Title |
Date |
A bibliometric analysis of trends in solar cooling technology
Absorption heat transformer- state-of-the-art of industrial applications | 2021 |
Acetoacetate based thermosets prepared by dual-Michael addition reactions | 2019 |
A Criterion for the Complete Deposition of Magnetic Beads on the Walls of Microchannels | 2016 |
Actuator Behaviour of Tailored Poly(thiourethane) Shape Memory Thermosets | 2021 |
A data-driven framework for designing a renewable energy community based on the integration of machine learning model with life cycle assessment and life cycle cost parameters
A data-driven framework for designing a renewable energy community based on the integration of machine learning model with life cycle assessment and life cycle cost parameters | 2024 |
A framework for sustainable evaluation of thermal energy storage in circular economy | 2021 |
A framework for the optimal integration of solar assisted district heating in different urban sized communities: A robust machine learning approach incorporating global sensitivity analysis
All-lignocellulosic Fiberboard from Steam Exploded Arundo Donax L. | 2018 |
A Machine Learning decision-making tool for extubation in Intensive Care Unit patients | 2021 |
Analysis and comparison of coupled and uncoupled simulations with the COAWST model during the Gloria Storm (January 2020) in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea | 2023 |
Analysis of Aeroacoustic Properties of the Local Radial Point Interpolation Cumulant Lattice Boltzmann Method | 2021 |
Analysis of ammonia/water and ammonia/salt mixture absorption cycles for refrigeration purposes in fishing ships | 2014 |
Analysis of electrode performance on amplitude integrated electroencephalography in neonates: evaluation of a new electrode aCUP-E vs. liquid gel electrodes | 2024 |
Analysis of Poly(thiourethane) Covalent Adaptable Network through Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy | 2023 |
Analysis of the Use of Recycled Aluminum to Generate Green Hydrogen in an Electric Bicycle | 2023 |
Analysis of Valorization Process of Aluminum Breakage Scraps to Obtain Green Hydrogen | 2021 |
A New Epoxy-Based Layered Silicate Nanocomposite Using a Hyperbranched Polymer: Study of the Curing Reaction and Nanostructure Development
An Inquiry into the Life Cycle of Systems of Inner Walls: Comparison of Masonry and Drywall | 2015 |
Anàlisi de les qualificacions obtingudes amb una estrategia docent ludificada: Cas pràctic en assignatures de l’àmbit de l’enginyeria mecànica
Análisis de las tecnologías de almacenamiento de energía térmica dentro de la economía circular
Análisis del curado dual en resinas epoxi mediante un molde instrumentado
Análisis de los diferentes tipos de desvulcanizado en la caracterización de nuevos materiales elastoméricos formados por la mezcla de estireno butadieno-caucho natural y mezclados con neumáticos fuera de uso (GTR) | 2017 |
A Novel H2O/LiBr Absorption Heat Pump with Condensation Heat Recovery for Combined Heating and Cooling Production: Energy Analysis for Different Applications | 2023 |
Application Properties Analysis as a Dielectric Capacitor of End-of-Life Tire-Reinforced HDPE | 2020 |
Approach for the analysis of TES technologies aiming towards a circular economy: Case study of building-like cubicles
Approaching Self-Bonded Medium Density Fiberboards Made by Mixing Steam Exploded Arundo donax L. and Wood Fibers: A Comparison with pMDI-Bonded Fiberboards on the Primary Properties of the Boards | 2023 |
A real-time diagnostic tool for evaluating the thermal performance of nearly zero energy buildings | 2021 |
A review of membrane contactors applied in absorption refrigeration systems | 2015 |
A review of the fault behavior of heat pumps and measurements, detection and diagnosis methods including virtual sensors | 2021 |
A Review of the Measurement of the Multiphase Slug Frequency | 2024 |
A Review on Thermoelectric Generators: Progress and Applications | 2020 |
A short communication on glocal universities
Assessment of boiling heat transfer and pressure drop correlations of ammonia/water mixture in a plate heat exchanger
Bayesian Machine Scientist to Compare Data Collapses for the Nikuradse Dataset | 2020 |
Binderless Fiberboards for Sustainable Construction. Materials, Production Methods and Applications | 2021 |
Bio-based epoxy shape-memory thermosets from triglycidyl phloroglucinol | 2020 |
Bio-inspired blades with local trailing edge flexibility increase the efficiency of vertical axis wind turbines | 2022 |
Bio Oil as Cutter Stock in Fuel Oil Blends for Industrial Applications | 2023 |
