Author, as appears in the article.: Barsky, Deborah; Verges, Josep-Maria; Titton, Stefania; Guardiola, Miguel; Sala, Robert; Toro Moyano, Isidro;
Department: Història i Història de l'Art
URV's Author/s: Sala Ramos, Robert / Vergès Bosch, Josep Maria
Keywords: Typology Tecnologia lítica Technology Stone tools Rostro-carene Paleoecologia humana Oldowan Heavy-duty scraper Evolució humana Acheulian
Abstract: Heavy-duty scrapers are documented as a specific morphotype in ancient African and Eurasian toolkits from the Oldowan into the Acheulian. They are characterized by a flat platform perpendicularly oriented to a carinated edge. The convex surface of that edge displays semi-peripheral, unidirectional removals associated with steep retouch and/or crush marks. This morphotype has been described from numerous sites covering a long temporal scale and are diversely referred to in French as "rostro-carénés" or "nucléus-racloirs" and in English as "massive scrapers", "core scrapers", "large scrapers", or "heavy end-scrapers". Morpho-technological definitions and interpretations are reviewed to track the origin and evolution of heavy-duty scrapers over time and space. Results show that tools referred to as heavy-duty scrapers were made on thick cobbles during the Oldowan, and later, at the onset of the Acheulian, on Large Flakes, while smaller-sized items in Late Acheulian sites assume end-scraper morphologies. But should all of these tools really be grouped under a single denomination? Experimental work explores whether heavy-duty scrapers are the result of knapping processes, or if their morphology could be derived from other kinds of activities. Chronological continuity of the attributes specific to heavy-duty scrapers points to their role in ancient toolkits, suggesting that these scarce but ubiquitous primitive implements are, on equal footing with chopper-cores, one of the oldest morphotypes in the world.
Thematic Areas: Paleontology Geociências Ciências biológicas i Biodiversidade
ISSN: 16310683
Author's mail:
Author identifier: 0000-0002-7168-824X
Record's date: 2024-09-07
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Paper original source: Comptes Rendus Palevol. 17 (3): 201-219
APA: Barsky, Deborah; Verges, Josep-Maria; Titton, Stefania; Guardiola, Miguel; Sala, Robert; Toro Moyano, Isidro; (2018). The emergence and significance of heavy-duty scrapers in ancient stone toolkits. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 17(3), 201-219. DOI: 10.1016/j.crpv.2017.09.002
Entity: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Journal publication year: 2018
Publication Type: Journal Publications