Autor segons l'article: Massucci F., Wheeler J., Beltrán-Debón R., Joven J., Sales-Pardo M., Guimerà R.
Departament: Medicina i Cirurgia Enginyeria Química Bioquímica i Biotecnologia
Autor/s de la URV: Beltrán Debón, Raúl Alejandro / Guimera Manrique, Roger / Joven Maried, Jorge / MASSUCCI, FRANCESCO ALESSANDRO / Sales Pardo, Marta
Paraules clau: Perturbed systems inference complex networks belief propagation
Resum: In a complex system, perturbations propagate by following paths on the network of interactions among the system's units. In contrast to what happens with the spreading of epidemics, observations of general perturbations are often very sparse in time (there is a single observation of the perturbed system) and in 'space' (only a few perturbed and unperturbed units are observed). A major challenge in many areas, from biology to the social sciences, is to infer the propagation paths from observations of the effects of perturbation under these sparsity conditions. We address this problem and show that it is possible to go beyond the usual approach of using the shortest paths connecting the known perturbed nodes. Specifically, we show that a simple and general probabilistic model, which we solved using belief propagation, provides fast and accurate estimates of the probabilities of nodes being perturbed
Àrees temàtiques: Química Multidisciplinary sciences Multidisciplinary Medicine (miscellaneous) Interdisciplinar Geociências General medicine Engenharias iii Ciências biológicas ii Ciências biológicas i Ciências ambientais Ciências agrárias i Biotecnología Biodiversidade Astronomia / física
Accès a la llicència d'ús:
ISSN: 23752548
Adreça de correu electrònic de l'autor:
Identificador de l'autor: 0000-0002-3597-4310 0000-0003-2749-4541 0000-0002-8140-6525 0000-0001-9691-1906
Data d'alta del registre: 2024-09-07
Versió de l'article dipositat: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
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Referència a l'article segons font original: Science Advances. 2 (10): e1501638-
Referència de l'ítem segons les normes APA: Massucci F., Wheeler J., Beltrán-Debón R., Joven J., Sales-Pardo M., Guimerà R. (2016). Inferring propagation paths for sparsely observed perturbations on complex networks. Science Advances, 2(10), e1501638-. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1501638
DOI de l'article: 10.1126/sciadv.1501638
Entitat: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Any de publicació de la revista: 2016
Tipus de publicació: Journal Publications