Boiling heat transfer and pressure drop of NH3/LiNO3 and NH3/(LiNO3 þ H2O) in a plate heat exchanger | 2016 |
Boiling process assessment for absorption heat pumps: A review | 2021 |
Carbon footprint of low-energy buildings in the United Kingdom: Effects of mitigating technological pathways and decarbonization strategies | 2023 |
Catalytic pyrolysis of recycled polypropylene using a regenerated FCC catalyst | 2023 |
Cephalic biomechanics underpins the evolutionary success of trilobites | 2021 |
CFD simulation to investigate heat and mass transfer processes in a membrane-based absorber for water-LiSr absorption cooling systems | 2015 |
Challenges associated with the construction and operation of seasonal storage for A small solar district heating system: a multi-objective optimization approach | 2021 |
Chlorine Concentration Modelling and Supervision in Water Distribution Systems | 2022 |
Common fault effects on a natural refrigerant, variable-speed heat pump | 2022 |
Comparison between fully resolved and time-averaged simulations of particle cloud dispersion produced by a violent expiratory event | 2022 |
Comparison of electrode position marking procedures on the cranial surface | 2023 |
Comparison of Mechanical and Electrical Characteristics of Various Polymers Blended with Ground Tire Rubber (GTR) and Applications | 2019 |
Comparison of numerical and experimental performance criteria of an ammonia water bubble absorber using plate heat exchangers
Comparison of the nanostructure and mechanical performance of highly exfoliated epoxy-clay nanocomposites prepared by three different protocols
Computational modeling of electromechanical propagation in the helical ventricular anatomy of the heart | 2013 |
Conceptual and instrumental influences in the graphic representation of urban planning during the 20th century
Conceptual and instrumental influences in the graphic representation of urban planning: From ancient times to the baroque
Conceptual and instrumental influences in the graphic representation of urban planning: The industrial revolution and the 19th century
Controlled composite processing based on off-stoichiometric thiol-epoxy dual-curing systems with sequential heat release (SHR) | 2022 |
Cooperativas, Estado y Mercado. Privatización del transporte público de Montevideo a través de cooperativas (1947-2017) | 2019 |
Cost-Effectively 3D-Printed Rigid and Versatile Interpenetrating Polymer Networks | 2021 |
Delta wing design in earliest nektonic vertebrates | 2024 |
Design and assembly of biodegradable capsules based on alginate hydrogel composite for the encapsulation of blue dye | 2023 |
Design and characterization of a novel finned tubular thermoelectric generator for waste heat recovery | 2022 |
Determination of Thermodynamic Parameters of Polylactic Acid by Thermogravimetry under Pyrolysis Conditions | 2021 |
Determination of the thermodynamic parameters of the pyrolysis process of post-consumption thermoplastics by non-isothermal thermogravimetric analysis | 2021 |
Development of optical digital interferometry for visualizing and modelling the mass diffusion of ammonia in water in an absorption process | 2022 |
Dielectric characterization and analysis of linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) compounds mixed with out-of-use tire particles (GTR) | 2021 |
Dielectric Properties in Oriented and Unoriented Membranes Based on Poly(Epichlorohydrin-co-Ethylene Oxide) Copolymers: Part III | 2022 |
Direct numerical simulation of the fully developed turbulent free convection flow in an asymmetrically heated vertical channel | 2023 |
Direct numerical simulation of the turbulent flow generated during a violent expiratory event | 2021 |
Direct numerical simulation of turbulent dispersion of evaporative aerosol clouds produced by an intense expiratory event | 2021 |
Disulfide vitrimeric materials based on cystamine and diepoxy eugenol as bio-based monomers | 2023 |
Drawing the 'Boundaries', the Start of an Urban Planning Project
Dual-cured thermosets from glycydil methacrylate obtained by epoxy-amine reaction and methacrylate homopolymerization | 2021 |
Easements and protected areas: Problems and evolution of their graphic representation on urban development and civil engineering drawings
Economic Optimization of the Energy Supply for a Logistics Center Considering Variable-Rate Energy Tariffs and Integration of Photovoltaics
Effect of advanced surfaces on the ammonia absorption process with NH 3/LiNO3 in a tubular bubble absorber | 2014 |
Effect of operating conditions on the performance of the bubble pump of absorption-diffusion refrigeration cycles
