Título |
Fecha |
Academic help-seeking attitudes and their relationship with emotional variables | 2021 |
Acceptance and Use of Telepsychology from the Clients Perspective: Questionnaire Study to Document Perceived Advantages and Barriers | 2021 |
A Comprehensive IRT Approach for Modeling Binary, Graded, and Continuous Responses With Error in Persons and Items | 2019 |
A Comprehensive Regression-Based Approach for Identifying Sources of Person Misfit in Typical-Response Measures
A Comprehensive Regression-Based Approach for Identifying Sources of Person Misfit in Typical-Response Measures | 2016 |
Acquiescence and Dogmatism: Impact and relations across two different item formats | 2016 |
Acute Psychological Adverse Reactions in First-Time Ritual Ayahuasca Users A Prospective Case Series | 2021 |
Adaptación española de la escala HPLP-II con una muestra de empleados | 2016 |
Adaptation and psychometric properties of the SBI-U scale for academic burnout in university students [Adaptación y propiedades psicométricas de la escala SBI-U sobre Burnout Académico en estudiantes universitarios] | 2015 |
Adaptation of an entrepreneurial motivation scale into Spanish | 2016 |
Adapting iron dose supplementation in pregnancy for greater effectiveness on mother and child health: Protocol of the ECLIPSES randomized clinical trial | 2014 |
Adapting prenatal iron supplementation to maternal needs results in optimal child neurodevelopment: a follow-up of the ECLIPSES Study | 2022 |
Adolescent grandchildren with grandparents with dementia: Is the disease changing relationship's nature?
Adulthood dietary exposure to a common pesticide leads to an obese-like phenotype and a diabetic profile in apoE3 mice | 2015 |
Affective neurolinguistics: towards a framework for reconciling language and emotion*
Age, gender, personality, burnout, job characteristics and job content as predictors of driver fatigue | 2021 |
A General Approach for Fitting Pure Exploratory Bifactor Models
Age-related effects of X-ray irradiation on mouse hippocampus
A Mobile Application to Help Self-Manage Pain Severity, Anxiety, and Depressive Symptoms in Patients with Fibromyalgia Syndrome: A Pilot Study | 2022 |
A Multidimensional Item Response Theory Model for Continuous and Graded Responses With Error in Persons and Items | 2021 |
Analyzing the evolution of technostress: A science mapping approach | 2021 |
An Intelligent Approach Using Machine Learning Techniques to Predict Flow in People | 2023 |
An IRT Modeling Approach for Assessing Item and Person Discrimination in Binary Personality Responses
An Online Psychological Program for Adolescents and Young Adults With Headaches: Iterative Design and Rapid Usability Testing | 2023 |
A note on improving EAP trait estimation in oblique factor-analytic and item response theory models | 2016 |
Anthropometric status of preschoolers and elementary school children with ADHD: preliminary results from the EPINED study | 2023 |
An 8-week secular mindfulness-based training program for schoolteachers increases dispositional mindfulness, self-reported workplace well-being, visuoconstructive abilities, and processing speed | 2024 |
Aplicación del modelo poissoniano de rasch al análisis del tiempo de inspección | 1994 |
Aplicattion of the revised myokinetic psychodiagnostic (MKP-R) test to the study of violence | 2003 |
APOE genetic background and sex confer different vulnerabilities to postnatal chlorpyrifos exposure and modulate the response to cholinergic drugs
APOE genotype and postnatal chlorpyrifos exposure modulate gut microbiota and cerebral short-chain fatty acids in preweaning mice
Apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype and the pesticide chlorpyrifos modulate attention, motivation and impulsivity in female mice in the 5-choice serial reaction time task | 2016 |
A predictive study of antecedent variables of passion towards work | 2019 |
A predictive study of antecedent variables of workaholism | 2016 |
Aprendizaje espacial y laberinto de agua: metodología y aplicaciones
Are old people so gentle?: functional and dysfunctional impulsivity in the elderly
Are there early inflammatory biomarkers that affect neurodevelopment in infancy? | 2017 |
Are Translation Equivalents Always Activated When Bilinguals Perform a Task in One of Their Languages? Behavioral and ERP Evidence of the Role of the Task | 2023 |
A Simple Two-Step Procedure for Fitting Fully Unrestricted Exploratory Factor Analytic Solutions with Correlated Residuals | 2024 |
A Simulation-Based Scaled Test Statistic for Assessing Model-Data Fit in Least-Squares Unrestricted Factor-Analysis Solutions | 2023 |
A Spanish version of the Marlowe and Crowne's social desirability scale | 2000 |
Assessing indirect aggression in aggressors and targets: Spanish adaptation of the Indirect Aggression Scales
Assessing retest effects at the individual level: A general IRT-based approach | 2015 |
Assessing the heterogeneity of autism spectrum symptoms in a school population | 2018 |
Assessing the Quality and Appropriateness of Factor Solutions and Factor Score Estimates in Exploratory Item Factor Analysis
Assessing the Quality and Appropriateness of Factor Solutions and Factor Score Estimates in Exploratory Item Factor Analysis | 2018 |
Assessing the quality and usefulness of factor-analytic applications to personality measures: A study with the statistical anxiety scale
Assessing the Quality of Mobile Health-Related Apps: Interrater Reliability Study of Two Cuides | 2021 |
Assessment of individual differences in faking | 2011 |
Assessment of psychopatology in preschool age children through the Early Chilhood Inventory-4 (ECI-4): agreement among parents and teachers
Assessment of the ability of game-based science learning to enhance genetic understanding | 2023 |
Associació del catastrofisme i les actituds del pacient amb la severitat i les repercussions funcionals del dolor en pacients amb dolor crònic i depressió
Association between free sugars intake and early psychopathological problems | 2024 |
Association between psychological problems and overweight and obesity in school children
Association of Prenatal Dietary Toxicants and Inorganic Arsenic Exposure with Children's Emotional and Behavioral Problems: ECLIPSES Study | 2024 |
Association study of monoamine oxidase-A gene promoter polymorphism (MAOA-uVNTR) with self-reported anxiety and other psychopathological symptoms in a community sample of early adolescents | 2015 |
A Systematic Review of Instruments for Early Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorders | 2019 |
A tale of two subjectivities: An academic life story
A transcriptomic analysis in mice following a single dose of ibogaine identifies new potential therapeutic targets | 2024 |
A two-phase population study: relationships between overweight, body composition and risk of eating disorders | 2009 |
