Author, as appears in the article.: J. Gavaldà; R. Jurado; M.J. Simón; J. Pallarés; A. Laverón-Simavilla; X. Ruiz; V. Shevtsova
Department: Enginyeria Mecànica Química Física i Inorgànica
URV's Author/s: GAVALDÀ MARTÍNEZ, JOSEFA; R. Jurado; SIMÓN OLMOS, MARÍA JOSÉ; J. Pallarés; A. Laverón-Simavilla; X. Ruiz; V. Shevtsova
Keywords: International Space Station (ISS) Signal denoising thermodiffusion
Abstract: The present work attempts to characterize the accelerometric environment of the DSC-DCMIX1 thermodiffusion experiment carried out in the International Space Station, from November 7th 2011 until January 16th 2012. Quasi-steady and vibrational/transient data coming from MAMS and SAMS2 sensors have been downloaded from the database of the PIMS NASA website. To be as exhaustive as possible, simultaneous digital signals coming from different SAMS2 sensors located in the Destiny and Columbus modules have also been considered. In order to detect orbital adjustments, dockings, undockings, as well as, quiescent periods, when the experiment runs were active, we have used the quasi-steady eight hours averaged (XA, YA and ZA) acceleration functions as well as the eight hours RMS ones. To determine the spectral contents of the different signals the Thomson multitaper and Welch methods have been used. On the other hand, to suppress the high levels of noise always existing in the raw SAMS2 signals, denoising techniques have been preferred for comparative reboostings considerations. Finally, the RMS values for specific 1/3 octave frequency bands showed that the International Space Station vibratory limit requirements have not been totally accomplished during both quiescent periods and strong disturbances, specially in the low frequency range.
Research group: Processat Digital de Senyals en Entorns Aeroespacials i Biomèdics
Thematic Areas: Chemistry Química Química
licence for use:
ISSN: 0094-5765
Author identifier: 0000-0001-7881-4192; 0000-0003-1737-0019; n/a; 0000-0003-0305-2714; 0000-0001-9809-8103; n/a; n/a
Record's date: 2016-11-02
Last page: 356
Journal volume: 129
Paper version: info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersion
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Entity: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Journal publication year: 2016
First page: 345
Publication Type: Article Artículo Article