Articles producció científica> Química Física i Inorgànica

Gold Nanostars: Synthesis, Optical and SERS Analytical Properties

  • Dades identificatives

    Identificador: imarina:9249342
    Becerril-Castro, I BrianCalderon, IrenePazos-Perez, NicolasGuerrini, LucaSchulz, FlorianFeliu, NeusChakraborty, IndranathGiannini, VincenzoParak, Wolfgang JAlvarez-Puebla, Ramon A
    Gold nanostars are among the most efficient plasmonic nanomaterials for optical sensing with surface enhanced Raman scattering. In recent years, gold nanostars have increased relevance in physics, analytical chemistry, environmental science, biology and medicine, and in particular in sensing and therapy. These colloids can sustain ultrastrong electromagnetic fields which allow their use as single particles optical enhancers; are colloidally stable and may have a marked catalytical activity. Due to their exotic shape, these colloids present characteristic optical and reactive behaviors. Here, we briefly discuss the optical properties, the synthetic routes and the analytical applications of these nanoparticles.
  • Altres:

    Autor segons l'article: Becerril-Castro, I Brian; Calderon, Irene; Pazos-Perez, Nicolas; Guerrini, Luca; Schulz, Florian; Feliu, Neus; Chakraborty, Indranath; Giannini, Vincenzo; Parak, Wolfgang J; Alvarez-Puebla, Ramon A
    Departament: Química Física i Inorgànica
    Autor/s de la URV: Alvarez Puebla, Ramon Angel / Becerril Castro, Irving Brian / Calderón González, Irene / Guerrini, Luca / Pazos Pérez, Nicolás Carlos
    Paraules clau: Surface plasmon resonance Sers Sensing Nanostars Nanocolloids
    Resum: Gold nanostars are among the most efficient plasmonic nanomaterials for optical sensing with surface enhanced Raman scattering. In recent years, gold nanostars have increased relevance in physics, analytical chemistry, environmental science, biology and medicine, and in particular in sensing and therapy. These colloids can sustain ultrastrong electromagnetic fields which allow their use as single particles optical enhancers; are colloidally stable and may have a marked catalytical activity. Due to their exotic shape, these colloids present characteristic optical and reactive behaviors. Here, we briefly discuss the optical properties, the synthetic routes and the analytical applications of these nanoparticles.
    Àrees temàtiques: Spectroscopy Nanoscience & nanotechnology Electrochemistry Chemistry, analytical Biochemistry Analytical chemistry
    Accès a la llicència d'ús:
    Adreça de correu electrònic de l'autor:
    Identificador de l'autor: 0000-0003-4770-5756 0000-0002-2925-1562 0000-0002-2326-4231
    Data d'alta del registre: 2025-02-18
    Versió de l'article dipositat: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
    URL Document de llicència:
    Referència a l'article segons font original: Analysis And Sensing. 2 (3): e202200005-
    Referència de l'ítem segons les normes APA: Becerril-Castro, I Brian; Calderon, Irene; Pazos-Perez, Nicolas; Guerrini, Luca; Schulz, Florian; Feliu, Neus; Chakraborty, Indranath; Giannini, Vince (2022). Gold Nanostars: Synthesis, Optical and SERS Analytical Properties. Analysis And Sensing, 2(3), e202200005-. DOI: 10.1002/anse.202200005
    Entitat: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
    Any de publicació de la revista: 2022
    Tipus de publicació: Journal Publications
  • Paraules clau:

    Chemistry, Analytical,Nanoscience & Nanotechnology
    Surface plasmon resonance
    Nanoscience & nanotechnology
    Chemistry, analytical
    Analytical chemistry
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