Articles producció científica> Filologies Romàniques

L'enseignement de la langue française dans les écoles de commerce en Espagne des origines au début du XXè siècle: outils et expériences

  • Identification data

    Identifier: PC:1243
  • Authors:

    Rius Dalmau, Maria Inmaculada
  • Others:

    Author, as appears in the article.: Rius Dalmau, Maria Inmaculada
    Department: Filologies Romàniques
    Keywords: métodologia per a l'ensenyament de llengües modernes estudis de comerç Gramàtiques i manuals de francès métodos para la enseñanza de lenguas estudios de comercio Gramáticas y manuales de francés language teaching business studies French text books
    Abstract: Business was first studied in Europe as an offshoot of the more classical study programmes. Associations of businessmen promoted these new studies as countries developed their international market. It soon became apparent that specially prepared professionals were required. The teaching of French was established in Spanish business schools by the year 1912. As a result of this, specialized French text books were increasingly published for business students. In this paper we aim to show the importance of teaching foreign languages, and French in particular, in business studies in Spain. We also wish to analyze the materials and the strategies that language teachers used to prepare their students for their professional future.
    Research group: Grup de Recerca en Lingüística Aplicada
    Thematic Areas: Ciències de l'educació Ciencias de la educación Education sciences
    licence for use:
    Keyword in other language: enseignement de langues études de commerce Manuels de français
    ISSN: 2107-7029
    Author identifier: s/n
    Record's date: 2015-10-30
    Papper version: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
    Link to the original source:
    Licence document URL:
    Entity: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
    Journal publication year: 2012
    Publication Type: Article Artículo Article
  • Keywords:

    Francès -- Ensenyament
    métodologia per a l'ensenyament de llengües modernes
    estudis de comerç
    Gramàtiques i manuals de francès
    métodos para la enseñanza de lenguas
    estudios de comercio
    Gramáticas y manuales de francés
    language teaching
    business studies
    French text books
    Ciències de l'educació
    Ciencias de la educación
    Education sciences
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