Effect of Selected Thiols on Cross-linking of Acrylated Epoxidized Soybean Oil and Properties of Resulting Polymers | 2018 |
Effect of solid particles on the slug frequency, bubble velocity and bubble length of intermittent gas–liquid two-phase flows in horizontal pipelines | 2022 |
Effect of the network structure and programming temperature on the shape-memory response of thiol-epoxy 'click' systems | 2015 |
Effects of upper respiratory tract anatomy and head movement on the buoyant flow and particle dispersion generated in a violent expiratory event | 2022 |
Electro-responsive shape-memory composites obtained via dual-curing processing | 2022 |
Elucidating Paralouatta's semi-terrestriality using the virtual morpho-functional toolbox
Embodied energy in thermal energy storage (TES) systems for high temperature applications | 2015 |
Energy Analysis of Control Measures for Reducing Aerosol Transmission of COVID‐19 in the Tourism Sector of the “Costa Daurada” Spain | 2022 |
Energy efficiency and thermal comfort of buildings in arid climates employing insulating material produced from date palm waste matter | 2023 |
Enhancement in the Glass Transition Temperature in Latent Thiol-Epoxy Click Cured Thermosets | 2015 |
Enhancement of 3D-printable materials by dual-curing procedures | 2021 |
Enhancement of Epoxy Thermosets with Hyperbranched and Multiarm Star Polymers: A Review | 2022 |
Epoxy-Based Shape-Memory Actuators Obtained via Dual-Curing of Off-Stoichiometric 'Thiol-Epoxy' Mixtures | 2017 |
Estimation of differential heat of dilution for aqueous lithium (bromide, iodide, nitrate, chloride) solution and aqueous (lithium, potassium, sodium) nitrate solution used in absorption cooling systems | 2016 |
Euler-Euler large eddy simulations of the gas–liquid flow in a cylindrical bubble column | 2020 |
Europa, l'esperança del món
Evaluation of Empirical Daily Solar Radiation Models for the Northeast Coast of the Iberian Peninsula | 2023 |
Evaluation of the beam-F3 method for locating the F3 position from the 10-20 international system | 2022 |
Experimental Analysis of Gas-Liquid-Solid Three-Phase Flows in Horizontal Pipelines
Experimental and numerical investigation of the flow in a cylindrical cavity with an unsteady rotating lid | 2022 |
Experimental characterization of heat and mass transfer in a horizontal tube falling film absorber using aqueous (lithium, potassium, sodium) nitrate solution as a working pair | 2018 |
Experimental investigation on the flow behaviour in a bubble pump of diffusion absorption refrigeration systems
Experimental investigation on the flow behaviour in a bubble pump of diffusion absorption refrigeration systems | 2016 |
Experimental investigations and modelling of a small capacity diffusion-absorption refrigerator in dynamic mode | 2017 |
Experimental studies on bubble pump operated diffusion absorption machine based on light hydrocarbons for solar cooling
Experimental study of an ammonia/water bubble absorber using a plate heat exchanger for absorption refrigeration machines
Experimental study of the deposition of magnetic particles on the walls of microchannels | 2021 |
Feasibility limits and performance of an absorption cooling machine using light alkane mixtures | 2015 |
Feasibility study and environmental impact of using a photovoltaic system to secure relays of mobile communication systems | 2021 |
Feasibility study and performance evaluation of low capacity water-LiBr absorption cooling systems functioning in different Algerian climate zones | 2017 |
Feasibility study of a wind-photovoltaic hybrid power generation system for a remote area in the extreme south of Algeria | 2016 |
Finite element analysis of individual taenioglossan radular teeth (Mollusca)
Finite element analysis relating shape, material properties, and dimensions of taenioglossan radular teeth with trophic specialisations in Paludomidae (Gastropoda) | 2021 |
Finite element modelling of sound transmission in the Weberian apparatus of zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Finite element modelling of sound transmission in the Weberian apparatus of zebrafish (Danio rerio) | 2024 |
Flexible heat pump integration to improve sustainable transition toward 4th generation district heating
Flow analysis of a set of ornamental chimney caps designed by Antoni Gaudi
Flow boiling heat transfer of ammonia/water mixture in a plate heat exchanger
Framework for a Systematic Parametric Analysis to Maximize Energy Output of PV Modules Using an Experimental Design | 2019 |
From layout to photoplan: reflections on the 'representation' of urban planning.
