Articles producció científica> Geografia

Geography of foreclosure evictions in Spanish cities : evidence from the homes owned by SAREB

  • Identification data

    Identifier: imarina:9298869
  • Authors:

    Gutierrez, Aaron
    Domenech, Antoni
  • Others:

    Author, as appears in the article.: Gutierrez, Aaron; Domenech, Antoni;
    Department: Geografia
    URV's Author/s: Domènech Montaña, Antoni / Gutiérrez Palomero, Aaron
    Keywords: Spain Sareb Inequality Foreclosures Financialization Evictions Crisis
    Abstract: The bursting of the housing bubble and the onset of the financial and real estate crisis have resulted, in Spain, in the biggest proliferation of foreclosures and evictions than any Western European countries. That situation reveals the predatory logic of the Spanish real estate model, which has fuelled a huge housing dispossession process. The article provides evidences of the uneven development of the mortgage crisis in the Spanish cities. The study is based on data exploitation of housing stock in the hands of the SAREB acquired through foreclosures. The spatial analysis of the distribution of housing units owned by SAREB in three cities (Alicante, Murcia and Zaragoza) has allowed identifying neighbourhoods with a special concentration of housing dispossession processes. The results show how foreclosures are tending to focus on the most vulnerable neighbourhoods, which translates to a deepening of their precarious situation. These findings show how the financial and real estate crisis are contributing to deepening urban inequality.
    Thematic Areas: Interdisciplinar Geography, planning and development Geography, physical Geography Geografia i urbanisme Geografía Geociências Engenharias i Earth-surface processes Ciencias sociales Ciências ambientais Biodiversidade
    licence for use:
    Author's mail:
    Author identifier: 0000-0003-0557-6319
    Record's date: 2023-09-02
    Papper version: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
    Link to the original source:
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    Papper original source: Revista De Geografia Norte Grande. (67): 33-52
    APA: Gutierrez, Aaron; Domenech, Antoni; (2017). Geography of foreclosure evictions in Spanish cities : evidence from the homes owned by SAREB. Revista De Geografia Norte Grande, (67), 33-52
    Article's DOI: 10.4067/S0718-34022017000200003
    Entity: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
    Journal publication year: 2017
    Publication Type: Journal Publications
  • Keywords:

    Earth-Surface Processes,Geography,Geography, Physical,Geography, Planning and Development
    Geography, planning and development
    Geography, physical
    Geografia i urbanisme
    Engenharias i
    Earth-surface processes
    Ciencias sociales
    Ciências ambientais
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