Autor segons l'article: Simó, J.M.; Gallifa, I.F.; Aguilera, A.H.; Heredia, A.G.; Cabré, N.; Mateo, F.L.; Paredero, V.M.; Camps, J.; Joven, J.
Departament: Ciències Mèdiques Bàsiques Medicina i Cirurgia
Autor/s de la URV: SIMÓ SISÓ, JOSÉ MARIA; Gallifa, I.F.; Aguilera, A.H.; Heredia, A.G.; Cabré, N.; Mateo, F.L.; MARTÍN PAREDERO, VICENTE; CAMPS ANDREU, JORGE; JOVEN MARIED, JORGE
Paraules clau: Galectin-3 F2-isoprostanes atherosclerosis
Resum: Galectin-3 is a modulator of oxidative stress, inflammation, and fibrogenesis involved in the pathogenesis of vascular diseases. The present study sought to characterize, in patients with peripheral artery disease (PAD), the localization of galectin-3 in arterial tissue, and to analyze the relationships between the circulating levels of galectin-3 and oxidative stress and inflammation. It also sought to compare the diagnostic accuracy of galectin-3 with that of other biochemical markers of this disease. We analyzed femoral or popliteal arteries from 50 PAD patients, and four control arteries. Plasma from 86 patients was compared with that from 72 control subjects. We observed differences in the expression of galectin-3 in normal arteries, and arteries from patients with PAD, with a displacement of the expression from the adventitia to the media, and the intima. In addition, plasma galectin-3 concentration was increased in PAD patients, and correlated with serologic markers of oxidative stress (F2-isoprostanes), and inflammation [chemokine (C–C motif) ligand 2, C-reactive protein, β-2-microglobulin]. We conclude that the determination of galectin-3 has good diagnostic accuracy in the assessment of PAD and compares well with other analytical parameters currently in use.
Grup de recerca: Unitat de Recerca Biomèdica
Àrees temàtiques: Health sciences Ciencias de la salud Ciències de la salut
Accès a la llicència d'ús:
ISSN: 1661-6596
Identificador de l'autor: ; ; ; ; ; ; 0000-0002-2740-5847; ; 0000-0003-2749-4541
Data d'alta del registre: 2017-05-26
Volum de revista: 18
Versió de l'article dipositat: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Programa de finançament: european; FEDER; PI15/00285 european; FEDER; PI11/00130 european; FEDER; PI11/02817
URL Document de llicència:
Entitat: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Any de publicació de la revista: 2017
Pàgina inicial: 973
Tipus de publicació: Article Artículo Article