Articles producció científica> Enginyeria Mecànica

Identifying the intermittent flow sub-regimes using pressure drop time series fluctuations

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    Identifier: imarina:9366578
    Arabi, ASalhi, YZenati, YSi-Ahmed, ELegrand, J
    From a literature survey, a deficiency has been noticed in objective methods to identify and distinct between the intermittent flow sub-regimes. Thus, the aim of this study is to analyze pressure drop fluctuations using statistical methods in order to propose simple tools to characterize the sub-regimes of the intermittent flow. The pressure drop time series were collected from experiments carried out using air-water mixture and 30 mm inner diameter pipe. The utilization of transparent pipes allowed to identify three sub-regimes which are plug flow, less aerated slug flow (LAS flow), and highly aerated slug flow (HAS flow). It was found that the probability density functions (PDF) displayed a unimodal distribution in all cases studied. Meanwhile, the representation of the base width and maximum values of PDF as functions of the gas-to-liquid superficial velocity ratio and the mixture Froude number, respectively, showed that the points for each sub-regime are clustered in the same zone. Therefore, these two feature spaces can be used to identify the sub-regimes. A third feature space, based on the statistical parameter standard deviation and kurtosis, was also proposed as a tool to distinguish between the three sub-regimes.
  • Others:

    Author, as appears in the article.: Arabi, A; Salhi, Y; Zenati, Y; Si-Ahmed, E; Legrand, J
    Department: Enginyeria Mecànica
    URV's Author/s: Arabi, Abderraouf
    Keywords: Void fraction Transition Sub-regimes Probability density function (pdf) Pressure drop time series fluctuations Plug Pipe diameter Patterns Intermittent gas–liquid flow Intermittent gas-liquid flow Identification Gas-liquid two-phase flow 2-phase slug flow
    Abstract: From a literature survey, a deficiency has been noticed in objective methods to identify and distinct between the intermittent flow sub-regimes. Thus, the aim of this study is to analyze pressure drop fluctuations using statistical methods in order to propose simple tools to characterize the sub-regimes of the intermittent flow. The pressure drop time series were collected from experiments carried out using air-water mixture and 30 mm inner diameter pipe. The utilization of transparent pipes allowed to identify three sub-regimes which are plug flow, less aerated slug flow (LAS flow), and highly aerated slug flow (HAS flow). It was found that the probability density functions (PDF) displayed a unimodal distribution in all cases studied. Meanwhile, the representation of the base width and maximum values of PDF as functions of the gas-to-liquid superficial velocity ratio and the mixture Froude number, respectively, showed that the points for each sub-regime are clustered in the same zone. Therefore, these two feature spaces can be used to identify the sub-regimes. A third feature space, based on the statistical parameter standard deviation and kurtosis, was also proposed as a tool to distinguish between the three sub-regimes.
    Thematic Areas: Thermodynamics Nuclear energy and engineering Nuclear and high energy physics Mechanics Mechanical engineering Fluid flow and transfer processes
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    Author's mail:
    Record's date: 2024-08-03
    Paper version: info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersion
    Licence document URL:
    Paper original source: Experimental And Computational Multiphase Flow. 6 (1): 28-40
    APA: Arabi, A; Salhi, Y; Zenati, Y; Si-Ahmed, E; Legrand, J (2024). Identifying the intermittent flow sub-regimes using pressure drop time series fluctuations. Experimental And Computational Multiphase Flow, 6(1), 28-40. DOI: 10.1007/s42757-022-0153-7
    Entity: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
    Journal publication year: 2024
    Publication Type: Journal Publications
  • Keywords:

    Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes,Mechanical Engineering,Mechanics,Nuclear and High Energy Physics,Nuclear Energy and Engineering,Thermodynamics
    Void fraction
    Probability density function (pdf)
    Pressure drop time series fluctuations
    Pipe diameter
    Intermittent gas–liquid flow
    Intermittent gas-liquid flow
    Gas-liquid two-phase flow
    2-phase slug flow
    Nuclear energy and engineering
    Nuclear and high energy physics
    Mechanical engineering
    Fluid flow and transfer processes
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