Automated emotional facial expression assessment and emotional elicitation through film clip stimuli | 2020 |
Ayahuasca-induced personal death experiences: prevalence, characteristics, and impact on attitudes toward death, life, and the environment | 2023 |
Balancing typological and dimensional approaches: Assessment of adult attachment styles with Factor Mixture Analysis | 2021 |
Behavioral and Cognitive Interventions With Digital Devices in Subjects With Intellectual Disability: A Systematic Review | 2021 |
Behavioral Biomarkers of Schizophrenia in High Drinker Rats: A Potential Endophenotype of Compulsive Neuropsychiatric Disorders | 2017 |
Being overweight or obese is associated with inhibition control in children from six to ten years of age | 2015 |
Beyond Pain Intensity and catastrophizing: The Association between Self-Enhancing Humor Style and the Adaptation of Individuals with Chronic Pain
Búsqueda de sensaciones | 2000 |
Caracterización, epidemiología y tendencias de los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria | 2022 |
Caracterísiticas del ítem que predicen el tiempo de respuesta en medidas de personalidad
Características de forma y contenido que predicen la capacidad discriminativa en ítems de personalidad: un análisis basado en la Teoría de Respuesta a los Ítems
CAR: A MATLAB Package to Compute Correspondence Analysis with Rotations
Catastrophizing and pain impact in migraineurs
Changes in fatty acid levels (saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) during pregnancy | 2021 |
Changes in pH as a result of galvanic currents used in percutaneous needle electrolysis | 2020 |
Chronic Pain and High Impact Chronic Pain in Children and Adolescents: A Cross-Sectional Study | 2023 |
Chronic Pain in the School Setting: The Teachers' Point of View | 2018 |
Chronic pain in young people: The situation in Lebanon | 2021 |
Circulating Levels of Short-Chain Fatty Acids during Pregnancy and Infant Neurodevelopment | 2022 |
Cognitive Functioning, Life Satisfaction, and Their Relationship with the Financial Attitudes of Older Individuals Who Participate in an Active Aging Program | 2020 |
Comfortability with the passive collection of smartphone data for monitoring of mental health: An online survey | 2021 |
Communalistic use of psychoactive plants as a bridge between traditional healing practices and Western medicine: A new path for the Global Mental Health movement | 2022 |
Comorbilidad entre los factores de ansiedad del SCARED y la sintomatología depresiva en niños de 8-12 años
Compliance with COVID-19 Preventive Measures: The Role of Intelligence, the Dark Triad and Dysfunctional Impulsivity | 2023 |
Composition of gut microbiota in children with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Comunidades Imaginadas: Nacionalismo Banal en los Locutorios de Barcelona
CONS-32: estructura factorial y propiedades psicométricas
COVID-19 Pandemic in Portugal: Psychosocial and Health-Related Factors Associated with Psychological Discomfort | 2022 |
Cross-National Trends of Chronic Back Pain in Adolescents: Results From the HBSC Study, 2001-2014 | 2022 |
Cross-Sectional Associations Between Lifetime Use of Psychedelic Drugs and Psychometric Measures During the COVID-19 Confinement: A Transcultural Study | 2021 |
CSI-SF: Psychometric properties of Spanish version of the coping strategies inventory - short form | 2022 |
Cultural adaptation, translation and validation of the Spanish version Debriefing Experience Scale | 2022 |
Curiosity as a moderating variable between Impulsivity and Entrepreneurial Orientation | 2021 |
Curiosity as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Entrepreneurial Orientation and Perceived Probability of Starting a Business | 2022 |
Decálogo para el Análisis Factorial de los Ítems de un Test | 2022 |
Default meanings: language's logical connectives between comprehension and reasoning | 2023 |
Delirium diagnosis defined by cluster analysis of symptoms versus diagnosis by DSM and ICD criteria: Diagnostic accuracy study
Desarrollo del cuestionario de agresividad proactiva/reactiva para profesores: estructura factorial y propiedades psicométricas
Design and Delivery Features That May Improve the Use of Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Children and Adolescents With Anxiety: A Realist Synthesis With a Persuasive Systems Design Perspective | 2019 |
Detecció primerenca de signes d’alarma en el desenvolupament de persones amb Trastorns de l’Espectre Autista
Detecting Correlated Residuals in Exploratory Factor Analysis: New Proposals and a Comparison of Procedures | 2022 |
Developmental brain lipidomics is influenced by postnatal chlorpyrifos exposure and APOE genetic background in mice | 2023 |
Development and Validation of a Questionnaire to Detect the Risk of Serious Adverse Reactions Due to the Use of Psychedelic Drug in Therapy
Development and validation of the Spanish short version of the Work Design Questionnaire (WDQ-S) | 2023 |
Development and validation of the Statistical Anxiety Scale
Development, internal consistency, reliability and validity of a scale of occupational hazards in Spanish [Desarrollo, consistencia interna, fiabilidad y validez de una escala de riesgos laborales en lengua Española]
Development of a Revised Version of the Statistical Anxiety Scale | 2022 |
Development of the conceptualization of pain questionnaire: A measure to study how children conceptualize pain | 2021 |
DF-8: a specific scale for assessing work fatigue in professional drivers | 2022 |
Dietary intake and nutritional risk in Mediterranean adolescents in relation to the severity of the eating disorder | 2015 |
Differences between the dynamic and normative psychomotricity in child development | 2021 |
Disentangling the Role of Deviant Letter Position on Cognate Word Processing | 2021 |
Dispositional employability and online training purchase. Evidence from employees' behavior in Spain
Dispositional Employability and Online Training Purchase. Evidence from Employees' Behavior in Spain | 2016 |
Distraction by deviant sounds: disgusting and neutral words capture attention to the same extent
Do Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Follow a Different Dietary Pattern than That of Their Control Peers? | 2022 |
Do Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Eat Differently and Less Adequately than Those with Subclinical ASD and Typical Development? EPINED Epidemiological Study | 2022 |
Do Commonly Used Measures of Pain Intensity Only Reflect Pain Intensity in Youths With Bothersome Pain and a Physical Disability? | 2019 |
Does living close to a petrochemical complex increase the adverse psychological effects of the COVID-19 lockdown? | 2021 |
Does Pain Acceptance Buffer the Negative Effects of Catastrophizing on Function in Individuals With Chronic Pain?
