Author, as appears in the article.: Duno-Iglesias, Paulo; Ramirez-Pedraza, Ivan; Rivals, Florent; Prilepskaya, Natalya E; Belyaev, Ruslan I; Baryshnikov, Gennady F
Department: Història i Història de l'Art
URV's Author/s: Ramírez Pedraza, Iván / Rivals, Florent Joseph Louis
Keywords: . Black bears Carnivora Carnivores Competitive exclusio Competitive exclusion Food-habits High-altitude isolation History Kudarensis Mammalia National-park Omnivores Paleoecolog Praekudarensis Thibetanus U U. kudarensis U. praekudarensis Ursus-arctos Variability
Abstract: The dietary changes of early cave bear populations from the Middle to Late Pleistocene are poorly understood. In this study, we analysed 60 m1 through dental microwear analysis of three diachronic Middle (Ursus praekudarensis and U. praekudarensis/kudarensis) to Late Pleistocene (U. kudarensis) populations inhabiting the Kudaro 1 and Kudaro 3 caves in the Southern Caucasus. The diet of all populations was inferred to be omnivorous, although it changed over time, adapting to the climatic and ecological conditions of the period. Bones from U. praekudarensis/kudarensis populations accumulated throughout the year; thus, microwear suggests an average annual diet dominated by plant resources. The widespread presence of hypercoarse scratches in U. kudarensis and U. praekudarensis populations suggests animal protein intake during the hyperphagia. The presence of omnivorous guild competitors and harsh conditions in a high-altitude environment could have driven the Caucasian cave bears to consume animal protein as a fallback diet during their predormancy period. Furthermore, the cave bears' capacity for dietary flexibility through time highlights the ability of cave bears to withstand climatic changes, while competition with other omnivorous species could have driven their dietary niche during their hyperphagia period towards animal protein consumption throughout the Middle to Late Pleistocene.
Thematic Areas: Astronomia / física Biodiversidade Ciências agrárias i Ciências ambientais Ciências biológicas i Earth-surface processes Ecology, evolution, behavior and systematics Educação Engenharias ii Engenharias iii Engenharias iv Ensino Filosofia/teologia:subcomissão filosofia Geociências Geografía Geography, physical Geosciences, multidisciplinary Interdisciplinar Oceanography Paleontology Planejamento urbano e regional / demografia Química Saúde coletiva
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Author identifier: 0000-0001-8673-212X
Record's date: 2024-09-21
Paper version: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Paper original source: Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology. 653 112417-
APA: Duno-Iglesias, Paulo; Ramirez-Pedraza, Ivan; Rivals, Florent; Prilepskaya, Natalya E; Belyaev, Ruslan I; Baryshnikov, Gennady F (2024). Dental microwear analysis of Kudaro cave bears: Insights into dietary evolution from the Middle to Late Pleistocene. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 653(), 112417-. DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2024.112417
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Entity: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Journal publication year: 2024
Publication Type: Journal Publications