Author, as appears in the article.: Klein DJ; Rodríguez-Velázquez JA
Department: Enginyeria Informàtica i Matemàtiques
URV's Author/s: Rodríguez Velázquez, Juan Alberto
Keywords: Weak roman domination Total domination Secure domination Lexicographic product Double total domination weak roman domination total domination secure domination roman double total domination
Abstract: In this paper, we study the weak Roman domination number and the secure domination number of lexicographic product graphs. In particular, we show that these two parameters coincide for almost all lexicographic product graphs. Furthermore, we obtain tight bounds and closed formulas for these parameters.
Thematic Areas: Mathematics Matemática / probabilidade e estatística Discrete mathematics and combinatorics Ciência da computação Applied mathematics
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Author identifier: 0000-0002-9082-7647
Record's date: 2024-09-07
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Papper original source: Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory. 42 (1): 139-158
APA: Klein DJ; Rodríguez-Velázquez JA (2022). Protection of Lexicographic Product Graphs. Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 42(1), 139-158. DOI: 10.7151/DMGT.2243
Article's DOI: 10.7151/DMGT.2243
Entity: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Journal publication year: 2022
Publication Type: Journal Publications