Articles producció científica> Psicologia

Perinatal emotional states: a comparative study between two cohorts recruited in a Mediterranean environment

  • Dades identificatives

    Identificador: imarina:9138891
    Voltas, NuriaArija, VictoriaHernandez-Martinez, CarmenNappi, LuigiCibelli, GiuseppeBasora, JosepCanals, Josefa
    © 2020 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. Experiencing negative emotional states during pregnancy has been linked to adverse outcomes for mother and offspring. Our study aims were to compare the perinatal emotional states and obstetrical variables between pregnant women recruited in Spain (n = 202) and Italy (n = 103), and to investigate prenatal anxiety related factors. The study had two phases. In the 1st phase (3rd trimester of pregnancy), prenatal anxiety was assessed using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI); other prenatal and sociodemographic variables were also collected. In the 2nd phase (40 days postpartum), the STAI and the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale were administered. Compared to the Spanish sample, the Italian sample presented higher STAI state and STAI factor 1 mean scores (22.5 vs. 18.6 and 10.0 vs. 7.2), shorter gestations (mean gestation weeks: 39.1 vs. 39.8), more unplanned pregnancies (31.1% vs. 16.4%), and more cesareans deliveries (42.5% vs. 16.0%). Low socioeconomic levels, younger ages, previous miscarriages and unplanned pregnancies were related to prenatal anxiety. Postpartum depression rates was 31.3% and there were no differences between countries. Our results suggested that it may be interesting in both countries to create a prenatal monitoring protocol that attaches more importance to emotional wellbeing both during pregnancy and in the long term.
  • Altres:

    Autor segons l'article: Voltas, Nuria; Arija, Victoria; Hernandez-Martinez, Carmen; Nappi, Luigi; Cibelli, Giuseppe; Basora, Josep; Canals, Josefa
    Departament: Ciències Mèdiques Bàsiques Psicologia
    Autor/s de la URV: Arija Val, Maria Victoria / Basora Gallisa, Josep / Canals Sans, Josefa / Hernandez Martinez, Carmen / Voltas Moreso, Núria
    Paraules clau: Spain Risk factors Prenatal anxiety Pregnancy complications Pregnancy Postnatal depression Perinatal emotional states Parturition Italy Humans Female Depression, postpartum Depression Anxiety
    Resum: © 2020 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. Experiencing negative emotional states during pregnancy has been linked to adverse outcomes for mother and offspring. Our study aims were to compare the perinatal emotional states and obstetrical variables between pregnant women recruited in Spain (n = 202) and Italy (n = 103), and to investigate prenatal anxiety related factors. The study had two phases. In the 1st phase (3rd trimester of pregnancy), prenatal anxiety was assessed using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI); other prenatal and sociodemographic variables were also collected. In the 2nd phase (40 days postpartum), the STAI and the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale were administered. Compared to the Spanish sample, the Italian sample presented higher STAI state and STAI factor 1 mean scores (22.5 vs. 18.6 and 10.0 vs. 7.2), shorter gestations (mean gestation weeks: 39.1 vs. 39.8), more unplanned pregnancies (31.1% vs. 16.4%), and more cesareans deliveries (42.5% vs. 16.0%). Low socioeconomic levels, younger ages, previous miscarriages and unplanned pregnancies were related to prenatal anxiety. Postpartum depression rates was 31.3% and there were no differences between countries. Our results suggested that it may be interesting in both countries to create a prenatal monitoring protocol that attaches more importance to emotional wellbeing both during pregnancy and in the long term.
    Àrees temàtiques: Womens studies Women's studies Saúde coletiva Public, environmental & occupational health Psicología Nutrição Medicine (miscellaneous) Medicine (all) Medicina iii Medicina ii Interdisciplinar Historia General o multidisciplinar General medicine Gender studies Educação física Ciencias sociales Ciências biológicas ii
    Accès a la llicència d'ús:
    Adreça de correu electrònic de l'autor:
    Identificador de l'autor: 0000-0001-8855-0282 0000-0001-6328-8679 0000-0002-6209-9558 0000-0002-1758-0975
    Data d'alta del registre: 2025-01-28
    Versió de l'article dipositat: info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersion
    URL Document de llicència:
    Referència a l'article segons font original: Women & Health. (3): 1-14
    Referència de l'ítem segons les normes APA: Voltas, Nuria; Arija, Victoria; Hernandez-Martinez, Carmen; Nappi, Luigi; Cibelli, Giuseppe; Basora, Josep; Canals, Josefa (2021). Perinatal emotional states: a comparative study between two cohorts recruited in a Mediterranean environment. Women & Health, (3), 1-14. DOI: 10.1080/03630242.2020.1847749
    Entitat: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
    Any de publicació de la revista: 2021
    Tipus de publicació: Journal Publications
  • Paraules clau:

    Medicine (Miscellaneous),Public, Environmental & Occupational Health,Women's Studies,Womens Studies
    Risk factors
    Prenatal anxiety
    Pregnancy complications
    Postnatal depression
    Perinatal emotional states
    Depression, postpartum
    Womens studies
    Women's studies
    Saúde coletiva
    Public, environmental & occupational health
    Medicine (miscellaneous)
    Medicine (all)
    Medicina iii
    Medicina ii
    General o multidisciplinar
    General medicine
    Gender studies
    Educação física
    Ciencias sociales
    Ciências biológicas ii
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