From Supramolecular Hydrogels to Multifunctional Carriers for Biologically Active Substances | 2021 |
Fully-resolved numerical simulations of the turbulent flow and particle deposition in a cubical cavity with two pairs of differentially heated opposed walls at Rayleigh number 3.6 × 109 | 2023 |
Fungal planet description sheets: 154-213
Geometric characterization of the rotation centers of a particle in a flow
Getting Its Feet on the Ground: Elucidating Paralouatta’s Semi-Terrestriality Using the Virtual Morpho-Functional Toolbox | 2020 |
Ground tire rubber recycling in applications as insulators in polymeric compounds, according to spanish une standards | 2020 |
Heat and mass transfer in a bubble plate absorber with NH 3/LiNO 3 and NH 3/(LiNO 3 + H 2O) mixtures
High Mechanical Performance Boards Made from fibers of Arundo donax without added adhesives | 2017 |
Hybrid system and environmental evaluation: Case house in south of Algeria
Hydrodynamics of a rigid stationary flat plate in cross-flow near the free surface | 2019 |
Identifying the effects of heat treatment temperatures on the Ti50Ni45Cu5 alloy using dynamic mechanical analysis combined with microstructural analysis
Identifying the intermittent flow sub-regimes using pressure drop time series fluctuations
Impact of the solution channel thickness while investigating the effect of membrane characteristics and operating conditions on the performance of water-LiBr membrane-based absorbers | 2016 |
Implementation of elements of sustainability applied to the modernization of productive areas: Spain, a case of technological deficiency in southern Europe [Implantación de elementos de sostenibilidad aplicados a la modernización de áreas productivas:
Implementation of elements of sustainability applied to the urbanization of productive areas
Influence of Design Parameters in the Optimization of Linear Switched Reluctance Motor under Thermal Constraints | 2018 |
Influence of Heat Treatment on Internal Friction Spectrum in NiTiCu Shape Memory Alloy | 2015 |
Influence of silver nanoparticles morphologies on density, viscosity and thermal conductivity of silver nanofluids and silver ionanofluids | 2018 |
Influence of tire rubber particles addition in different branching degrees polyethylene matrix composites on physical and structural behavior | 2021 |
Influence of Ventilation Openings on the Energy Efficiency of Metal Frame Modular Constructions in Brazil Using BIM | 2023 |
Influencia en las propiedades mecánicas de varios compuestos poliméricos reforzados con partículas de GTR
Insights into the Structural and Dielectric Behavior of Composites Produced from EPDM Waste Processed through a Devulcanization Method and SBR | 2023 |
Integration of a heating and cooling system driven by solar thermal energy and biomass for a greenhouse in Mediterranean climates | 2023 |
Integration of reversible heat pumps in trigeneration systems for low-temperature renewable district heating and cooling microgrids
Integration of Solar Photovoltaic Systems into Power Networks: A Scientific Evolution Analysis | 2022 |
Integrative analysis reveals novel pathways mediating the interaction between adipose tissue and pancreatic islets in obesity in rats
Investigation of an ejector powered double-effect absorption/recompression refrigeration cycle
ISS quasi-steady accelerometric data as a tool for the detection of external disturbances during the period 2009-2016.
