country cross-sectional study | 2021 |
Clinical outcomes and safety of passive leg raising in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a randomized controlled trial | 2021 |
Co-designing and piloting an Integrated Digital Literacy and Language Toolkit for vulnerable migrant students in higher education | 2022 |
Come Si Adatta Culturalmente Una Escala? Esperienza Con La Caring Efficacy Scale Al Contesto Italiano
Comparative effectiveness of enhanced patient instructions for bowel preparation before colonoscopy: Network meta-analysis of 23 randomized controlled trials | 2021 |
Comparative Efficacy and Safety of Anterograde vs. Retrograde Iodine Staining During Esophageal Chromoendoscopy: A Single-Center, Prospective, Parallel-Group, Randomized, Controlled, Single-Blind Trial | 2021 |
Comparative Efficacy and Safety of Four Different Spontaneous Breathing Trials for Weaning From Mechanical Ventilation: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis | 2021 |
Contextos de cuidado à criança/adolescente com Diabetes Mellitus: uma abordagem socioambiental
Contraceptive counselling experiences in Spain in the process of creating a web-based contraceptive decision support tool: a qualitative study | 2021 |
Coping strategies, quality of life, and neurological outcome in patients treated with mechanical thrombectomy after an acute ischemic stroke
COVID-19—Evidence of the Impact of Literacy and Salutogenic Behaviours in Positive Mental Health: A Cross-Sectional Study | 2023 |
Cuidado de enfermería con terapia cognitiva conductual en la depresión postparto
Cuidando la familia del moribundo en ámbitos no especializados en cuidados paliativos: “arropar”
Cultural adaptation and psychometric validation of the Caring Efficacy scale in a sample of Italian nurse PLoS One
Cultural Competence Assessment: Adaptación cultural, Validación psicométrica al castellano y propuestas de mejora | 2018 |
Decision-making in end of life care. Are we really playing together in the same team?
Deploying unsupervised clustering analysis to derive clinical phenotypes and risk factors associated with mortality risk in 2022 critically ill patients with COVID-19 in Spain | 2021 |
Detection of frailty and palliative needs from discharged critical care patients in collaboration with primary care [Detección al alta de UCI de la fragilidad y necesidades paliativas del paciente crítico en colaboración con atención primaria] | 2022 |
Development and psychometric properties of the Therapeutic Relationship Assessment Scale-Nurse | 2021 |
Difficulties for the advancement of women. Different sociological theories [Dificultades para el avance de las mujeres. Diferentes teorías sociológicas]
Early Diagnosis of Atrial Fibrillation and Stroke Incidence in Primary Care: Translating Measurements into Actions—A Retrospective Cohort Study | 2023 |
Effectiveness of a Psychoeducational Group Intervention Carried Out by Nurses for Patients with Depression and Physical Comorbidity in Primary Care: Randomized Clinical Trial | 2021 |
Effectiveness of a psychoeducation group intervention conducted by primary healthcare nurses in patients with depression and physical comorbidity: study protocol for a randomized, controlled trial
Effectiveness of the integrated care model Salut+Social in patients with chronic conditions: A mixed methods study protocol
Effects of continuous care on health outcomes in patients with stoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis | 2022 |
Effects of yoga on health-related quality, physical health and psychological health in women with breast cancer receiving chemotherapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis | 2021 |
Efficacy and mechanisms of four-week MBSR on psychological distress in lung cancer patients: a single-center, single-blind, longitudinal, randomized controlled trial | 2023 |
Efficacy of a multimodal nursing intervention strategy in the process of becoming a mother: A randomized controlled trial | 2021 |
Electronic Records With Tablets at the Point of Care in an Internal Medicine Unit: Before-After Time Motion Study | 2022 |
Emergency handover of critical patients. A systematic review | 2021 |
Emotions and feelings in critical and emergency caring situations: A qualitative study
Epidemias, medicalización y evolución hospitalaria: bases para una historia de las culturas de la salud y de la enfermedad* | 2021 |
