Author, as appears in the article.: Diaz Perez, David
Department: Història i Història de l'Art
URV's Author/s: Belzunegui Eraso, Angel Gabriel
Keywords: Technoscience Speciesism Sociology Consciousness Artificial intelligence
Abstract: In this paper we discuss the emergence of new social realities in concomitance with the development of certain techno-scientific advances and, in particular, those with origins in biotechnology, bioengineering and Artificial Intelligence. These new social realities are materialised in the development of other forms of consciousness - one robotic and one antispeciesist - that may lead the human race to coexist with non-human subjects/ objects and to the recognition of certain levels of emotional consciousness. This presents new challenges for all sciences, and specifically for sociology, since a need exists to incorporate new analytical dimensions and a new conceptualisation that extends the one already used to denote traditional forms of social interaction. In this article we advocate the need to investigate the field of emerging subjects/objects more decisively and to analyse the relationships human beings will need to establish with them in a society that is increasingly based on decisions taken by technoscience.
Thematic Areas: Sociology Sociologia i política Sociología Psicología Multidisciplinar Interdisciplinary research in the social sciences Direito Ciencias sociales Ciencias políticas y sociología
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Author identifier: 0000-0002-6355-1593
Record's date: 2024-09-28
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Paper original source: Methaodos. Revista De Ciencias Sociales. 8 (1): 91-102
APA: Diaz Perez, David (2020). Formas de consciencia, Inteligencia Artificial y nuevos retos para la Sociología . Methaodos. Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 8(1), 91-102. DOI: 10.17502/m.rcs.v8i1.350
Entity: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Journal publication year: 2020
Publication Type: Journal Publications