Does phonological overlap of cognate words modulate cognate acquisition and processing in developing and skilled readers? | 2018 |
Does the fortified milk with high iron dose improve the neurodevelopment of healthy infants? Randomized controlled trial | 2019 |
Dolor neuropático en pacientes oncológicos en tratamiento con bortezomib | 2018 |
Do psychological interventions reduce symptoms of depression for patients with bipolar I or II disorder? A meta-analysis | 2022 |
Educational agents and institutions called into action in suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention | 2023 |
Educational Needs and Resources for Teachers Working with Students with Chronic Pain: Results of a Delphi Study | 2021 |
Effectiveness of a transdiagnostic indicated preventive intervention for adolescents at high risk for anxiety and depressive disorders
Effect of vitamin d status during pregnancy on infant neurodevelopment: The eclipses study
Effects of a Fat-Rich Diet on the Spontaneous Release of Acetylcholine in the Neuromuscular Junction of Mice | 2020 |
Effects of an alpha7 nicotinic receptor agonist and stress on spatial memory in an animal model of alzheimer's disease
Effects of covid-19 social distancing measures in individuals with chronic pain living in spain in the late stages of the lockdown | 2021 |
Effects of prenatal iron status on child neurodevelopment and behavior: A systematic review | 2018 |
Effects of prenatal nicotine exposure on infant language development: A cohort follow up study | 2017 |
Effects of Stress on Performance during Highly Demanding Tasks in Student Pilots | 2021 |
Effects of world knowledge on the prediction of upcoming verbs: an eye-tracking study | 2022 |
El absentismo laboral como consecuente de variables organizacionales
El análisis factorial exploratorio de los ítems: algunas consideraciones adicionales
El burnout y las manifestaciones psicosomáticas como consecuentes del clima organizacional y de la motivación laboral
E-Learning and team-based learning. Practical experience in virtual teams
Electronic health literacy in individuals with chronic pain and its association with psychological function | 2021 |
El papel de la psicología en las unidades de tratamiento del dolor: acerca de la actividad asistencial, docente e investigadora
El papel de la sílaba en la percepción del castellano
EmoFinder: The meeting point for Spanish emotional words | 2018 |
Emoji-SP, the Spanish emoji database: Visual complexity, familiarity, frequency of use, clarity, and emotional valence and arousal norms for 1031 emojis | 2023 |
EmoPro - Emotional prototypicality for 1286 Spanish words: Relationships with affective and psycholinguistic variables | 2021 |
Emotional content and source memory for language: Impairment in an incidental encoding task
Emotional Intelligence, Psychological Well-Being and Burnout of Active and In-Training Teachers | 2022 |
Emotionality effects in ambiguous word recognition: The crucial role of the affective congruence between distinct meanings of ambiguous words | 2021 |
Emotional problems in preschool and school-aged children with neurodevelopmental disorders in Spain: EPINED epidemiological project | 2023 |
Emotional Prototypicality Ratings for 636 Chinese Words: A Database of Chinese Words with Affective Information | 2023 |
Emotional Symptoms and Dietary Patterns in Early Adolescence: A School-Based Follow-up Study | 2017 |
Emotion and concreteness effects when learning novel concepts in the native language | 2021 |
Environmental exposure to chlorpyrifos during gestation, APOE polymorphism and the risk on autistic-like behaviors | 2023 |
ERP and behavioral effects of semantic ambiguity in a lexical decision task | 2017 |
Escalas Breves sobre Mobbing (MOBB-10 y CONSE-10): Estructuras factoriales y primera aproximación al estudio de su fiabilidad y validez
Estado nutricional de los escolares de una zona rural de extrema pobreza de Ccorca, Perú. Proyecto INCOS | 2017 |
Estrategias de afrontamiento del estrés académico universitario: educación infantil-primaria
Estructura factorial, fiabilidad y validez de la escala de adicción al trabajo (WorkBAT): Versión española. | 2013 |
Evaluación de la sintomatología depresiva en población mayor con pérdida visual: un estudio de la Escala de Depresión Geriátrica
Evaluación del e-learning en la formación para el empleo: Estructura factorial y fiabilidad
Evaluación del sexismo en una muestra de universitarios mexicanos: Un estudio de validez basado en el Inventario de Sexismo Ambivalente (ASI)
Evaluación psicométrica del cuestionario de ansiedad y rendimiento (car) en una muestra de escolares
Exploratory factor analysis in transportation research: Current practices and recommendations | 2021 |
Exploratory Item Factor Analysis: Some additional considerations | 2014 |
Exploring the Communication of Social Movements in Primary Education | 2022 |
Exposure to chlorpyrifos at different ages triggers APOE genotype-specific responses in social behavior, body weight and hypothalamic gene expression | 2019 |
Exposure to chlorpyrifos during pregnancy differentially affects social behavior and GABA signaling elements in an APOE- and sex-dependent manner in a transgenic mouse model | 2023 |
Factores de riesgo y estrategias de prevención en los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria | 2022 |
Factores psicosociales en el dolor crónico oncológico: un estudio Delphi
Factors associated with migraine in the general population of Spain: results from the European Health Survey 2014
Factor structure and discriminant validity of the Hare psychopathy checklist-revised
Fibroline: a mobile app for improving the quality of life of young people with fibromyalgia | 2018 |
French validation of the Barcelona Music Reward Questionnaire
Gaining a Better Understanding of the Types of Organizational Culture to Manage Suffering at Work | 2021 |
Gamma Oscillations in the Temporal Pole Reflect the Contribution of Approach and Avoidance Motivational Systems to the Processing of Fear and Anger Words | 2022 |
Gender congruency between languages influence second-language comprehension: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence | 2023 |
Graphical procedures for assessing person-fit in item factor analysis | 2010 |
Gulliksen's pool: A quick tool for preliminary detection of problematic items in item factor analysis | 2023 |
Gut Microbiota Alterations in Alzheimer's Disease: Relation with Cognitive Impairment and Mediterranean Lifestyle | 2024 |
Haemoconcentration risk at the end of pregnancy: Effects on neonatal behaviour | 2017 |
Health and Safety at Work in the Transport Industry (TRANS-12): Factorial Structure, Reliability and Validity | 2019 |
Health profiles in people with intellectual developmental disorders
Health profiles in people with intellectual developmental disorders | 2017 |
Help-Seeking in an Academic Context: A Systematic Review | 2021 |
HEROÍNA: Drug or hero? Meaning-dependent valence norms for ambiguous Spanish words
