Articles producció científica> Química Física i Inorgànica

Spectroscopy and high-power laser operation of a monoclinic Yb3+:MgWO4 crystal

  • Identification data

    Identifier: imarina:6218895
    Loiko, PavelChen, MengtingMaria Serres, JosepAguilo, MagdalenaDiaz, FrancescLin, HaifengZhang, GeZhang, LizhenLin, ZhoubinCamy, PatriceDai, Shi-BoChen, ZhencliangZhao, YongguangWang, LiChen, WeidongGriebner, UwePetrov, ValentinMateos, Xavier
    © 2020 Optical Society of America Monoclinic (wolframite-type) monotungstate crystals are promising for rare-earth doping. We report polarized room- and low-temperature spectroscopy and efficient high-power laser operation of such a Yb3+: MgWO4 crystal featuring high stimulated emission cross section (σSE = 6.2 × 10−20 cm2 at 1056.7 nm for light polarization E || Nm), large Stark splitting of the ground state (765 cm−1), large gain bandwidth (26.1 nm for E || Ng ), and strong Raman response (most intense mode at 916 cm−1). A diode-pumped Yb3+: MgWO4 laser generated 18.2 W at ∼1056 nm with a slope efficiency of ∼89% and a linearly polarized laser output.
  • Others:

    Author, as appears in the article.: Loiko, Pavel; Chen, Mengting; Maria Serres, Josep; Aguilo, Magdalena; Diaz, Francesc; Lin, Haifeng; Zhang, Ge; Zhang, Lizhen; Lin, Zhoubin; Camy, Patrice; Dai, Shi-Bo; Chen, Zhencliang; Zhao, Yongguang; Wang, Li; Chen, Weidong; Griebner, Uwe; Petrov, Valentin; Mateos, Xavier
    Department: Química Física i Inorgànica
    URV's Author/s: Aguiló Díaz, Magdalena / Díaz González, Francisco Manuel / Mateos Ferré, Xavier / Serres Serres, Josep Maria
    Keywords: Performance Growth Field analysis Cut Continuous-wave
    Abstract: © 2020 Optical Society of America Monoclinic (wolframite-type) monotungstate crystals are promising for rare-earth doping. We report polarized room- and low-temperature spectroscopy and efficient high-power laser operation of such a Yb3+: MgWO4 crystal featuring high stimulated emission cross section (σSE = 6.2 × 10−20 cm2 at 1056.7 nm for light polarization E || Nm), large Stark splitting of the ground state (765 cm−1), large gain bandwidth (26.1 nm for E || Ng ), and strong Raman response (most intense mode at 916 cm−1). A diode-pumped Yb3+: MgWO4 laser generated 18.2 W at ∼1056 nm with a slope efficiency of ∼89% and a linearly polarized laser output.
    Thematic Areas: Química Optics Odontología Medicina ii Medicina i Materiais Matemática / probabilidade e estatística Interdisciplinar General medicine Engenharias iv Engenharias iii Engenharias ii Ciências ambientais Atomic and molecular physics, and optics Astronomia / física
    licence for use:
    ISSN: 01469592
    Author's mail:
    Author identifier: 0000-0002-4299-538X 0000-0001-6130-9579 0000-0003-1940-1990 0000-0003-4581-4967
    Record's date: 2025-01-08
    Paper version: info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersion
    Licence document URL:
    Paper original source: Optics Letters. 45 (7): 1770-1773
    APA: Loiko, Pavel; Chen, Mengting; Maria Serres, Josep; Aguilo, Magdalena; Diaz, Francesc; Lin, Haifeng; Zhang, Ge; Zhang, Lizhen; Lin, Zhoubin; Camy, Patr (2020). Spectroscopy and high-power laser operation of a monoclinic Yb3+:MgWO4 crystal. Optics Letters, 45(7), 1770-1773. DOI: 10.1364/OL.389627
    Entity: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
    Journal publication year: 2020
    Publication Type: Journal Publications
  • Keywords:

    Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics,Optics
    Field analysis
    Medicina ii
    Medicina i
    Matemática / probabilidade e estatística
    General medicine
    Engenharias iv
    Engenharias iii
    Engenharias ii
    Ciências ambientais
    Atomic and molecular physics, and optics
    Astronomia / física
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