Articles producció científica> Filologia Catalana

Rumours in a Situation of Political Conflict: Catalonia and Its Referendum of Self-Determination

  • Identification data

    Identifier: imarina:9242573
  • Authors:

    Samper, Emili
    Oriol, Carme
  • Others:

    Author, as appears in the article.: Samper, Emili; Oriol, Carme;
    Department: Filologia Catalana
    URV's Author/s: Oriol Carazo, Maria del Carme / Samper Prunera, Emili
    Keywords: Whatsapp Spain Self-determination Rumour Referendum Independence Fake news Contemporary legend Catalonia
    Abstract: Catalonia is in a situation of political conflict with the Spanish State regarding its right to self-determination, a conflict that has been exacerbated in recent years by the growing demand from a part of Catalan society for an inde- pendent state. Throughout this situation rumours have appeared in relation to events as they unfold. One of the key moments in the conflict was the referendum on self-determination, which was approved, prepared, and held on 1 October 2017, in the face of continuous opposition from the Spanish State. The tensions, uncertainties, and fears experienced by those in favour of the referendum were fuelled by rumours that in many cases were ultimately proven to be false. The present paper will analyse the rumours that emerged in relation to the referendum and the political atmosphere at that time. The study will analyse the rumours relating to aspects such as the logistics required to hold the referendum, the key figures in the process, the organizations that support it and the actions of the media, among others.
    Thematic Areas: General o multidisciplinar Folklore Cultural studies Ciencias sociales Ciencias humanas Antropología Anthropology
    licence for use:
    Author's mail:
    Author identifier: 0000-0002-9228-237X 0000-0002-1785-3451
    Record's date: 2024-06-22
    Papper version: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
    Link to the original source:
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    Papper original source: Folklore (Estonia). 84 (84): 25-48
    APA: Samper, Emili; Oriol, Carme; (2021). Rumours in a Situation of Political Conflict: Catalonia and Its Referendum of Self-Determination . Folklore (Estonia), 84(84), 25-48. DOI:
    Article's DOI:
    Entity: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
    Journal publication year: 2021
    Publication Type: Journal Publications
  • Keywords:

    Anthropology,Cultural Studies,Folklore
    Fake news
    Contemporary legend
    General o multidisciplinar
    Cultural studies
    Ciencias sociales
    Ciencias humanas
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