Author, as appears in the article.: Iranzo-Garcia, Pilar; Camarero-Figuerola, Marta; Tierno-Garcia, Juana-Maria; Barrios-Aros, Charo
Department: Pedagogia
URV's Author/s: Barrios Arós, Rosario / Camarero Figuerola, Marta / Iranzo Garcia, Maria Pilar / Tierno García, Juana María
Keywords: Teacher education Self-perception Professional identity Leadership competences Community networks
Abstract: © 2020, © 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. A holistic distribution of leadership, where the entire community is committed both to learning and the organisation’s development, is considered an important factor in educational success. Initial teacher education should contribute towards building teachers’ identities as leaders (teacher-leaders). Our research examines how teaching competences are built with regard to coordination, leadership, and collaboration with the community during teacher training. In this paper, we present the results of a questionnaire comparing the vision and perception of these competences in the context of student teachers, university lecturers, and teachers in state school. The results show visions aligned with a holistic form of leadership distributed amongst the three groups. Moreover, they reveal a close link between the construction of the identity of teacher-leaders and the practical and specific challenges of students’ teachers, university lecturers, and teachers. This implies that the initial training must expressly include the distributed leadership competences in the teacher education course, while also providing situations in which students, together with their tutors, gain these competences.
Thematic Areas: Pedagogical & educational research Interdisciplinar Education & educational research Education Educació Educação Ciencias sociales
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ISSN: 1360-0540
Author's mail:
Author identifier: 0000-0001-6116-0882 0000-0002-8516-9205 0000-0002-1027-7332
Record's date: 2024-11-30
Journal volume: 46
Paper version: info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersion
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Paper original source: Journal Of Education For Teaching. 46 (3): 309-323
APA: Iranzo-Garcia, Pilar; Camarero-Figuerola, Marta; Tierno-Garcia, Juana-Maria; Barrios-Aros, Charo (2020). Leadership and professional identity in school teacher training in Spain (Catalonia). Journal Of Education For Teaching, 46(3), 309-323. DOI: 10.1080/02607476.2020.1750935
Entity: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Journal publication year: 2020
Publication Type: Journal Publications