Author, as appears in the article.: Mielgo, C; Huguet, R; Laplana, C; Martín-Perea, DM; Moclán, A; Márquez, B; Arsuaga, JL; Pérez-González, A; Baquedano, E
Department: Història i Història de l'Art
URV's Author/s: Huguet Pàmies, Rosa
Keywords: Gis Hominid Human occupation Limb bones Middle palaeolithic Neanderthals Olduvai gorge Open-air site Percussion marks Spatial distribution Spatial statistics Stone tools Stratigraphic integrity Taphonomy Temporal resolution Tooth marks
Abstract: Buena Pinta Cave (Pinilla del Valle, Madrid) has been interpreted as a hyena den with sporadic occupations of Homo neanderthalensis in the western part of the site (level 23). In order to identify the different formation processes in this area of the site, spatial analyses have been carried out with GIS and spatial statistics based on the taphonomic analysis of the faunal remains. Based on the vertical and sectional analyses of the assemblage, it has been possible to determine that level 23 actually corresponds to three archaeological levels with well-differentiated characteristics: a lower level with few faunal remains and fossil-diagenetic alterations related to humid environments associated with clays; an intermediate level with a high percentage of remains with water-related modifications and evidences of transport; and an upper level delimited mainly thanks to by a paraconformity evidenced by the concentration of weathered remains in this area and a significant reduction in remains with water-related alterations above. The results obtained show the necessity to redefine field layers and the usefulness of integrating taphonomic data and spatial studies.
Thematic Areas: Anthropology Antropología Antropologia / arqueologia Archaeology Archeology Archeology (arts and humanities) Ciencias humanas Ciencias sociales Geociências Geosciences, multidisciplinary Historia
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Author identifier: 0000-0002-1750-6249
Record's date: 2024-08-03
Paper version: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Paper original source: Archaeological And Anthropological Sciences. 16 (1): 5-
APA: Mielgo, C; Huguet, R; Laplana, C; Martín-Perea, DM; Moclán, A; Márquez, B; Arsuaga, JL; Pérez-González, A; Baquedano, E (2024). Intra-site spatial approaches based on taphonomic analyses to characterize assemblage formation at Pleistocene sites: a case study from Buena Pinta Cave (Pinilla del Valle, Madrid, Spain). Archaeological And Anthropological Sciences, 16(1), 5-. DOI: 10.1007/s12520-023-01913-2
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Entity: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Journal publication year: 2024
Publication Type: Journal Publications