Author, as appears in the article.: Coll-Plá, Sergio; Lluís-Guinovart, Josep; Costa-Jover, Agustí; Samper-Sosa, Albert
Department: Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura
URV's Author/s: Coll-Plá, Sergio; Lluís-Guinovart, Josep; Costa-Jover, Agustí; Samper-Sosa, Albert
Keywords: Esglésies romàiques Vall d'Aran Iglesias románicas Valle de Arán LARGE DEFORMATIONS ROMANESQUE CHURCHES Vall d'Aran
Abstract: n the Vall d’Aran, located on the North face of Spanish Pyrinees, there is a great number of churches. Those were built between twelfth and thirteenth century, and have suffered large geometrical deformations. This is especially true in the case of Santa Maria de Unha (XII) and Santa Maria de Artíes (XII-XIII), where the deformations are over 10% from its original shape. Puig i Cadafalch (1908) affirmed that this churches with basilica floor plant were originally built with timber frame roofs, but nowadays the oldest churches from twelfth century are covered with barrel vaults. This typology evolved to larger structures with three naves, covered by a cannon vault in the central nave, and quarter vaults in the lateral naves. These are supported by circular non-monolithic masonry columns in the centre and the perimeter walls.
Several surveying campaigns in Santa Maria de Unha (XII) and Santa Maria de Artíes (XIIXIII) have been performed during last years. These combined manual direct measurements (2013-15) with topography, photogrammetry (2013-14), and Terrestrial Laser Scanner techniques (2014-15). The data obtained revealed antifunicular shapes in the barrel vaults, caused by the large displacements of the structure. This paper presents the theoretical assessment and characterisation of these deformations, which surprisingly have not caused the collapse of the structures.
Research group: Architectural Heritage
Thematic Areas: Arquitectura Arquitectura Architecture
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ISSN: 978-989-8734-15-0
Author identifier: 000-0002-4718-5810; 0000-0001-5957-762X; 0000-0002-6194-3243; 0000-0002-4795-2127
Record's date: 2016-12-05
Last page: 1256
Journal volume: 2
Paper version: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
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Entity: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Journal publication year: 2016
First page: 1249
Publication Type: Article Artículo Article