ISS Quasi-steady Accelerometric Data as a Tool for the Detection of External Disturbances During the Period 2009-2016 | 2018 |
Key performance indicators (KPIs): Assessing the process integration of a shell-and-tube latent heat storage unit
Large field Digital Image Plane Holography with a double cavity high speed laser | 2022 |
Lesser mealworm (A. diaperinus) protein as a replacement for dairy proteins in the production of O/W emulsions: Droplet coalescence studies using microfluidics under controlled conditions | 2023 |
Life Cicle Inventory for Lead Azide Manufacture
Life cicle inventory for lead azide manufacture | 2014 |
Life Cycle Assessment of alveolar brick construction system incorporating phase change materials (PCMs)
Life Cycle Impact Assessment of masonry system as inner walls: A case study in Brazil
Lipids, biomarkers, and subclinical atherosclerosis in treatment-naive HIV patients starting or not starting antiretroviral therapy: Comparison with a healthy control group in a 2-year prospective study
Low-energy buildings in combination with grid decarbonization, life cycle assessment of passive house buildings in Northern Ireland | 2022 |
Methodology for the Prediction of the Thermal Conductivity of Concrete by Using Neural Networks | 2024 |
Microparticle size and quantities effect on the mechanical features of end of life tires in thermoplastic composites | 2020 |
Modeling and Dynamic Simulation of a Hybrid Liquid Desiccant System with Non-Adiabatic Falling-Film Air-Solution Contactors for Air Conditioning Applications in Buildings | 2021 |
Modeling and Optimal Control Applying the Flower Pollination Algorithm to Doubly Fed Induction Generators on a Wind Farm in a Hot Arid Climate | 2021 |
Modeling of a cogeneration system with a micro gas turbine operating at partial load conditions
Modeling of a cogeneration system with a micro gas turbine operating at partial load conditions
Modeling of boiling two-phase flow in the bubble pump of diffusion-absorption refrigeration cycles | 2015 |
Modelling and testing the performance of a commercial ammonia/water absorption chiller using ASPEN-Plus platform | 2015 |
Modelling of heat flux received by a bubble pump of absorption-diffusion refrigeration cycles
Modelling the performance parameters of a horizontal falling film absorber with aqueous (lithium, potassium, sodium) nitrate solution using artificial neural networks | 2016 |
Molar heat capacities of the mixture {1,8-cineole + ethanol} at several temperatures and atmospheric pressure | 2016 |
Molecular dynamics algorithm enforcing energy conservation for microcanonical simulations
Motion control in free-standing shape-memory actuators | 2018 |
Multi-objective optimisation of bio-based thermal insulation materials in building envelopes considering condensation risk | 2018 |
Multi-objective optimization coupled with life cycle assessment for retrofitting buildings
Multiple Aneurysms AnaTomy CHallenge 2018 (MATCH): Phase I: Segmentation | 2018 |
Network structure dependence on unconstrained isothermal-recovery processes for shape-memory thiol-epoxy 'click' systems | 2017 |
New approach in the reuse of modified ground tire rubber as thermal and acoustic insulation to be used in civil engineering | 2023 |
New Developments and Progress in Absorption Chillers for Solar Cooling Applications
New epoxy composite thermosets with enhanced thermal conductivity and high Tg obtained by cationic homopolymerization | 2018 |
NiTiCu Transverse to Axial Strain Ratio Analysis During Tension/Compression Tests | 2015 |
Novel bio-based epoxy thermosets based on triglycidyl phloroglucinol prepared by thiol-epoxy reaction | 2020 |
Novel BN-epoxy/anhydride composites with enhanced thermal conductivity
Novel hybrid organic/inorganic poly(thiourethane) covalent adaptable networks | 2022 |
Numerical analysis of n-octadecane melting process in a rectangular cell under reboosting maneuver conditions | 2024 |
Numerical investigation of an absorption-diffusion cooling machine using C3H8/C9H20 as binary working fluid [Étude numérique d\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ | 2013 |
Numerical investigation of void fraction distribution for comparative analysis of flow patterns repartition in thermal driven bubble pumps
Numerical prediction of flow patterns in bubble pumps
Numerical simulations of the flow and aerosol dispersion in a violent expiratory event: Outcomes of the 2022 International Computational Fluid Dynamics Challenge on violent expiratory events | 2023 |
One step further in biomechanical models in palaeontology: a nonlinear finite element analysis review | 2022 |
On the drag reconfiguration of plates near the free surface
On the Monitoring of the Vibratory Environment of DCMIX4 Campaign. Preliminary Results