High-density transcranial direct current stimulation to improve upper limb motor function following stroke: study protocol for a double-blind randomized clinical trial targeting prefrontal and/or cerebellar cognitive contributions to voluntary motion | 2023 |
How impulsivity and intelligence are related to different forms of aggression
How impulsivity and intelligence are related to different forms of aggression | 2017 |
How Individual and Contextual Factors Affects Antisocial and Delinquent Behaviors: A Comparison between Young Offenders, Adolescents at Risk of Social Exclusion, and a Community Sample
How Individual and Contextual Factors Affects Antisocial and Delinquent Behaviors: A Comparison between Young Offenders, Adolescents at Risk of Social Exclusion, and a Community Sample | 2017 |
How psychosocial group climate and personality affects teacher burnout [Efecto del Clima Psicosocial del Grupo y de la Personalidad en el Síndrome de Quemado en el Trabajo de los docents] | 2015 |
How response bias affects the factorial structure of personality self-reports
How response biases affect the factor structure of Big Five personality questionnaires
How response biases affect the factor structure of Big Five personality questionnaires | 2017 |
Human resource practices and employee wellbeing from a gender perspective: The role of organizational justice | 2021 |
Identifying violence against the LGTBI+ community in Catalan universities | 2021 |
I hates Mondays: ERP effects of emotion on person agreement
Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown Measures on Spanish People with Chronic Pain: An Online Study Survey | 2020 |
Impact of physical activity during pregnancy on infant neurodevelopment | 2024 |
Impact of psychosocial factors on cardiovascular morbimortality: A prospective cohort study
Impact of risk factors on different interval cancer subtypes in a population-based breast cancer screening programme
Impact of Techno-Creators and Techno-Inhibitors on Techno-Stress Manifestations in Chilean Kindergarten Directors in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Teleworking | 2022 |
Implementación de procedimientos gráficos y analíticos para la construcción de formas paralelas | 2009 |
Importance of Maternal Iron Status on the Improvement of Cognitive Function in Children After Prenatal Iron Supplementation | 2023 |
Improvement of APOE4-dependent non-cognitive behavioural traits by postnatal cholinergic stimulation in female mice
Improving the Quality of Life of Cancer Survivors in School: Consensus Recommendations Using a Delphi Study | 2021 |
Incertidumbre Laboral, Salud Mental y Apoyo Social en trabajadores pobres
Increases in Sleep Difficulties and Psychological Symptoms are Associated With the Increase of Chronic Back Pain in Adolescents: The HBSC Study 2002 to 2018
Incremental validity of emotional intelligence perceived in predicting Well-Being [Validez incremental de la inteligencia emocional percibida al predecir bienestar subjetivo] | 2011 |
Individual differences in visual word recognition: the role of epistemically unwarranted beliefs on affective processing and signal detection | 2022 |
Influence of gut microbiota on the development of most prevalent neurodegenerative dementias and the potential effect of probiotics in elderly: A scoping review | 2024 |
Influence of personality variables, impulsivity, perfectionism, self-esteem and self-efficacy in work craving | 2019 |
Influence that job characteristics, personality, and burnout have on fatigue in professional drivers. | 2022 |
Initial usability and feasibility of a web-based behavioural activation program for young adults with comorbid depression and problem gambling: A case study and case series
Is Correcting for Acquiescence Increasing the External Validity of Personality Test Scores? | 2021 |
Is general intelligence responsible for differences in individual reliability in personality measures?
Is individual reliability responsible for the differences in personality differentiation across ability levels?
Is it quality, is it redundancy, or is model inadequacy? Some strategies for judging the appropriateness of high-discrimination items | 2023 |
Is pupillary response a reliable index of word recognition? Evidence from a delayed lexical decision task | 2017 |
Is there an orthographic boost for ambiguous words during their processing?
Is the Verbal Numerical Rating Scale a Valid Tool for Assessing Pain Intensity in Children Below 8 Years of Age? | 2013 |
“I Wish I Could Have Helped Him in Some Way or Put the Family on Notice”: an Exploration of Teachers’ Perceived Strengths and Deficits in Overall Knowledge of Suicide | 2021 |
Job insecurity and performance: The mediating role of organizational justice in terms of type of contract | 2021 |
Job insecurity, mental health and social support in working poor
Job Stressors in Bus Drivers (Elbus-21): Factor Structure, Reliability and Validity
La competencia digital de alumnos y profesores en una red valenciana de escuelas cooperativas | 2023 |
La depresión en la adolescencia: ¿Un problema enmascarado?
La inclusión del alumnado con discapacidad en la Universidad: la opinión del profesorado
Language balance rather than age of acquisition: A study on the cross-linguistic gender congruency effect in Portuguese–German bilinguals
La satisfacción y el bienestar psicológico como antecedentes del compromiso organizacional
Las relaciones interpersonales como fuente de riesgo de acoso laboral en la Policía Local
La terapia asistida con perros en el tratamiento de las personas con dolor crónico: una revisión sistemática
La terapia asistida con perros en el tratamiento de las personas con dolor crónico: una revisión sistemática
Learning, memory and the expression of cholinergic components in mice are modulated by the pesticide chlorpyrifos depending upon age at exposure and apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype
Levels of Metals in Hair in Childhood: Preliminary Associations with Neuropsychological Behaviors
Levels of Metals in Hair in Childhood: Preliminary Associations with Neuropsychological Behaviors | 2014 |
Lexico-syntactic interactions during the processing of temporally ambiguous L2 relative clauses: An eye-tracking study with intermediate and advanced Portuguese-English bilinguals
Liderando personas
Locus of control and pain: Validity of the Form C of the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control scales when used with adolescents | 2018 |
Longitudinal and transcultural assessment of the relationship between hallucinogens, well-being, and post-traumatic growth during the COVID-19 pandemic | 2023 |
Longitudinal study of psychopathological, anthropometric and sociodemographic factors related to the level of Mediterranean diet adherence in a community sample of Spanish adolescents | 2016 |
Long lasting behavioural effects on cuprizone fed mice after neurotoxicant withdrawal.
