Articles producció científica> Història i Història de l'Art

Flexibility within Quina lithic production systems and tool-use in Northern Italy: implications on Neanderthal behavior and ecology during early MIS 4

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    Identifier: imarina:9286855
    Delpiano, DZupancich, ABertola, SMartellotta, EFLivraghi, ACristiani, EPeresani, M
    The Quina Mousterian is one of the well-defined Middle Paleolithic techno-complexes. Despite the pivotal research carried out in south-western France, the presence of this techno-complex across the rest of Europe is still poorly documented. Here we apply a techno-functional approach, combining technological and use-wear analyses, for reconstructing lithic corereduction, tool-reduction, and tool use at De Nadale Cave, a single-layered Mousterian site with Quina features located in northern Italy and dated to the early MIS 4. Our results indicate that the flexible core reduction strategies identified at De Nadale show some similarities with the Quina knapping method, in addition to the adoption of centripetal methods on single surfaces. Variations of this scheme identified at De Nadale are the exploitation of lateral and narrow fronts which are aimed to the production of elongated, small blanks. A parallel, ramified reduction is applied to limace cores and Quina or demiQuina scrapers having diversified purpose (mixed matrix). These blanks are exploited as tools and cores-on-flakes from which thinner, usable flakes or bladelets are detached. The use-wear identified on both scrapers and reaffutage flakes further confirm this behavior, demonstrating the use of both tools, albeit for different tasks (i.e., scraping and cutting). We discuss the ecological implications of this behavior within the Quina Mousterian. The high frequency of retouched tools and Quina or demi-Quina scrapers seems to accompany the highly mobile human groups associated with this techno complex and their seasonally organized subsistence strategies. Finally, by combining available multidisciplinary data on paleoenvironment, subsistence, and chronology, we were able to embed the neanderthal settlement of D
  • Others:

    Author, as appears in the article.: Delpiano, D; Zupancich, A; Bertola, S; Martellotta, EF; Livraghi, A; Cristiani, E; Peresani, M
    Department: Història i Història de l'Art
    URV's Author/s: Livraghi, Alessandra
    Keywords: Western-europe Variability Use-wear analysis Subsistence strategies Shell tools Quina scraper Qesem cave Neanderthal behavior Nadale cave Mousterian Middle paleolithic site Lithic technology Les pradelles La-quina Iberian peninsula Human ecology
    Abstract: The Quina Mousterian is one of the well-defined Middle Paleolithic techno-complexes. Despite the pivotal research carried out in south-western France, the presence of this techno-complex across the rest of Europe is still poorly documented. Here we apply a techno-functional approach, combining technological and use-wear analyses, for reconstructing lithic corereduction, tool-reduction, and tool use at De Nadale Cave, a single-layered Mousterian site with Quina features located in northern Italy and dated to the early MIS 4. Our results indicate that the flexible core reduction strategies identified at De Nadale show some similarities with the Quina knapping method, in addition to the adoption of centripetal methods on single surfaces. Variations of this scheme identified at De Nadale are the exploitation of lateral and narrow fronts which are aimed to the production of elongated, small blanks. A parallel, ramified reduction is applied to limace cores and Quina or demiQuina scrapers having diversified purpose (mixed matrix). These blanks are exploited as tools and cores-on-flakes from which thinner, usable flakes or bladelets are detached. The use-wear identified on both scrapers and reaffutage flakes further confirm this behavior, demonstrating the use of both tools, albeit for different tasks (i.e., scraping and cutting). We discuss the ecological implications of this behavior within the Quina Mousterian. The high frequency of retouched tools and Quina or demi-Quina scrapers seems to accompany the highly mobile human groups associated with this techno complex and their seasonally organized subsistence strategies. Finally, by combining available multidisciplinary data on paleoenvironment, subsistence, and chronology, we were able to embed the neanderthal settlement of De Nadale in a regional and Western European frame, underlining the importance of the Quina Mousterian in Western Eurasia between MIS 4 and early MIS 3.
    Thematic Areas: Historia Geosciences, multidisciplinary Geociências Ciencias sociales Ciencias humanas Archeology (arts and humanities) Archeology Archaeology Antropologia / arqueologia Antropología Anthropology
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    Record's date: 2024-07-27
    Paper version: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
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    Paper original source: Archaeological And Anthropological Sciences. 14 (12):
    APA: Delpiano, D; Zupancich, A; Bertola, S; Martellotta, EF; Livraghi, A; Cristiani, E; Peresani, M (2022). Flexibility within Quina lithic production systems and tool-use in Northern Italy: implications on Neanderthal behavior and ecology during early MIS 4. Archaeological And Anthropological Sciences, 14(12), -. DOI: 10.1007/s12520-022-01684-2
    Entity: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
    Journal publication year: 2022
    Publication Type: Journal Publications
  • Keywords:

    Anthropology,Archaeology,Archeology,Archeology (Arts and Humanities),Geosciences, Multidisciplinary
    Use-wear analysis
    Subsistence strategies
    Shell tools
    Quina scraper
    Qesem cave
    Neanderthal behavior
    Nadale cave
    Middle paleolithic site
    Lithic technology
    Les pradelles
    Iberian peninsula
    Human ecology
    Geosciences, multidisciplinary
    Ciencias sociales
    Ciencias humanas
    Archeology (arts and humanities)
    Antropologia / arqueologia
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