Articles producció científica> Enginyeria Química

Enhanced data envelopment analysis for sustainability assessment: A novel methodology and application to electricity technologies

  • Identification data

    Identifier: PC:1818
  • Authors:

    Gonzalo Guillén-Gosálbez
    Ángel Galán-Martína
    Laurence Stamford
    Adisa Azapagic
  • Others:

    Author, as appears in the article.: Gonzalo Guillén-Gosálbez; Ángel Galán-Martína; Laurence Stamford; Adisa Azapagic
    Department: Enginyeria Química
    URV's Author/s: GUILLEN GOSALBEZ, GONZALO; Ángel Galán-Martína; Laurence Stamford; Adisa Azapagic
    Keywords: Enhanced data envelopment analysis Sustainable development DEA (data envelopment analysis)
    Abstract: Quantifying the level of sustainability attained by a system is a challenging task due to the need to consider a wide range of economic, environmental and social aspects simultaneously. This work explores the application of data envelopment analysis (DEA) to evaluate the sustainability ‘efficiency’ of a system. We propose an enhanced DEA methodology that uses the concept of ‘order of efficiency’ to compare and rank alternatives according to the extent to which they adhere to sustainability principles. The capabilities of the proposed approach are illustrated through a sustainability assessment of different technologies for electricity generation in United Kingdom. In addition to screening the alternatives based on sustainability principles, enhanced DEA provides improvement targets for the least sustainable alternatives that, if achieved, would make them more sustainable. The enhanced DEA shows clearly the ultimate distance to sustainability, helping industry and policy makers to improve the efficiency of technologies, products and policies.
    Research group: Sustainable Computer Aided Process Engineering
    Thematic Areas: Enginyeria química Ingeniería química Chemical engineering
    licence for use:
    ISSN: 0098-1354
    Author identifier: n/a; n/a; 0000-0002-0973-7338; 0000-0003-2380-918X
    Record's date: 2016-09-13
    Last page: 200
    Journal volume: 90
    Papper version: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
    Link to the original source:
    Article's DOI: 10.1016/j.compchemeng.2016.04.022
    Entity: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
    Journal publication year: 2016
    First page: 188
    Publication Type: Article Artículo Article
  • Keywords:

    Anàlisi d'envolupament de dades
    Desenvolupament sostenible
    Enhanced data envelopment analysis
    Sustainable development
    DEA (data envelopment analysis)
    Enginyeria química
    Ingeniería química
    Chemical engineering
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