Love me in L1, but hate me in L2: How native speakers and bilinguals rate the affectivity of words when feeling or thinking about them | 2022 |
Maternal exposure to air pollution during pregnancy and child's cognitive, language, and motor function: ECLIPSES study | 2022 |
Maternal exposure to mixtures of dienestrol, linuron and flutamide. Part I: Feminization effects on male rat offspring | 2020 |
Maternal Vitamin B12 Status during Pregnancy and Early Infant Neurodevelopment: The ECLIPSES Study | 2023 |
Measurement properties of the Spanish version of the brief resilient coping scale (BRCS) in cancer patients | 2022 |
Measuring anxiety in visually-impaired people: A comparison between the linear and the nonlinear IRT approaches [Evaluación de la ansiedad en deficientes visuales. Una comparación entre modelos lineales y no lineales de TRI] | 2013 |
Measuring Unipolar Traits With Continuous Response Items: Some Methodological and Substantive Developments | 2024 |
Mechanisms of hypnosis: Toward the development of a biopsychosocial model | 2015 |
Medida de las prácticas de recursos humanos: propiedades psicométricas y estructura factorial del cuestionario PRH-33
Medium and long-term effects of low doses of Chlorpyrifos during the postnatal, preweaning developmental stage on sociability, dominance, gut microbiota and plasma metabolites | 2020 |
Mental performance in 8-year-old children fed reduced protein content formula during the 1st year of life: safety analysis of a randomized clinical trial | 2019 |
Mental, Physical and Socio-Economic Status of Adults Living in Spain during the Late Stages of the State of Emergency Caused by COVID-19 | 2022 |
Metals linked with the most prevalent primary neurodegenerative dementias in the elderly: A narrative review | 2023 |
Mild autism spectrum disorders in preschool children: Prevalence, co-occurrent symptoms and psychosocial development [Trastornos leves del espectro autista en educación infantil: Prevalencia, sintomatología co-ocurrente y desarrollo psicosocial]
Mindful schools: Neuropsychological performance after the implementation of a mindfulness-based structured program in the school setting | 2023 |
Mirror therapy for phantom limb pain in moderate intellectual disability. A case report | 2022 |
Model of psychosocial determinants of health in processes of social exclusion | 2023 |
Moderately elevated maternal homocysteine at preconception is inversely associated with cognitive performance in children 4 months and 6 years after birth | 2017 |
Moderate-vigorous physical activity across body mass index in females: Moderating effect of endocannabinoids and temperament
Moderate-Vigorous Physical Activity across Body Mass Index in Females: Moderating Effect of Endocannabinoids and Temperament | 2014 |
Modifiable Risk Factors for Dementia: The Role of Gut Microbiota | 2021 |
MSA: The Forgotten Index for Identifying Inappropriate Items Before Computing Exploratory Item Factor Analysis | 2021 |
Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) in Cancer Patients: Psychometric Properties and Measurement Invariance | 2021 |
Multiple Imputation of missing values in exploratory factor analysis of multidimensional scales: estimating latent trait scores | 2016 |
Mutable Technology, Immutable Gender: Qualifying the 'Co-construction of Gender and Technology' Approach | 2018 |
Needs of adolescents and young adults after cancer treatment: a systematic review | 2018 |
Neurofeedback for Pain Management: A Systematic Review | 2020 |
Neuromodulatory treatments for chronic pain: Efficacy and mechanisms | 2014 |
Neuropathic pain in cancer patients treated with bortezomib | 2018 |
Neurotoxicity of general anaesthesia in children younger than 3 years and FDA: How far is the warning?
Norms for 10,491 Spanish words for five discrete emotions: Happiness, disgust, anger, fear, and sadness | 2018 |
Not Positive Definite Correlation Matrices in Exploratory Item Factor Analysis: Causes, Consequences and a Proposed Solution | 2021 |
Nursing education in catalonia: Novice professionals’ appraisal of its quality and usefulness. does mobility play a role?
