Articles producció científica> Història i Història de l'Art

Taphonomic and spatial analyses from the Early Pleistocene site of Venta Micena 4 (Orce, Guadix-Baza Basin, southern Spain)

  • Identification data

    Identifier: imarina:9226197
    Luzon, CarmenYravedra, JoseCourtenay, Lloyd A.Saarinen, JuhaBlain, Hugues-AlexandreDeMiguel, DanielViranta, SuviAzanza, BeatrizJose Rodriguez-Alba, JuanHerranz-Rodrigo, DarioSerrano-Ramos, AlexiaSolano, Jose A.Oms, OriolAgusti, JordiFortelius, MikaelManuel Jimenez-Arenas, Juan
    Venta Micena is an area containing several palaeontological sites marking the beginning of the Calabrian stage (Early Pleistocene). The richness of the fossil accumulation including species of Asian, African and European origin, makes Venta Micena a key site for the the palaeoecological and palaeoenvironmental study of southern Europe during the Early Pleistocene. Thus, research has been focused on Venta Micena 3, which was originally interpreted as a single palaeosurface associated with a marshy context, in which most of the fauna was accumulated by Pachycrocuta brevirostris. Recent excavations have unearthed a new site, Venta Micena 4, located in the same stratigraphic unit (Unit C) and in close proximity to Venta Micena 3. Here we show the first analyses regarding the taphonomic and spatial nature of this new site, defining two stratigraphic boundaries corresponding to two different depositional events. Furthermore, the taphonomic analyses of fossil remains seem to indicate a different accumulative agent than Pachycrocuta, thus adding more complexity to the palaeobiological interpretation of the Venta Micena area. These results contribute to the discussion of traditional interpretations made from Venta Micena 3.
  • Others:

    Author, as appears in the article.: Luzon, Carmen; Yravedra, Jose; Courtenay, Lloyd A.; Saarinen, Juha; Blain, Hugues-Alexandre; DeMiguel, Daniel; Viranta, Suvi; Azanza, Beatriz; Jose Rodriguez-Alba, Juan; Herranz-Rodrigo, Dario; Serrano-Ramos, Alexia; Solano, Jose A.; Oms, Oriol; Agusti, Jordi; Fortelius, Mikael; Manuel Jimenez-Arenas, Juan;
    Department: Història i Història de l'Art
    URV's Author/s: Agusti Ballester, Jorge
    Keywords: Spatial analysis Spain Prey selection Orientation patterns Olduvai gorge Nonhuman Methodological approach Lower pleistocene Hominid Fossil Breakage Bones Behavior Assemblages Article
    Abstract: Venta Micena is an area containing several palaeontological sites marking the beginning of the Calabrian stage (Early Pleistocene). The richness of the fossil accumulation including species of Asian, African and European origin, makes Venta Micena a key site for the the palaeoecological and palaeoenvironmental study of southern Europe during the Early Pleistocene. Thus, research has been focused on Venta Micena 3, which was originally interpreted as a single palaeosurface associated with a marshy context, in which most of the fauna was accumulated by Pachycrocuta brevirostris. Recent excavations have unearthed a new site, Venta Micena 4, located in the same stratigraphic unit (Unit C) and in close proximity to Venta Micena 3. Here we show the first analyses regarding the taphonomic and spatial nature of this new site, defining two stratigraphic boundaries corresponding to two different depositional events. Furthermore, the taphonomic analyses of fossil remains seem to indicate a different accumulative agent than Pachycrocuta, thus adding more complexity to the palaeobiological interpretation of the Venta Micena area. These results contribute to the discussion of traditional interpretations made from Venta Micena 3.
    Thematic Areas: Zootecnia / recursos pesqueiros Saúde coletiva Química Psicología Odontología Nutrição Multidisciplinary sciences Multidisciplinary Medicina veterinaria Medicina iii Medicina ii Medicina i Materiais Matemática / probabilidade e estatística Letras / linguística Interdisciplinar Geografía Geociências Farmacia Engenharias iv Engenharias iii Engenharias ii Enfermagem Educação física Educação Economia Ciências biológicas iii Ciências biológicas ii Ciências biológicas i Ciências ambientais Ciências agrárias i Ciência de alimentos Ciência da computação Biotecnología Biodiversidade Astronomia / física
    licence for use:
    Author's mail:
    Author identifier: 0000-0002-7240-1992
    Record's date: 2024-07-27
    Paper version: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
    Licence document URL:
    Paper original source: Scientific Reports. 11 (1):
    APA: Luzon, Carmen; Yravedra, Jose; Courtenay, Lloyd A.; Saarinen, Juha; Blain, Hugues-Alexandre; DeMiguel, Daniel; Viranta, Suvi; Azanza, Beatriz; Jose Ro (2021). Taphonomic and spatial analyses from the Early Pleistocene site of Venta Micena 4 (Orce, Guadix-Baza Basin, southern Spain). Scientific Reports, 11(1), -. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-93261-1
    Entity: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
    Journal publication year: 2021
    Publication Type: Journal Publications
  • Keywords:

    Multidisciplinary,Multidisciplinary Sciences
    Spatial analysis
    Prey selection
    Orientation patterns
    Olduvai gorge
    Methodological approach
    Lower pleistocene
    Zootecnia / recursos pesqueiros
    Saúde coletiva
    Multidisciplinary sciences
    Medicina veterinaria
    Medicina iii
    Medicina ii
    Medicina i
    Matemática / probabilidade e estatística
    Letras / linguística
    Engenharias iv
    Engenharias iii
    Engenharias ii
    Educação física
    Ciências biológicas iii
    Ciências biológicas ii
    Ciências biológicas i
    Ciências ambientais
    Ciências agrárias i
    Ciência de alimentos
    Ciência da computação
    Astronomia / física
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