Author, as appears in the article.: Sossa-Rios, Santiago; Mayor, Alejandro; Hernandez, Cristo M; Bencomo, Mariel; Perez, Leopoldo; Galvan, Bertila; Mallol, Carolina; Vaquero, Manuel
Department: Història i Història de l'Art
URV's Author/s: PÉREZ LUIS, LEOPOLDO JESUS / Vaquero Rodríguez, Manuel
Keywords: Starlings Occupations Neanderthals Humans Fossils Formal approach Clergy Archaeology Animals transport site shelter middle behavior
Abstract: Testing Neanderthal behavioural hypotheses requires a spatial-temporal resolution to the level of a human single occupation episode. Yet, most of the behavioural data on Neanderthals has been obtained from coarsely dated, time-averaged contexts affected by the archaeological palimpsest effect and a diversity of postdepositional processes. This implies that time-resolved Neanderthal behaviour remains largely unknown. In this study, we performed archaeostratigraphic analysis on stratigraphic units IVe, IVf, IVg, Va, Vb and Vc from Abric del Pastor (Alcoi, Iberian Peninsula). Further, we isolated the archaeological remains associated with the resulting archaeostratigraphic unit and applied raw material, technological, use-wear, archaeozoological and spatial analyses. Our results show a low-density accumulation of remains from flintknapping, flint tool-use and animal processing around a hearth. These data provide a time-resolved human dimension to previous high-resolution environmental and pyrotechnological data on the same hearth, representing the first comprehensive characterisation of a Neanderthal single occupation episode. Our integrated, multidisciplinary method also contributes to advance our understanding of archaeological record formation processes.© 2022. The Author(s).
Thematic Areas: Zootecnia / recursos pesqueiros Saúde coletiva Química Psicología Odontología Nutrição Multidisciplinary sciences Multidisciplinary Medicina veterinaria Medicina iii Medicina ii Medicina i Materiais Matemática / probabilidade e estatística Letras / linguística Interdisciplinar Geografía Geociências Farmacia Engenharias iv Engenharias iii Engenharias ii Enfermagem Educação física Educação Economia Ciências biológicas iii Ciências biológicas ii Ciências biológicas i Ciências ambientais Ciências agrárias i Ciência de alimentos Ciência da computação Biotecnología Biodiversidade Astronomia / física
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Author identifier: 0000-0001-6572-8543
Record's date: 2025-01-08
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Paper original source: Scientific Reports. 12 (1): 15883-15883
APA: Sossa-Rios, Santiago; Mayor, Alejandro; Hernandez, Cristo M; Bencomo, Mariel; Perez, Leopoldo; Galvan, Bertila; Mallol, Carolina; Vaquero, Manuel (2022). Multidisciplinary evidence of an isolated Neanderthal occupation in Abric del Pastor (Alcoi, Iberian Peninsula). Scientific Reports, 12(1), 15883-15883. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-20200-z
Entity: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Journal publication year: 2022
Publication Type: Journal Publications