Nutrient intake and adequacy in children with autism spectrum disorder: EPINED epidemiological study | 2023 |
Of Beavers and Tables: The Role of Animacy in the Processing of Grammatical Gender Within a Picture-Word Interference Task | 2021 |
On the Added Value of Multiple Factor Score Estimates in Essentially Unidimensional Models
On the limits of affective neurolinguistics: a “universe” that quickly expands
On the rapid use of verb-control information in sentence processing | 2024 |
Optimismo disposicional como predictor de estrategias de afrontamiento | 2002 |
Optimismo disposicional como predictor de estrategias de afrontamiento
Optimizing Pain Intensity Assessment in Clinical Trials: How Many Ratings are Needed to Best Balance the Need for Validity and to Minimize Assessment Burden? | 2024 |
Oral exposure of rats to dienestrol during gestation and lactation: Effects on the reproductive system of male offspring
Oxidative stress in testes of rats exposed to n-butylparaben | 2019 |
Pain catastrophizing, activity engagement and pain willingness as predictors of the benefits of multidisciplinary cognitive behaviorally-based chronic pain treatment | 2018 |
Pain curricula across healthcare professions undergraduate degrees: A cross-sectional study in Catalonia, Spain | 2019 |
Pain extent and function in youth with physical disabilities | 2017 |
Pain in children and adolescents with neuromuscular diseases | 2013 |
Pain Location and Functioning in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury
Pain location and functioning in persons with spinal cord injury | 2014 |
Pain location and intensity impacts function in persons with myotonic dystrophy type 1 and facioscapulohumeral dystrophy with chronic pain | 2014 |
Painometer v2®: una aplicación móvil certificada para monitorizar a los pacientes con dolor | 2018 |
Paraoxonase-1 and-3 Protein Expression in the Brain of the Tg2576 Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease | 2021 |
Passion and perseverance: How the components of grit affect the probability of starting a business | 2022 |
Pediatric chronic pain programs: Current and ideal practice
Perceived Stress, Perceived Social Support, and Global Health in Adults with Chronic Pain | 2023 |
Perinatal emotional states: a comparative study between two cohorts recruited in a Mediterranean environment | 2021 |
Personality and impulsivity as antecedents of occupational health in the construction industry | 2022 |
Personality and Nomophobia: The Role of Dysfunctional Obsessive Beliefs | 2023 |
Personality, self-efficacy and self-esteem as predictors of psychological well-being of workers: the flourishing scale (5-FS) | 2023 |
Personality traits and theory of mind: Performance data of a Spanish sample of university students
Personality traits and theory of mind: Performance data of a Spanish sample of university students
Person-item distance and response time: An empirical study in personality measurement | 2006 |
Pesticides and aging: Preweaning exposure to Chlorpyrifos induces a general hypomotricity state in late-adult rats | 2021 |
Popular epistemically unwarranted beliefs inventory (PEUBI): A psychometric instrument for assessing paranormal, pseudoscientific and conspiracy beliefs | 2022 |
Postnatal chlorpyrifos exposure and apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype differentially affect cholinergic expression and developmental parameters in transgenic mice | 2018 |
Postnatal exposure to chlorpyrifos produces long-term effects on spatial memory and the cholinergic system in mice in a sex- and APOE genotype-dependent manner | 2018 |
Postnatal exposure to low doses of Chlorpyrifos induces long-term effects on 5C-SRTT learning and performance, cholinergic and GABAergic systems and BDNF expression
Practical person-fit assessment with the linear FA model: New developments and a comparative study
Practical Person-Fit Assessment with the Linear FA Model: New Developments and a Comparative Study | 2016 |
Predicting suicidal ideation in adolescent boys and girls: The role of psychological maturity, personality traits, depression and life satisfaction | 2018 |
Predictive power of selected factors over driver stress at work | 2021 |
Predictive variables for musculoskeletal problems in professional drivers | 2019 |
Predictive variables for sleep quality in professional drivers | 2021 |
Prenatal, but not postnatal exposure to chlorpyrifos affects social behavior of mice and the excitatory-inhibitory balance in a sex-dependent manner | 2022 |
Prenatal exposure to air pollutants and attentional deficit hyperactivity disorder development in children: a systematic review
Prenatal Exposure to Air Pollutants and Attentional Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Development in Children: A Systematic Review | 2023 |
Prenatal iron supplementation adjusted to maternal iron stores reduces behavioural problems in 4-year-old children | 2024 |
Prenatal vitamin B12 status and cognitive functioning in children at 4 years of age: The ECLIPSES Study | 2024 |
Prevalence norms for 40,777 Catalan words: An online megastudy of vocabulary size | 2023 |
Prevalence of Asperger Syndrome symptomatology and associated variables in Spanish preschoolers [Prevalencia de la sintomatología del Síndrome de Asperger y variables asociadas en preescolares Españoles]
Prevalence of DSM-5 depressive disorders and comorbidity in Spanish early adolescents: Has there been an increase in the last 20 years? | 2018 |
Prevención de los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria en educación primaria | 2022 |
ProAKAP4 as a motility long-lasting marker in Catalan donkey spermatozoa | 2024 |
Procedimientos gráficos para evaluar la consistencia intra-individual en el análisis factorial de ítems
Processing of emotional words in bilinguals: Testing the effects of word concreteness, task type and language status | 2018 |
Project-Based Learning as a Pedagogical Tool in Teaching the Safe Management of Pesticides in an Agricultural-Rural Community | 2021 |
Protecting the underscreened women in developed countries: The value of HPV test
Protocol for a multi-phase, multi-center, real-world, hybrid effectiveness-implementation study of a digital intervention for pediatric chronic pain co-designed with patients (Digital SPA) | 2023 |
Psicología y dolor crónico infantil | 2018 |
Psycho-lexically based Virtue Factors in Spain and their Relation with Personality Traits | 2014 |
Psycholexical Value Factors in Spain and their Relation with Personality Traits
Psycholinguistic and affective norms for 1,252 Spanish idiomatic expressions | 2021 |
Psychological Neuromodulatory Treatments for Young People with Chronic Pain | 2016 |
Psychological Test Toolbox: A New Tool to Compute Factor Analysis Controlling Response Bias | 2019 |
Psychological Variables Related to Adaptation to the COVID-19 Lockdown in Spain | 2020 |
Psychological well-being of teachers: influence of burnout, personality, and psychosocial climate
Psychological well-being of teachers: influence of burnout, personality, and psychosocial climate | 2023 |
Psychometric Properties and Measurement Invariance of the Herth Hope Index in Spanish Cancer Patients
Psychometric Properties of Colombian Adaptation of Buss and Perry's Aggression Questionnaire for Teenagers in a Sample of Bucaramanga | 2012 |
Psychometric properties of Spanish version of the Mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale | 2021 |