¿Están desapareciendo las clases medias en España? Un análisis del impacto de la crisis sobre las rentas
Examining the association between evidence-based practice and the nurse-patient therapeutic relationship in mental health units: A cross-sectional study | 2021 |
Experience of people in mild and moderate stages of Alzheimers disease in Spain
Experiencia de los adolescentes al ingreso en un hospital de dia de salud mental: descubriendo el estigma internalizado
Exploring the body through reflexology: Physical behaviors observed during application
Exploring the therapeutic relationship through the reflective practice of nurses in acute mental health units: A qualitative study | 2023 |
Factores psicosociales en el dolor crónico oncológico: un estudio Delphi
Family presence during invasive procedures: a pilot study to test a tool | 2022 |
Family presence during resuscitation: adaptation and validation into Spanish of the Family Presence Risk-Benefit scale and the Self-Confidence scale instrument | 2021 |
Family witnessed resuscitation and invasive procedures: Patient and family opinions | 2021 |
Fear and Attitude towards SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection in Spanish Population during the Period of Confinement | 2022 |
Ferits de pesta: notes sobre aspectes sanitaris de la lluita contra les epidèmies a la Selva del Camp
“Flix rhymes with sh*t”. Exploring the potential for place stigmatization of media coverage of a declining industrial village in rural Spain | 2023 |
Food Security as a Social Determinant of Health: Tackling Inequalities in Primary Health Care in Spain | 2023 |
'Football and dancing are in our blood': culture promoting sports practice among immigrants in Europe | 2023 |
From Abandonment to Hospitalisation: Evolution of Hospital Care in Rural Spain (1939-1975) | 2022 |
Genealogy of hospital reform in Spain: The gestation of a new hospital-centric health culture [Genealogía de la reforma hospitalaria en España: La gestación de una nueva cultura hospitalocéntrica de la sanidad] | 2021 |
Gene-environment interaction between the brain-derived neurotrophic factor Val66Met polymorphism, psychosocial stress and dietary intake in early psychosis. | 2018 |
Glycated Haemoglobin Is Associated With Poorer Cognitive Performance in Patients With Recent-Onset Psychosis
Gold(I) as an artificial cyclase: Short stereodivergent syntheses of (-)-epiglobulol and (-)-4ß,7a- and (-)-4a,7a- aromadendranediols
Handover of critical patients in urgent care and emergency settings: A systematic review of validated assessment tools | 2021 |
Healthcare professionals’ editorial opinions on communicating with the public: shifting social media hesitancies | 2023 |
Heart Failure and Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Atrial Fibrillation Patients: A Retrospective Primary Care Cohort Study | 2023 |
Heroísmos (1922), la representación de la práctica médica a principios del siglo XX
High blood levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA in early psychosis are associated with inflammatory markers | 2023 |
Higher water temperature and incubation under aerobic and microaerobic conditions increase the recovery and diversity of arcobacter spp. from shellfish | 2014 |
Historical roots of hospital centrism in Catalonia (1917-1980) | 2021 |
Ictus isquémico y factores de riesgo vascular en el adulto joven y el adulto mayor. Estudio retrospectivo de base comunitaria (2011-2020) | 2023 |
“I’m Fat and Proud of It”: Body Size Diversity and Fat Acceptance Activism in Spain
Impact of honey on radiotherapy-induced oral mucositis in patients with head and neck cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Impact of implementing a dyslipidemia management guideline on cholesterol control for secondary prevention of ischemic heart disease in primary care
Implementation of evidence on the nurse-patient relationship in psychiatric wards through a mixed method design: Study protocol
Increased Prolactin Levels Are Associated with Impaired Processing Speed in Subjects with Early Psychosis | 2014 |
Influence of Maternal Diabetes on the Risk of Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Offspring in the Prenatal and Postnatal Periods | 2022 |
Influence of pain and discomfort in stroke patients on coping strategies and changes in behavior and lifestyle | 2021 |
Influencia de la cultura en la menopausia: revisión de literatura
