Articles producció científica> Infermeria

The effectiveness of a ""- a school-based intervention programme in increasing mental health knowledge, help seeking and reducing stigma attitudes in the adolescent population: a cluster randomised controlled trial

  • Identification data

    Identifier: imarina:9290736
  • Authors:

    Casanas, Rocio
    Castellvi, Pere
    Gil, Juan-Jose
    Torres-Torres, Maria
    Baron, Jesica
    Teixido, Merce
    Maria Sampietro, Hernan
    Diez, Marta
    Fernandez, Raul
    Sorli, Raquel
    Sinol, Patricia
    Jurado, Francisca
    Carreras-Salvador, Regina
    Vazquez, Davinia
    Gonzalez, Sandra
    Isabel Fernandez-San Martin, Maria
    Raya-Tena, Antonia
    Alvarez, Rosa
    Amado-Rodriguez, Isaac
    Miguel Martin-Lopez, Luis
    Alonso, Jordi
    Lalucat-Jo, Lluis
  • Others:

    Author, as appears in the article.: Casanas, Rocio; Castellvi, Pere; Gil, Juan-Jose; Torres-Torres, Maria; Baron, Jesica; Teixido, Merce; Maria Sampietro, Hernan; Diez, Marta; Fernandez, Raul; Sorli, Raquel; Sinol, Patricia; Jurado, Francisca; Carreras-Salvador, Regina; Vazquez, Davinia; Gonzalez, Sandra; Isabel Fernandez-San Martin, Maria; Raya-Tena, Antonia; Alvarez, Rosa; Amado-Rodriguez, Isaac; Miguel Martin-Lopez, Luis; Alonso, Jordi; Lalucat-Jo, Lluis;
    Department: Infermeria
    URV's Author/s: Raya Tena, Antonia
    Keywords: Students Stigma School Resource Promotion Prevention Mental health literacy Mental health Literacy Intervention Impact Illness Disorders Curriculum Community attitudes Age-of-onset Adolescence
    Abstract: Background: The aim of this study is to evaluate the short- and long-term effects of the universal mental health literacy intervention " " in increasing mental health knowledge, help seeking and reducing stigma attitudes in the adolescent population. We also examine whether these effects depend on the intervention intensity. Methods: A clustered school-based randomised controlled trial (cRCT) design. Subjects: 1,298 secondary pupils aged 13 and 14 were recruited from 18 schools in Barcelona (Spain) between September 2016 and January 2018. Intervention: Three programmes were assessed: 1) Sensitivity Programme (SP; 1 h); 2) Mental Health Literacy (MHL; 6 h); 3) MHL plus a first-person Stigma Reduction Programme (MHL + SR; 7 h); 4) Control group (CG): waiting list. Outcome measures: 1) MHL: EMHL Test (First part and Second Part); 2) Stigma: RIBS and CAMI; 3) Help-seeking and use of treatment: GHSQ. Analysis: The data was collected at baseline, post-intervention and 6 and 12 months later. An intention-to-treat analysis and imputation method was used to analyse the missing data. Intervention effects were analysed using multilevel modelling. Results: One thousand thirty-two students were included (SP = 225; MHL = 261; MHL + SR = 295 and CG = 251). The MHL and MHL + SR interventions showed short- and long-term an increase in knowledge compared to SP and CG, but no significant change post-intervention or over time (First part p = 0.52 and Second part p = 0.62) between intervention groups and CG. No significant changes were found in stigma scores post-intervention or over time (CAMI p = 0.61 and RIBS p = 0.98) or in help-seeking scores (parent p = 0.69; teacher p = 0.23 and healthcare professional p = 0.75). The MHL + SR intervention was the best valued and recommended (p < 0.005). Conclusions: The three interventions of the programme (SP, MHL and MHL + SR) seem not to be effective in terms MHL, Stigma and help-seeking behaviours. The contact with a person who has experimented mental illness first-hand did not reduce stigma attitudes. Further research should deal with the heterogeneity of MHL interventions (concept, duration and measures) and identify which components of stigma interventions are effective.
    Thematic Areas: Zootecnia / recursos pesqueiros Sociología Serviço social Saúde coletiva Química Public, environmental & occupational health Public health, environmental and occupational health Psicología Planejamento urbano e regional / demografia Odontología Nutrição Medicina iii Medicina ii Medicina i Interdisciplinar Geociências Farmacia Ensino Enfermagem Educação física Educação Economia Ciências biológicas iii Ciências biológicas ii Ciências biológicas i Ciências ambientais Ciência de alimentos Biotecnología Astronomia / física Antropologia / arqueologia Administração, ciências contábeis e turismo Administração pública e de empresas, ciências contábeis e turismo
    licence for use:
    Author's mail:
    Author identifier: 0000-0003-0789-7888
    Record's date: 2023-02-05
    Papper version: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
    Link to the original source:
    Papper original source: Bmc Public Health. 22 (1):
    APA: Casanas, Rocio; Castellvi, Pere; Gil, Juan-Jose; Torres-Torres, Maria; Baron, Jesica; Teixido, Merce; Maria Sampietro, Hernan; Diez, Marta; Fernandez, (2022). The effectiveness of a ""- a school-based intervention programme in increasing mental health knowledge, help seeking and reducing stigma attitudes in the adolescent population: a cluster randomised controlled trial. Bmc Public Health, 22(1), -. DOI: 10.1186/s12889-022-14558-y
    Licence document URL:
    Article's DOI: 10.1186/s12889-022-14558-y
    Entity: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
    Journal publication year: 2022
    Publication Type: Journal Publications
  • Keywords:

    Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Public, Environmental & Occupational Health
    Mental health literacy
    Mental health
    Community attitudes
    Zootecnia / recursos pesqueiros
    Serviço social
    Saúde coletiva
    Public, environmental & occupational health
    Public health, environmental and occupational health
    Planejamento urbano e regional / demografia
    Medicina iii
    Medicina ii
    Medicina i
    Educação física
    Ciências biológicas iii
    Ciências biológicas ii
    Ciências biológicas i
    Ciências ambientais
    Ciência de alimentos
    Astronomia / física
    Antropologia / arqueologia
    Administração, ciências contábeis e turismo
    Administração pública e de empresas, ciências contábeis e turismo
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