Psychometric properties of the 'Life Orientation Test'
Psychometric Properties of the Numerical Rating Scale to Assess Self-Reported Pain Intensity in Children and Adolescents A Systematic Review | 2017 |
Psychometric Properties of the PDRQ-9 in Cancer Patients: Patient-Doctor Relationship Questionnaire | 2021 |
Psychometric properties of the reduced versions of Buss and Perry's aggression questionnaire
Psychometric properties of the Shared Decision-Making Questionnaire (SDM-Q-9) in oncology practice | 2018 |
Psychometric properties of the short form of the Children's Depression Inventory (CDI-S) in young people with physical disabilities
Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the academic help seeking scale in a sample of adults | 2023 |
Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-C30) | 2022 |
Pupilas dilatadas, mente atareada: la dilatación pupilar y su aplicación al estudio del lenguaje
Pupillometric and behavioural evidence shows no differences between polyseme and homonym processing | 2023 |
Randomized controlled trial for selective preventive transdiagnostic intervention for adolescents at risk for emotional disorders | 2023 |
Rúbrica per a la incorporació de la perspectiva de gènere i la prevenció de les violències de gènere en assignatures universitàries
Recuerdo de imágenes emocionales y niveles de procesamiento
Recuperación de la solución factorial a partir de variables dicotomizadas
Regional capital status and tertiarisation process: The case of Barcelona
Relationship between Autism Spectrum Disorder and Pesticides: A Systematic Review of Human and Preclinical Models | 2021 |
Relationship between Prenatal or Postnatal Exposure to Pesticides and Obesity: A Systematic Review | 2021 |
Reliability and External Validity of Personality Test Scores: The Role of Person and Item Error | 2021 |
Reliability and validity study of the Spanish adaptation of the Educational Practices Questionnaire (EPQ)
Reliability and validity study of the Spanish adaptation of the "Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning Scale" (SCLS) | 2021 |
Resilience in children and adolescents at risk of poverty and with parents suffering from huntington’s disease | 2021 |
Role of inheritance during tectonic inversion of a rift system inbasement-involved to salt-decoupled transition: analogue modelling andapplication to the Pyrenean-Biscay system | 2023 |
RTC-11: Adaptation of the Resistance to Change Scale in two countries (Spain and Argentina) | 2018 |
Self-assessment of individual differences in language switching | 2012 |
Self-Perceived Quality of Life in Spanish-Speaking Women with Autism Spectrum Disorders | 2022 |
Semantic ambiguity: Do multiple meanings inhibit or facilitate word recognition? | 2018 |
Seven Decades of Factor Analysis: From Yela to the Present Day | 2021 |
Sex and exposure to postnatal chlorpyrifos influence the epigenetics of feeding-related genes in a transgenic apoe mouse model: Long-term implications on body weight after a high-fat diet | 2021 |
Short and long-term predictors of pain severity and interference in primary care patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain and depression | 2023 |
Short Spanish version of Team Climate Inventory (TCI-14): Development and psychometric properties
Should suicidal ideation be regarded as a dimension, a unipolar trait or a mixture? A model-based analysis at the score level | 2023 |
Sociability: Comparing the Effect of Chlorpyrifos with Valproic Acid | 2024 |
Social Factors, Disability and Depressive Symptoms in Adults with Chronic Pain | 2020 |
SOLOMON: a method for splitting a sample into equivalent subsamples in factor analysis | 2022 |
Spanish adaptation of the Creative Potential and Practised Creativity scale (CPPC-17) in the workplace and inside the organization
Spanish Adaptation of the Family Involvement Questionnaire-High School: Version for Parents | 2022 |
Spanish Adaptation of the Groningen Sleep Quality Scale (GSQS-8) | 2020 |
Spanish adaptation of the Internal functioning of the Work Teams Scale (QFI-22)
Spanish Adaptation of the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument: Reflection on the Difficulty in Transferring the ad hoc Factor | 2021 |
Spanish adaptation of the Passion Toward Work Scale (PTWS) | 2017 |
Spanish affective normative data for 1,406 words rated by children and adolescents (SANDchild)
Spanish version of Bus Drivers' Job Demands Scale (BDJD-24)
Spiritual competence, contemplative education and mindfulness in schools
Spiritual competence, contemplative education and mindfulness in schools
Spiritual competence, contemplative education and mindfulness in schools (Competencia espiritual, educacion contemplativa y atencion plena en la escuela) | 2020 |
Stability of the factor structure of Barrat's Impulsivity Scales for children across culture: a comparison of Spain and Colombia | 2010 |
Standards for mobile health-related apps: Systematic review and development of a guide | 2020 |
Student Primary Teachers' Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Biotechnology-Are They Prepared to Teach Biotechnological Literacy? | 2022 |
Subjective age of acquisition norms for 1604 English words by Spanish L2 speakers of English and their relationship with lexico-semantic, affective, sociolinguistic and proficiency variables | 2022 |
Subsyndromal delirium compared with delirium, dementia, and subjects without delirium or dementia in elderly general hospital admissions and nursing home residents
Suicidal Ideation in Adolescents Assessed with the Three-mode Component Approach
Suicidality in a Community Sample of Early Adolescents: A Three-Phase Follow-Up Study
Supplementation of Infant Formula and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes: a Systematic Review | 2022 |
Teacher Technostress in the Chilean School System
Technostress of Chilean Teachers in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Teleworking | 2021 |
Temporal trends and geographical variability of the prevalence and incidence of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder diagnoses among children in Catalonia, Spain
Testing risk perception in road users education: Development of a scale oriented to Spanish compulsory education. | 2001 |
The acquisition of emotion-laden words from childhood to adolescence | 2023 |
The actress was on the balcony, after all: Eye-tracking locality and PR-availability effects in Spanish | 2021 |
The arabic version of the faces pain scale-revised: Cultural adaptation, validity, and reliability properties when used with children and adolescents | 2021 |
The Association Between Pain Relief Using Video Games and an Increase in Vagal Tone in Children With Cancer: Analytic Observational Study With a Quasi-Experimental Pre/Posttest Methodology | 2020 |
The Associations Between Sleep Disturbance, Psychological Dysfunction, Pain Intensity, and Pain Interference in Children with Chronic Pain | 2022 |
The bright side of words: Norms for 9000 Spanish words in seven discrete positive emotions | 2024 |
The Construct of Job Insecurity at Multiple Levels: Implications for Its Conceptualization and Theory Development | 2023 |
The declaration of lima on pain in childhood | 2022 |
The development and validation of two scales on retribution practices: PRG-13 and PRE-21 [Desarrollo y validación de dos escalas sobre las prácticas de retribución: PRG-13 y PRE-21]
