Autor segons l'article: Ávila-Román J; Soliz-Rueda JR; Bravo FI; Aragonès G; Suárez M; Arola-Arnal A; Mulero M; Salvadó MJ; Arola L; Torres-Fuentes C; Muguerza B
Departament: Bioquímica i Biotecnologia
Autor/s de la URV: Aragonès Bargalló, Gerard / Arola Arnal, Anna / Arola Ferrer, Luis Maria / Ávila Román, Francisco Javier / Bravo Vázquez, Francisca Isabel / Muguerza Marquínez, Maria Begoña / Mulero Abellán, Miguel / Salvadó Rovira, Maria Josepa / Soliz Rueda, Jorge Ricardo / Suárez Recio, Manuel / Torres Fuentes, Cristina
Paraules clau: Polyphenols Phenolic compounds Metabolic syndrome Dietary proanthocyanidins modulate Chrononutrition Biological rhythms Bioactive compounds resveratrol polyphenols phenolic compounds metabolic syndrome gut microbiota food-intake expression consumption circadian clock chrononutrition bioactive compounds antioxidant
Resum: Background: Phenolic compounds are one of the most heterogeneous group of plant secondary metabolites with over 50,000 diverse molecules identified so far. Despite the low bioavailability of native forms, they have been shown to exert several beneficial effects against chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and neurodegenerative diseases. There are different factors that may affect their absorption and distribution in tissues, but the exact mechanisms remain unclear. Recently, the time of the day and the season of the year in which they are consumed have emerged as another factor that may significantly impact on their metabolism and bioactivities. Scope and approach: This review emphasizes the importance of the interaction between phenolic compounds and biological rhythms and its impact on the bioactivities of these metabolites. This may have implications for the food industry as food rich in phenolic compounds may exert different effects depending on the time of consumption. Key findings and conclusions: Phenolic compounds broad activity could be explained by their extensive transformation, including metabolization in the colon by the gut microbiota, which leads to the production of multitude of different metabolites. Biological rhythms play a significant role in this metabolism affecting their bioactivities and, at the same time, phenolic compounds may exert their effects by promoting homeostasis at a basal signalling level through interactions with the biological clock system. This is in accordance with the xenohormesis hypothesis, which explains that chemical cues synthetized by plants are able to allow animals to favourably adapt to changing environmental conditions.
Àrees temàtiques: Zootecnia / recursos pesqueiros Nutrição Medicina veterinaria Medicina i Food science & technology Food science Farmacia Engenharias ii Ciências biológicas iii Ciências biológicas i Ciências ambientais Ciências agrárias i Ciência de alimentos Biotechnology
Accès a la llicència d'ús:
Adreça de correu electrònic de l'autor:
Identificador de l'autor: 0000-0001-9766-8178 0000-0003-0122-8253 0000-0002-6468-3088 0000-0001-6529-1345 0000-0003-2767-1974 0000-0001-7384-8588 0000-0002-2917-6910
Data d'alta del registre: 2025-01-08
Volum de revista: 113
Versió de l'article dipositat: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
URL Document de llicència:
Referència a l'article segons font original: Trends In Food Science & Technology. 113 77-85
Referència de l'ítem segons les normes APA: Ávila-Román J; Soliz-Rueda JR; Bravo FI; Aragonès G; Suárez M; Arola-Arnal A; Mulero M; Salvadó MJ; Arola L; Torres-Fuentes C; Muguerza B (2021). Phenolic compounds and biological rhythms: Who takes the lead?. Trends In Food Science & Technology, 113(), 77-85. DOI: 10.1016/j.tifs.2021.04.050
Entitat: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Any de publicació de la revista: 2021
Tipus de publicació: Journal Publications