Autor segons l'article: Castroviejo, Elena; Oltra-Massuet, Isabel;
Departament: Estudis Anglesos i Alemanys
Autor/s de la URV: Oltra Massuet, Maria Isabel
Paraules clau: Teoría lingüística Semántica
Resum: This paper is concerned with the semantics of Spanish ser capaz 'be capable' (henceforth SC). Specifically, it aims to account for the distribution SC displays and the range of meanings it expresses in the realm of abilities, viewed as kinds of dispositions. We put forth the following generalization: Whenever imperfective aspect interacts with SC, two possible readings arise, one that is purely abilitative and another one that expresses an accidental or unpredictable state of affairs. Our claim is that both interpretations derive from a circumstantial modal base that includes the subject's inner circumstances, albeit with a different ordering source that is brought about via the interaction of imperfective aspect and the syntax-semantics of the modal. Thus, we propose that the purely abilitative SC contains an ordering source that ranks as better worlds those in which the subject appeals to her strength of the body, intellect or character; the accidental reading is the result of covert movement of the adjective capaz 'capable' over the imperfective-bearing copula ser 'be', which triggers a change of ordering source in the modal.
Àrees temàtiques: Linguistics and language Linguistics Language and linguistics Language & linguistics Filologia, lingüística i sociolingüística
ISSN: 23971835
Adreça de correu electrònic de l'autor:
Identificador de l'autor: 0000-0003-2802-3856
Data d'alta del registre: 2024-09-07
Versió de l'article dipositat: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
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Referència a l'article segons font original: Glossa. An Ambilingual Interdisciplinary Journal. 3 (1):
Referència de l'ítem segons les normes APA: Castroviejo, Elena; Oltra-Massuet, Isabel; (2018). Generic and action-dependent abilities in Spanish 'Be capable'. Glossa. An Ambilingual Interdisciplinary Journal, 3(1), -. DOI: 10.5334/gjgl.495
DOI de l'article: 10.5334/gjgl.495
Entitat: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Any de publicació de la revista: 2018
Tipus de publicació: Journal Publications