Articles producció científica> Química Física i Inorgànica

Liquid phase epitaxy growth and visible emission of Tb3+,Gd3+:LiYF4 layers

  • Identification data

    Identifier: imarina:9329030
    Baillard, AmandineBrasse, GurvanLoiko, PavelSole, Rosa MariaAguilo, MagdalenaDiaz, FrancescMateos, XavierBenayad, AbdelmjidMenard, VivienBraud, AlainCamy, Patrice
    Single-crystalline layers of 12 at.% Tb3+, 5 at.% Gd3+:LiYF4 were grown by the liquid phase epitaxy method on (001) oriented bulk undoped LiYF4 substrates using LiF as a solvent. The growth temperature was 737-740 & DEG;C, the growth duration was 15 -25 min, and the layer thickness was 40-90 & mu;m. The structural, morphological, vibronic and spectroscopic properties of the layers were studied. Tb3+ ions were uniformly distributed in the layers with no diffusion into the substrate. Polarized Raman spectroscopy confirmed the orientation of the layers (growth along the [001] direction). Under excitation in the blue, the layers exhibited intense green emission. For the 5D4-, 7F5 Tb3+ transition, the peak stimulated-emission cross-section is 1.28 x 10-21 cm2 at 542.0 nm for at-polarization. The luminescence lifetime of the 5D4 Tb3+ state is 5.05 ms at room temperature. The crystal-field splitting of Tb3+ multiplets was determined at low temperature. The developed epitaxies are promising for green and yellow waveguide lasers.& COPY; 2023 Optica Publishing Group under the terms of the Optica Open Access Publishing Agreement
  • Others:

    Author, as appears in the article.: Baillard, Amandine; Brasse, Gurvan; Loiko, Pavel; Sole, Rosa Maria; Aguilo, Magdalena; Diaz, Francesc; Mateos, Xavier; Benayad, Abdelmjid; Menard, Vivien; Braud, Alain; Camy, Patrice
    Department: Química Física i Inorgànica
    URV's Author/s: Aguiló Díaz, Magdalena / Díaz González, Francisco Manuel / Mateos Ferré, Xavier / Solé Cartañà, Rosa Maria
    Keywords: Wave-guide laser Tb3+ Phosphors Operation Ions Green Crystals
    Abstract: Single-crystalline layers of 12 at.% Tb3+, 5 at.% Gd3+:LiYF4 were grown by the liquid phase epitaxy method on (001) oriented bulk undoped LiYF4 substrates using LiF as a solvent. The growth temperature was 737-740 & DEG;C, the growth duration was 15 -25 min, and the layer thickness was 40-90 & mu;m. The structural, morphological, vibronic and spectroscopic properties of the layers were studied. Tb3+ ions were uniformly distributed in the layers with no diffusion into the substrate. Polarized Raman spectroscopy confirmed the orientation of the layers (growth along the [001] direction). Under excitation in the blue, the layers exhibited intense green emission. For the 5D4-, 7F5 Tb3+ transition, the peak stimulated-emission cross-section is 1.28 x 10-21 cm2 at 542.0 nm for at-polarization. The luminescence lifetime of the 5D4 Tb3+ state is 5.05 ms at room temperature. The crystal-field splitting of Tb3+ multiplets was determined at low temperature. The developed epitaxies are promising for green and yellow waveguide lasers.& COPY; 2023 Optica Publishing Group under the terms of the Optica Open Access Publishing Agreement
    Thematic Areas: Química Optics Materials science, multidisciplinary Materiais Interdisciplinar Engenharias iv Engenharias iii Engenharias ii Electronic, optical and magnetic materials Biotecnología Astronomia / física
    licence for use:
    Author's mail:
    Author identifier: 0000-0001-6130-9579 0000-0002-5769-4141 0000-0003-1940-1990 0000-0003-4581-4967
    Record's date: 2025-01-28
    Paper version: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
    Licence document URL:
    Paper original source: Optical Materials Express. 13 (8): 2355-2368
    APA: Baillard, Amandine; Brasse, Gurvan; Loiko, Pavel; Sole, Rosa Maria; Aguilo, Magdalena; Diaz, Francesc; Mateos, Xavier; Benayad, Abdelmjid; Menard, Viv (2023). Liquid phase epitaxy growth and visible emission of Tb3+,Gd3+:LiYF4 layers. Optical Materials Express, 13(8), 2355-2368. DOI: 10.1364/OME.491569
    Entity: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
    Journal publication year: 2023
    Publication Type: Journal Publications
  • Keywords:

    Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials,Materials Science, Multidisciplinary,Optics
    Wave-guide laser
    Materials science, multidisciplinary
    Engenharias iv
    Engenharias iii
    Engenharias ii
    Electronic, optical and magnetic materials
    Astronomia / física
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