Optimization of the geometrical parameters of a solar bubble pump for absorption-diffusion cooling systems | 2010 |
Optimized demand side management (DSM) of peak electricity demand by coupling low temperature thermal energy storage (TES) and solar PV | 2018 |
Orthodontic Loads in Teeth after Regenerative Endodontics: A Finite Element Analysis of the Biomechanical Performance of the Periodontal Ligament | 2022 |
Overview of the Potential of Energy Harvesting Sources in Electric Vehicles | 2023 |
Parametric Study of an Earth-Air Heat Exchanger Assisted by a Green Wall for Passive Cooling in Hot Climates | 2020 |
Particle fractionation controls Escherichia coli release from solid manure | 2021 |
Part-load cahracteristics of a new ammonia/lithium nitrate absorption chiller [Caractéristiques à charge partielle d'un nouveau refroidisseur à absorption ammoniac/nitrate de lithium] | 2015 |
Passive intensification of the ammonia absorption process with NH3/LiNO3 using carbon nanotubes and advanced surfaces in a tubular bubble absorber | 2014 |
Passive scalar transfer rate at bubble interface in Carreau liquid in a transition regime | 2022 |
Performance Analysis of a Cascading Adsorption Cycle Powered by High-Temperature Heat Sources for Low-Temperature Cooling in Hot Climates
Performance analysis of a triple-effect absorption cooling cycle using aqueous (lithium, potassium, sodium) nitrate solution as a working pair | 2015 |
Performance Analysis of Low-Capacity Water–LiBr Absorption–Cooling Systems Using Geothermal Heat-Sinks in Hot Climates | 2023 |
Performance assessment of a 20 MW photovoltaic power plant in a hot climate using real data and simulation tools | 2021 |
Performance assessment of an NH3/LiNO3 bubble plate absorber applying a semi-empirical model and artificial neural networks | 2020 |
Performance evaluation of membrane-based absorbers employing H2O/(LiBr + LiI + LiNO3 + LiCl) and H2O/(LiNO3 + KNO3 + NaNO3) as working pairs in absorption cooling systems | 2016 |
Phenomenological characterization of sequential dual-curing of off-stoichiometric "thiol-epoxy" systems: Towards applicability
Phenomenological characterization of sequential dual-curing of off-stoichiometric “thiol-epoxy” systems: Towards applicability | 2017 |
Pitching foil propulsion performance decays near the free surface | 2023 |
Power production using a batch double-chamber microbial fuel cell from brewery wastewater: Effects of electron acceptors | 2022 |
Pre-industrial development and experimental characterization of new air-cooled and water-cooled ammonia/lithium nitrate absorption chillers | 2014 |
Preparation and Characterization of a Series of Self-Healable Bio-Based Poly(thiourethane) Vitrimer-like Materials | 2023 |
Preparation and Characterization of Novel Poly(thiourethane)-Poly(isocyanurate) Covalent Adaptable Networks: Effect of the Catalysts | 2024 |
Preparation of new biobased materials from a triglycidyl eugenol derivative through thiol-epoxy click reaction | 2018 |
Pressure recovery model for gas-liquid two-phase flow across sudden expansions
Production and Analysis of the Physicochemical Properties of the Pyrolytic Oil Obtained from Pyrolysis of Different Thermoplastics and Plastic Mixtures | 2022 |
Quantitative and structural analysis of water association in water-lithium bromide-1,3-dimethylimidazolium chloride mixtures
Real-World Variability in the Prediction of Intracranial Aneurysm Wall Shear Stress: The 2015 International Aneurysm CFD Challenge | 2018 |
Recovery and Transport of Industrial Waste Heat for Their Use in Urban District Heating and Cooling Networks Using Absorption Systems | 2020 |
Recyclable and Reprocessable Epoxy Vitrimer Adhesives | 2023 |
Recyclable organocatalyzed poly(Thiourethane) covalent adaptable networks | 2020 |
Recyclable poly(thiourethane) vitrimers with high Tg. Influence of the isocyanate structure | 2020 |
Regasification of liquefied natural gas in satellite terminals: Techno-economic potential of cold recovery for boosting the efficiency of refrigerated facilities | 2021 |
Rheological and mechanical characterization of dual-curing thiol-acrylate-epoxy thermosets for advanced applications
Scheduling optimization and risk analysis for energy-intensive industries under uncertain electricity market to facilitate financial planning | 2023 |
Sequential curing of off-stoichiometric thiol-epoxy thermosets with a custom-tailored structure
Sequential photo-thermal curing of (meth)acrylate-epoxy thiol formulations | 2021 |
Shape evolution of long flexible fibers in viscous flows | 2022 |
Shape-memory actuators based on dual-curing thiol-acrylate-epoxy thermosets | 2021 |
Solutal natural convection flows in ternary mixtures
Solutal natural convection flows in ternary mixtures | 2017 |
Some considerations on the vibrational environment of the DSC-DCMIX1 experiment onboard ISS
