Author, as appears in the article.: Coll, Marta serrano
Department: Història i Història de l'Art
URV's Author/s: Serrano Coll, Marta
Keywords: Santes creus Liber augustalis James ii Frederick of sicily Crown of aragon
Abstract: This study analyses two of the great artistic projects that James II the Just (1291-1327) promoted at the Cistercian monastery of Santes Creus (Aiguamúrcia, Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain) and which still stand to this day; namely, the dynastic pantheon and the cloister, specifically the unusual south-western pillar adjacent to the Porta Reial (Royal Entrance). The study explains the extent to which both had an aesthetic, persuasive and communicative purpose that was intended to serve the royal rhetoric and how sacredness, lineage and the role of the sovereign as executor of divine providence were key concepts for understanding the totality of these eloquent visual devices. To do this, as I will show, it is essential to examine the influences of Frederick II of Sicily, in particular the legal code known as the Liber Augustalis.1
Thematic Areas: Medieval & renaissance studies Literature History Historia antigua y medieval Historia Ciencias sociales Ciencias humanas Art and art history
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Author identifier: 0000-0001-9077-1359
Record's date: 2024-10-12
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Paper original source: Imago Temporis - Medium Aevum. 16 (16): 241-265
APA: Coll, Marta serrano (2022). JAMES II AND HIS ARTISTIC PATRONAGE IN SANTES CREUS: PURPOSES, SEMANTIC CONTENT AND THE INFLUENCE OF FREDERICK II. Imago Temporis - Medium Aevum, 16(16), 241-265. DOI: 10.21001/itma.2022.16.08
Entity: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Journal publication year: 2022
Publication Type: Journal Publications