Influencia del género en el desarrollo del trastorno psicosomático: revisión narrativa | 2021 |
Innovative Health and Social Integrated Care Model Effectiveness to Improve Quality Care for Chronic Patients: A Single Group Assignment Clinical Trial | 2023 |
Instruments for Detecting Moral Distress in Clinical Nurses: A Systematic Review | 2021 |
Internacionalização da enfermagem brasileira: doutorado sanduíche na região da Catalunha - Espanha
Interpretation or intercultural mediation? the case of North-African users of the public health services [Interpretació o mediació intercultural? El cas dels usuaris magribins dels serveis públics de salut]
Investigación cualitativa en tiempos de covid-19: una experiencia de adaptación metodológica
Kennedy terminal ulcer and other skin wounds at the end of life: An integrative review | 2021 |
La adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico en las consultas enfermeras de atención primaria: observar y comprender
La confusión de los psiquiatras. Las narrativas en torno a la crisis del custodialismo durante el tardofranquismo
La problemàtica hospitalària a Reus i la seva zona d’influència sanitària (1975-1989)
La salud y las creencias del pueblo gitano en Europa: revisión bibliográfica
Las grandes perdedoras de la crisis son las rentas más bajas, no las clases medias
Las pobrezas de las juventudes: análisis de las formas elementales de pobreza juvenil en España | 2011 |
Las redes sociales y la educación superior: Las actitudes de los estudiantes universitarios hacia el uso educativo de las redes sociales, de nuevo a examen
Las redes sociales y la educación superior: las actitudes de los estudiantes universitarios hacia el uso educativo de las redes sociales, de nuevo a examen.
Lesiones por presión y dermatitis asociada a la incontinencia: evolución de la prevalencia en un hospital de agudos (2014-2017) | 2021 |
Literacy and Mental Health of Portuguese Higher Education Students and Their Use of Health Promotion Strategies during Confinement in the COVID-19 Pandemic | 2022 |
Lived experiences of being cared for by ambulance clinicians when experiencing breathlessness-A phenomenological study | 2023 |
Maghrebi minors as translators in health services in Tarragona (Spain): A qualitative study of the discourse of the Maghrebi adults
Malestares en femenino: itinerarios terapéuticos de seis mujeres con fibromialgia | 2019 |
Meanings and practices of the physical activity engaged in by Moroccan women in an Islamic urban environment: A quasi-ethnography | 2021 |
Medication Adherence and Contraceptive Counseling | 2023 |
Mental Health Literacy and Positive Mental Health in Adolescents: A Correlational Study | 2022 |
Mindfulness Affects the Level of Psychological Distress in Patients With Lung Cancer via Illness Perception and Perceived Stress: A Cross-Sectional Survey Study | 2022 |
Model for the characterization of epidemies generated by the vector Aedes aegyypti. Case study: Norte de Santander Department, Colombia
Modelo de decisiones compartidas en cancer de mama. De la teoria a la practica
Moral sensitivity of nursing students | 2022 |
'My biggest fear is that people will forget about him': Mothers' emotional transitions after terminating their pregnancy for medical reasons | 2023 |
New Life Transition of Former Caregivers: Positive Mental Health Approach | 2022 |
Non-professional-help-seeking among young people with depression: A qualitative study
Not bad: Passive leg raising in cardiopulmonary resuscitation-A new modeling study
Nurses' Perceptions of Patient Fibromyalgia Illness Experiences after Performing Group-Based Problem-Solving Therapy: A Qualitative Research Study | 2023 |
Nurses' perspectives on ethical aspects of telemedicine | 2023 |
Nurses’ views and practices on parental mental illness: An integrative review | 2022 |
Nursing student attitudes toward dying patient care: A european multicenter cross-sectional study | 2021 |
Oral sulfate solution benefits polyp and adenoma detection during colonoscopy: Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials | 2022 |
Passive leg raise (PLR) during cardiopulmonary (CPR): A method article on a randomised study of survival in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA)
Patients' lived experiences of breathlessness prior to prehospital care - A phenomenological study | 2022 |
