Articles producció científica> Història i Història de l'Art

Dragged, lagged, or undisturbed: reassessing the autochthony of the hominin-bearing assemblages at Gran Dolina (Atapuerca, Spain)

  • Dades identificatives

    Identificador: imarina:9177888
  • Autors:

    Saladie, Palmira
    Rodriguez-Hidalgo, Antonio
    Dominguez-Rodrigo, Manuel
    Vallverdu, Josep
    Mosquera, Marina
    Olle, Andreu
    Huguet, Rosa
    Caceres, Isabel
    Arsuaga, Juan Luis
    Bermudez de Castro, Jose M.
    Carbonell, Eudald
  • Altres:

    Autor segons l'article: Saladie, Palmira; Rodriguez-Hidalgo, Antonio; Dominguez-Rodrigo, Manuel; Vallverdu, Josep; Mosquera, Marina; Olle, Andreu; Huguet, Rosa; Caceres, Isabel; Arsuaga, Juan Luis; Bermudez de Castro, Jose M.; Carbonell, Eudald;
    Departament: Història i Història de l'Art
    Autor/s de la URV: Cáceres Cuello de Oro, Isabel / Carbonell Roura, Eudald / Huguet Pàmies, Rosa / Mosquera Martínez, Marina / Ollé Cañellas, Andreu / Saladié Ballesté, Palmira / Vallverdú Poch, Josep
    Paraules clau: Water flows Td6 unit Taphonomy Spatial statistics Bone integrity
    Resum: The TD6 unit of the Gran Dolina contains an assemblage of the Early Pleistocene, interpreted firstly as a home base. More recently has been proposed a transported origin of the remains according to the sedimentology. Following this model, the remains should be dragged or lagged in a predictable pattern related to their weight, density, shape, and size. Conversely, the debris generated in an undisturbed residential camp should retain spatial relations of codependence caused by the depositional process, not related to inherent variables of materials. To check if the remains were recovered in their original depositional place (aggregated) or are the product of transportation (segregated or random spatial relation), we have evaluated different variables: the spatial arrangement between osteological and lithic tools; the integrity of the bones and their structural characters (shape and tissue composition); postdepositional modifications; and the specimen size distribution. The combined results indicate that the layers that conform the TD6.2 subunit were undisturbed, while TD6.1 was affected by postdepositional processes, probably water flows, resulting in a lagged assemblage. In conclusion, TD6.2 is best interpreted as a well-preserved home base and should play a key role in studies of the behavior of the first European populations.
    Àrees temàtiques: Historia Geosciences, multidisciplinary Geociências Ciencias sociales Ciencias humanas Archeology (arts and humanities) Archeology Archaeology Antropologia / arqueologia Antropología Anthropology
    Accès a la llicència d'ús:
    Adreça de correu electrònic de l'autor:
    Identificador de l'autor: 0000-0002-1730-8461 0000-0002-1750-6249 0000-0002-8643-5536 0000-0002-3177-3263 0000-0001-8487-2591 0000-0003-4823-6154 0000-0001-6306-3621
    Data d'alta del registre: 2024-02-25
    Versió de l'article dipositat: info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersion
    Enllaç font original:
    URL Document de llicència:
    Referència a l'article segons font original: Archaeological And Anthropological Sciences. 13 (4):
    Referència de l'ítem segons les normes APA: Saladie, Palmira; Rodriguez-Hidalgo, Antonio; Dominguez-Rodrigo, Manuel; Vallverdu, Josep; Mosquera, Marina; Olle, Andreu; Huguet, Rosa; Caceres, Isab (2021). Dragged, lagged, or undisturbed: reassessing the autochthony of the hominin-bearing assemblages at Gran Dolina (Atapuerca, Spain). Archaeological And Anthropological Sciences, 13(4), -. DOI: 10.1007/s12520-021-01303-6
    DOI de l'article: 10.1007/s12520-021-01303-6
    Entitat: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
    Any de publicació de la revista: 2021
    Tipus de publicació: Journal Publications
  • Paraules clau:

    Anthropology,Archaeology,Archeology,Archeology (Arts and Humanities),Geosciences, Multidisciplinary
    Water flows
    Td6 unit
    Spatial statistics
    Bone integrity
    Geosciences, multidisciplinary
    Ciencias sociales
    Ciencias humanas
    Archeology (arts and humanities)
    Antropologia / arqueologia
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