Some considerations on the vibrational environment of the DSC-DCMIX1 experiment onboard ISS
Stabilized rammed earth incorporating PCM: Optimization and improvement of thermal properties and Life Cycle Assessment
Steady state investigations of a commercial diffusion-absorption refrigerator: Experimental study and numerical simulations | 2018 |
Stone sawing machine at the Temple of Artemis in Jerash, Jordan
Structural and mechanical analysis on mannuronate-rich alginate gels and xerogels beads based on Calcium, Copper and Zinc as crosslinkers | 2023 |
Structural and physico-mechanical properties of natural rubber/GTR composites devulcanized by microwaves: Influence of GTR source and irradiation time | 2018 |
Structural reversible adhesives based on thiol-epoxy vitrimers | 2023 |
Study analysis of thermal, dielectric and functional characteristics of an ethylene polyethylene diene monomer blended with end-of-life tire microparticles amounts | 2021 |
Study and Characterization of the Dielectric Behavior of Low Linear Density Polyethylene Composites Mixed with Ground Tire Rubber Particles | 2020 |
Study of the synergistic effect of boron nitride and carbon nanotubes in the improvement of thermal conductivity of epoxy composites | 2020 |
Subcutaneous phaeohyphomycosis due to Phialemoniopsis ocularis successfully treated by voriconazole
Sustainability insights on emerging solar district heating technologies to boost the nearly zero energy building concept | 2021 |
Swimming and feeding in the Ordovician trilobite Microparia speciosa shed light on the early history of nektonic life habit
Synchronization of life cycles by collective transport and emergence of supercycles
Synthesis and characterization of new bio-based poly(acylhydrazone) vanillin vitrimers | 2022 |
Systematic combination of insulation biomaterials to enhance energy and environmental efficiency in buildings | 2021 |
Technical, environmental, and economic evaluation of a solar/gas driven absorption chiller for shopping malls in the Caribbean region of Colombia | 2022 |
Techno-economic analysis of control strategies for heat pumps integrated into solar district heating systems | 2021 |
Techno-economic analysis of residential rooftop photovoltaics in Spain | 2023 |
Testing the Reliability of Flexible MOX Gas Sensors under Strain | 2019 |
The 'Base map' for urban planning: cartographic representation as a fundamental tool for the representation of the town plan.
The effect of lignin as a natural adhesive on the physico-mechanical properties of vitis vinifera fiberboards | 2011 |
The Impact of an International Component in Educating the Public Using an Experimental Design | 2021 |
Theoretical study of a novel oil-free co-rotating scroll compressor integrated into a hybrid absorption heat pump cycle
The Potential of Solar Thermoelectric Generator STEG for Implantation in the Adrar Region | 2020 |
Thermal and mechanical characterization of EMA-TEGDMA mixtures for cosmetic applications | 2018 |
Thermal and Surface Radiosity Analysis of an Underfloor Heating System in a Bioclimatic Habitat | 2021 |
Thermoconductive Thermosetting Composites Based on Boron Nitride Fillers and Thiol-Epoxy Matrices | 2018 |
The use of click-type reactions in the preparation of thermosets | 2020 |
The use of lanthanide triflates in the preparation of poly(thiourethane) covalent adaptable networks | 2023 |
Transient large-scale two-phase flow structures in a 3D bubble column reactor | 2020 |
Transport and wall surface deposition of airborne particles in enclosed, buoyancy-driven turbulent flows using fully-resolved numerical simulations | 2022 |
Tribological Behavior of Microalloyed Cu50Zr50 Alloy | 2022 |
Use of operational research techniques for concrete mix design: A systematic review | 2023 |
Use of thermoelectric generators to harvest energy from motor vehicle brake discs | 2021 |
Using Machine Learning to estimate the impact of different modes of transport and traffic restriction strategies on urban air quality | 2022 |
Utility networks in urban planning plans: Evolution of its graphic representation
Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium of Aqueous Alkaline Nitrate and Nitrite Solutions for Absorption Refrigeration Cycles with High-Temperature Driving
Vapour absorption enhancement using passive techniques for absorption cooling/heating technologies: A review | 2018 |
Vertically downward gas-liquid flow: Void fraction and pressure drop | 2024 |
Visualization and measurement of two-phase flows in horizontal pipelines | 2020 |
Vitrimeric Epoxy-Amine Polyimine Networks Based on a Renewable Vanillin Derivative | 2022 |
Waste Aluminum Application as Energy Valorization for Hydrogen Fuel Cells for Mobile Low Power Machines Applications | 2021 |