Perceived stress, social functioning and quality of life in first-episode psychosis: A 1-year follow-up study | 2021 |
Percepción de las fuentes de apoyo que facilitan la adherencia a los tratamientos | 2023 |
Perception and Demands of Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women Regarding Their Role as Participants in Environmental Research Studies | 2021 |
Performance of the Delirium Rating Scale-Revised-98 Against Different Delirium Diagnostic Criteria in a Population With a High Prevalence of Dementia
Peritumoral immune infiltrates in primary tumours are not associated with the presence of axillary lymph node metastasis in breast cancer: a retrospective cohort study
Plan de Mejora Individual: instrumento evaluativo en las prácticas clínicas | 2021 |
Positive Mental Health in University Students and Its Relations with Psychological Vulnerability, Mental Health Literacy, and Sociodemographic Characteristics: A Descriptive Correlational Study | 2022 |
Predicting the Risk of Psychological Distress among Lung Cancer Patients: Development and Validation of a Predictive Algorithm Based on Sociodemographic and Clinical Factors | 2021 |
Presencia familiar durante procedimientos invasivos y reanimación cardiopulmonar en españa: Reflexiones ético-legales
Prevalence of Compassion Fatigue and Its Association with Professional Identity in Junior College Nursing Interns: A Cross-Sectional Study | 2022 |
Problems and solutions for patients with fibromyalgia: Building new helping relationships | 2018 |
Procesos dolorosos, evaluación y tratamiento en unidades de cuidados intensivos neonatales: revisión de la literatura científica
Prognostic Value of Procalcitonin and C-Reactive Protein in 1608 Critically Ill Patients with Severe Influenza Pneumonia | 2021 |
Promotion of Mental Health Literacy in Adolescents: A Scoping Review | 2021 |
Psychological well-being in nursing students: A multicentric, cross-sectional study | 2021 |
Psychometric properties of the functional social support domain of perinatal infant care social support | 2020 |
Psychometric properties of the functional social support domain of perinatal infant care social support
Quality of life in people with depression and physical comorbidity from a gender perspective | 2021 |
Qué carrera para qué medicina?: El fracaso de la introducción de las ciencias sociosanitarias en la formación médica del primer franquismo (1938-1959) | 2022 |
Rúbrica per a la incorporació de la perspectiva de gènere i la prevenció de les violències de gènere en assignatures universitàries
Reconstrucción de la vida cotidiana de los postcuidadores familiares: afrontando el duelo del cuidador | 2019 |
Related factors to semi-recumbent position compliance and pressure ulcers in patients with invasive mechanical ventilation: An observational study (CAPCRI study)
Related factors to semi-recumbent position compliance and pressure ulcers in patients with invasive mechanical ventilation: An observational study (CAPCRI study) | 2016 |
Relationships among Social Support, Coping Style, Perceived Stress, and Psychological Distress in Chinese Lung Cancer Patients | 2021 |
Revisión narrativa de la literatura: Satisfacción y adherencia farmacológica al tratamiento antihipertensivo
Risk of Exclusion in People with Disabilities in Spain: Determinants of Health and Poverty
Risk perception of COVID−19 community transmission among the spanish population
Role of automatic tube compensation as spontaneous breathing trial in critically ill patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Serious injuries secondary to cardiopulmonary resuscitation: incidence and associated factors
Significados do uso de plantas medicinais para docentes do curso de enfermagem na Catalunha | 2021 |
Smoking as a form of self-medication for depression or anxiety in young adults: Results of a mixed-methods study [El consumo de tabaco como automedicación de depresión/ansiedad entre los jóvenes: Resultados de un estudio con método mixto]
Social Media Use and Its Association with Mental Health and Internet Addiction among Portuguese Higher Education Students during COVID-19 Confinement | 2023 |
Stressor Factors for Spanish Nursing Students in a Pandemic Context: An Observational Pilot Survey | 2022 |
Substance Use among Spanish Adolescents: The Information Paradox
Symptomatology of Fibromyalgia Syndrome in Men: A Mixed-Method Pilot Study | 2022 |