The effect of prenatal smoke exposure on child neuropsychological function: a prospective mother-child cohort study
The effects of ageing on self-reported direct and indirect aggression measures are partly explained by response bias | 2015 |
The explanatory role of sedentary screen time and obesity in the increase of chronic back pain amongst European adolescents: The HBSC study 2002-2014 | 2022 |
The external validity of scores based on the twoparameter logistic model: Some comparisons between IRT and CTT | 2007 |
The forgotten role of absorption in music reward | 2022 |
The gender congruency effect in Catalan-Spanish bilinguals: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence
The impact of acquiescence on forced-choice responses: A model-based analysis | 2011 |
The impact of personality variables on entrepreneurial orientation | 2023 |
The impact of social desirability on psychometric measures of aggression [El efecto de la deseabilidad en las medidas psicométricas de agresividad] | 2012 |
The Impairment and Functioning Inventory Revised-English version: A validation study in individuals with disabilities and bothersome pain | 2022 |
The influence of environmental particulate matter exposure during late gestation and early life on the risk of neurodevelopmental disorders: A systematic review of experimental evidences | 2023 |
The Influence of Gender Inequality in the Development of Job Insecurity: Differences Between Women and Men
The INventory of Callous-Unemotional Traits and Antisocial Behavior (INCA) for Young People: Development and Validation in a Community Sample
The INventory of Callous-Unemotional Traits and Antisocial Behavior (INCA) for Young People: Development and Validation in a Community Sample
The management of pediatric chronic pain in Spain: a web-based survey study | 2021 |
The Mediating Role of Job Crafting of Social Resources in the relationship between Job Autonomy, Self-Efficacy, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior | 2023 |
The Mobile App Development and Assessment Guide (MAG): Delphi-Based Validity Study | 2020 |
The modern clinical use of hallucinogens. What can we learn from the natural product research? | 2023 |
Theory of mind and language comprehension in schizophrenia
The Positive and Negative Affect Schedule: New data as to its use in the elderly | 2014 |
The predictors of general knowledge: Data from a Spanish megastudy | 2022 |
The Psychoexposome: A holistic perspective beyond health and disease | 2018 |
The psycho-lexical approach in exploring the field of values: A reply to Schwartz | 2017 |
The relationship between family involvement and academic variables: A systematic review
The relationship between family socialization styles and ambivalent sexism in adolescence
The role of emotionality in the acquisition of new concrete and abstract words | 2015 |
The Role of Pain-Related Cognitions in the Relationship Between Pain Severity, Depression, and Pain Interference in a Sample of Primary Care Patients with Both Chronic Pain and Depression
The role of perceived family social support and parental solicitous responses in adjustment to bothersome pain in young people with physical disabilities | 2019 |
The role of perfectionistic self-presentation in pediatric pain | 2021 |
The Role of Psychological Maturity and the Big Five Personality Traits in the Victimization Through Indirect Aggression | 2022 |
The Role of Resilience, Happiness, and Social Support in the Psychological Function during the Late Stages of the Lockdown in Individuals with and without Chronic Pain | 2022 |
The role of the P300 component in a translation-recognition task
The spanish version of the job crafting scale | 2018 |
The thousand-question Spanish general knowledge database | 2021 |
The three-year developmental trajectory of anxiety symptoms in non-clinical early adolescents | 2016 |
The Treatment of Pediatric Pain in Spain: A Survey Study | 2023 |
The Use of Cannabis sativa L. for Pest Control: From the Ethnobotanical Knowledge to a Systematic Review of Experimental Studies | 2022 |
The Use of Exploratory Factor Analysis in RIDEP. Guidelines for Authors and Reviewers | 2019 |
The validity of pain intensity measures: what do the NRS, VAS, VRS, and FPS-R measure?
To reverse or to not reverse Likert-type items: That is the question
To what extent do student teachers have the values required for the profession?
Transcranial direct current stimulation for gait recovery following stroke: A systematic review of current literature and beyond | 2022 |
Trans Driver Stress scale (TDS-15): Short scale for stress detection in professional drivers | 2018 |
Translation, adaptation and psychometric properties of the Arabic version of the numerical rating scale when used with children and adolescents | 2022 |
Translation and Validation of the Nomophobia Questionnaire in the Italian Language: Exploratory Factor Analysis | 2018 |
Transphobia and Gender Bashing in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood: The Role of Individual Differences and Psychosocial Variables | 2022 |
Trans students. Difficulties, needs and educational actions in Spain | 2022 |
Two cholinesterase inhibitors trigger dissimilar effects on behavior and body weight in C57BL/6 mice: The case of chlorpyrifos and rivastigmine
Two cholinesterase inhibitors trigger dissimilar effects on behavior and body weight in C57BL/6 mice: The case of chlorpyrifos and rivastigmine | 2017 |
Una introducción al uso de los potenciales evocados en el estudio del lenguaje
unival: An FA-based R Package For Assessing Essential Unidimensionality Using External Validity Information | 2019 |
Unraveling the Mystery About the Negative Valence Bias: Does Arousal Account for Processing Differences in Unpleasant Words? | 2021 |
Unrestricted factor analysis of multidimensional test items based on an objectively refined target matrix
Unsaid thoughts: Thinking in the absence of verbal logical connectives | 2022 |
Usage Patterns of Telepsychology and Face-to-Face Psychotherapy: Clients' Profiles and Perceptions | 2022 |
Validación de la escala de actitud ante la programación | 2021 |
Validación de un cuestionario corto de frecuencia de consumo alimentario en niños pequeños
Variables cognitivas y afectivas como predictoras de satisfacción en la vida
Variables that predict Attitudes Toward Safety Regulations in professional drivers | 2020 |
Variables that predict burnout in professional drivers | 2022 |
Victimización por Acoso Autopercibida en Escolares Preadolescentes con TDAH | 2023 |
Video-based Pain Education in Schools: A Study with Adolescents | 2021 |
Vitamin D during pregnancy and the neurodevelopment of the child: Systematic review
What are the needs of adolescents and young adults after a cancer treatment? A Delphi study
What are the needs of adolescents and young adults after a cancer treatment? A Delphi study | 2017 |
What distinguishes emotion-label words from emotion-laden words? The characterization of affective meaning from a multi-componential conception of emotions | 2024 |
What Makes a Word a Good Representative of the Category of "Emotion"? The Role of Feelings and Interoception
Which profile of people tends to ignore preventive measures against COVID-19? The role of intelligence and the big five personality traits | 2023 |
Work addiction as a predictor of anxiety and depression | 2021 |
Your words went straight to my heart: the role of emotional prototypicality in the recognition of emotion-label words | 2023 |