Author, as appears in the article.: Heredia, Luis; Torrente, Margarita; Vicens, Paloma
Department: Psicologia
URV's Author/s: Heredia Santaella, Luis / Puig Cruells, Carmina / Torrente Torné, Margarita / Vicens Calderón, Paloma
Keywords: Social competence Program Interpersonal competence Emotional competence Educational psychology Contemplative education Awareness Adolescents
Abstract: Identification of the basic competencies needed to address the challenges that today's society presents has always been central to educational research. Contemplative education is a recent field of research that is based on the development of spiritual competence in educational contexts. Its purpose is to promote useful social and personal skills to foster a more aware, harmonious and sustainable future society. This article outlines a conceptual approach to spirituality and spiritual competence based on the field of educational psychology, and describes their main components and their definition. Contemplative education is associated with a particular way of understanding the relationship between subject and object of knowledge. The scientific evidence available on the effectiveness of training programmes based on one of its most widespread secular manifestations (mindfulness) is critically reviewed, and the relationship between contemplative education and spiritual tradition is briefly addressed. Finally, the authors comment on some interesting aspects to consider for the design of future research.
Thematic Areas: Psychology, multidisciplinary Psychology (miscellaneous) Psychology (all) Psicología General psychology Educação Ciencias sociales
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ISSN: 02109395
Author's mail:
Author identifier: 0000-0001-9330-9418 0000-0003-1160-9252 0000-0003-0732-5070 0000-0001-9330-9418 0000-0002-8901-6345
Record's date: 2024-10-12
Paper version: info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersion
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Paper original source: Estudios De Psicologia. 41 (3): 467-489
APA: Heredia, Luis; Torrente, Margarita; Vicens, Paloma (2020). Spiritual competence, contemplative education and mindfulness in schools (Competencia espiritual, educacion contemplativa y atencion plena en la escuela). Estudios De Psicologia, 41(3), 467-489. DOI: 10.1080/02109395.2020.1794716
Entity: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Journal publication year: 2020
Publication Type: Journal Publications