Targeting Pro-Oxidant Iron with Deferoxamine as a Treatment for Ischemic Stroke: Safety and Optimal Dose Selection in a Randomized Clinical Trial | 2021 |
Temperatura corporal y temperatura de calentamiento en el cuidado de pacientes grandes quemados | 2021 |
Ten-year follow-up of clinical governance implementation in primary care: Improving screening, diagnosis and control of cardiovascular risk factors
The care offered by nurses to elders with coronary artery disease from the perspective of Transitions Theory | 2021 |
The chain mediating role of social support and stigma in the relationship between mindfulness and psychological distress among Chinese lung cancer patients | 2021 |
The effectiveness of a "EspaiJove.net"- a school-based intervention programme in increasing mental health knowledge, help seeking and reducing stigma attitudes in the adolescent population: a cluster randomised controlled trial | 2022 |
The Effects of a Participatory Intervention in Mental Health Units on Nurses' Perceptions of the Practice Environment: A Mixed Methods Study | 2022 |
The Emotional Attentional Blink as a Measure of Patriotism
The emotional responses of women when terminating a pregnancy for medical reasons: A scoping review | 2021 |
The Experience of Insomnia in Patients With Schizophrenic Disorder: A Qualitative Study | 2022 |
The First Report of a Real-world Experience With a PCSK9 Inhibitor in a Large Familial Hyperlipidemia and Very-high-risk Middle Eastern Population | 2022 |
The Impact of COVID-19 Confinement on Substance Use and Mental Health in Portuguese Higher Education Students | 2023 |
The Impact of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) on Psychological Outcomes and Quality of Life in Patients With Lung Cancer: A Meta-Analysis | 2022 |
The influence of COVID-19 on the mental health of final-year nursing students: comparing the situation before and during the pandemic | 2021 |
The Optimal Time of Applying Enteral Immunonutrition in Esophageal Cancer Patients Receiving Esophagectomy: A Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials
The performance of the EMS triage (RETTS-p) and the agreement between the field assessment and final hospital diagnosis: a prospective observational study among children < 16 years
The positive effect of social support on psychological distress among Chinese lung cancer patients: The mediating role of self-esteem | 2021 |
Therapeutic Effect and Cost-Benefit Analysis of Three Different Nutritional Schemes for Esophageal Cancer Patients in the Early Post-operative Period | 2021 |
The ReCaPTa study - a prospective out of hospital cardiac arrest registry including multiple sources of surveillance for the study of sudden cardiac death in the Mediterranean area
The ReCaPTa study - a prospective out of hospital cardiac arrest registry including multiple sources of surveillance for the study of sudden cardiac death in the Mediterranean area | 2016 |
The semiotics of wine. Analysis of wine-related cultural consensus in two Spanish wine-producing regions | 2022 |
The Sound of Silence: Unspoken Meaning in the Discourse of Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women on Environmental Risks and Food Safety in Spain | 2022 |
The therapeutic relationship at the heart of nursing care: A participatory action research in acute mental health units | 2023 |
The use of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) for lung cancer patients: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis | 2021 |
Transfers of Care between Healthcare Professionals in Obstetric Units of Different Sizes across Spain and in a Hospital in Ireland: The MidconBirth Study
Trastornos neuropsiquiátricos y estrategias de afrontamiento emocionales en pacientes postictus. Estudio longitudinal | 2021 |
Tratamiento del cáncer de mama en mujeres gestantes. Revisión bibliográfica
Uso del Emocionario en consultas de pediatría en atención primaria
Utilidad de las terapias complementarias en el manejo de dolor durante el parto: una revisión integradora | 2023 |
Valoración de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en la enfermedad renal crónica terminal mediante un cuestionario de resultados percibidos por los pacientes
Vascular Risk Factors in Ischemic Stroke Survivors: A Retrospective Study in Catalonia, Spain | 2022 |
Violence and depression in a community sample | 2017 |