Author, as appears in the article.: Valls, Rosa; Puigvert, Lidia; Melgar, Patricia; Garcia-Yeste, Carme
Department: Pedagogia
URV's Author/s: García Yeste, Carme
Keywords: Young adult Violence against women Universities Surveys and questionnaires Students Spanish universities Spain Sexual-harassment Sexual harassment Sex offenses Rape Prevention Interpersonal relations Humans Gender violence Fraternity Female Experiences Disclosure College Campuses Attitudes Assault spanish universities campuses
Abstract: The first research conducted on violence against women in the university context in Spain reveals that 62% of the students know of or have experienced situations of this kind within the university institutions, but only 13% identify these situations in the first place. Two main interrelated aspects arise from the data analysis: not identifying and acknowledging violent situations, and the lack of reporting them. Policies and actions developed by Spanish universities need to be grounded in two goals: intransigence toward any kind of violence against women, and bystander intervention, support, and solidarity with the victims and with the people supporting the victims.
Thematic Areas: Womens studies Women's studies Sociology and political science Sociologia i política Saúde coletiva Law Interdisciplinar General medicine Gender studies Dret Ciencias sociales
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Author identifier: 0000-0001-9717-8021
Record's date: 2025-02-24
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Paper original source: Violence Against Women. 22 (13): 1519-1539
APA: Valls, Rosa; Puigvert, Lidia; Melgar, Patricia; Garcia-Yeste, Carme (2016). Breaking the Silence at Spanish Universities: Findings From the First Study of Violence Against Women on Campuses in Spain. Violence Against Women, 22(13), 1519-1539. DOI: 10.1177/1077801215627511
Entity: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Journal publication year: 2016
Publication Type: Journal Publications