Author, as appears in the article.: Martin Herreros, Vicky; Pastor Gosalbez, Inma;
Department: Història i Història de l'Art
URV's Author/s: Martin Herreros, Maria Victoria / Pastor Gosálbez, María Inmaculada
Keywords: Work Technical personnel Sexual division of labor Precariousness Gender Active employment policies
Abstract: Active employment policies (SAPs) are specific tools of socio-labour policies whose purpose is to intervene in the employment market. The reasoning is to make it easier for those seeking employment to find it. The current configuration of these policies, which is mostly based on program projects with a fixed duration and finalist actions in the hands of local entities, is carried out by technical personnel. Especially those in a highly feminized professional specialty and whom has clear career paths characterized by precariousness. Therefore, a research with qualitative methodology has been carried out through semi-structured interviews with technical personnel who develop employment policies, as well as with several policymakers. The findings obtained will allow us to affirm that SAPs are configured as an efficient social control mechanism over the sexual division of labour system. For it uses technical personnel as sources tools of information in order to legitimize precariousness and gender segregation in employment.
Thematic Areas: Sociology and political science Sociology Sociología Revistas de derecho Revistas de ciencias sociales Revistas de ciencias economicas y empresariales Political sciences and international relations Organizational behavior and human resource management Industrial relations & labor Industrial relations Economia Derecho del trabajo Derecho Ciencias sociales Ciencias políticas y sociología Ciencias jurídicas
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Author identifier: 0000-0003-4913-0722
Record's date: 2024-07-27
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Paper original source: Cuadernos De Relaciones Laborales. 39 (1): 53-72
APA: Martin Herreros, Vicky; Pastor Gosalbez, Inma; (2021). Las políticas de empleo como refuerzo de la precariedad y la división sexual del trabajo: el papel del personal técnico . Cuadernos De Relaciones Laborales, 39(1), 53-72. DOI: 10.5209/crla.68994
Entity: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Journal publication year: 2021
Publication Type: Journal Publications