Author, as appears in the article.: Barrios C; Iranzo P; Tierno J
Department: Pedagogia
URV's Author/s: Barrios Arós, Rosario / Iranzo Garcia, Maria Pilar / Tierno García, Juana María
Keywords: School management Professionalization Networking Legislation and educational policies Leadership skills Institutional self-assessment
Abstract: © 2018 University of Zagreb. All rights reserved. School management is directly related to school success. Effective leadership plus selection, recognition, training and responsibilities of managers and their professionalization focus nowadays the international scientific and political agendas. The analysis of the state of the art of leadership role in schools and their legislative development allows concluding how much the legal and theoretical-practical bases contributes to the professionalization of this function in Spain, and in one of this communities, Catalonia. Professionalization of the management function should prioritize, through collaborative and experiential dynamics, the learning of complex executive competences (institutional self-assessment, coordination - internal and external - between teachers, students, families and educational community, cooperation between educational institutions). Only then, inherent dimensions of the educational leadership (moral, relational and critical-innovative) will be met, surpassing political struggles and deprofessionalyzing debates occurred so far.
Thematic Areas: Revistas de ciencias de la educación Psicología Interdisciplinary research in the social sciences Interdisciplinar Engenharias iii Engenharias i Education & educational research Education Educación Educació Educação Ciencias sociales Ciencias de la educación Antropologia / arqueologia
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Author identifier: 0000-0002-8516-9205 0000-0002-1027-7332
Record's date: 2025-01-28
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Paper original source: Profesorado. 17 (3): 371-387
APA: Barrios C; Iranzo P; Tierno J (2013). Theoretical-practical and legislative advances in professionalization of the school leadership role in Spain. Catalonia's case. Profesorado, 17(3), 371-387
Entity: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Journal publication year: 2013
Publication Type: Journal Publications