Articles producció científica> Química Física i Inorgànica

Rh-catalyzed asymmetric hydrogenation using a furanoside monophosphite second-generation ligand library: Scope and limitations

  • Datos identificativos

    Identificador: PC:686
  • Autores:

    Alegre, S.
    Alberico, E.
    Pàmies, O.
    Diéguez, M.
  • Otros:

    Autor según el artículo: Alegre, S. Alberico, E. Pàmies, O. Diéguez, M.
    Departamento: Química Física i Inorgànica
    Palabras clave: Hydrogenation Enantioselectivity
    Resumen: The ligand design of one of the most successful monophosphite ligand classes in Rh-catalyzed hydrogenation was expanded upon by introducing several substituents at the C-3 position of the furanoside backbone. A small but structurally important library of monophosphite ligands was developed by changing the substituents at the C-3 position of the furanoside backbone and the substituents/configurations at the biaryl phosphite group. These new furanoside monophosphite ligands were evaluated in the Rh-catalyzed asymmetric hydrogenation of a,ß-unsaturated carboxylic acid derivatives and enamides. The results show that the effect of introducing a substituent at the C-3 position of the furanoside backbone on the enantioselectivity depends not only on the configuration at the C-3 position of the furanoside backbone and the binaphthyl group but also on the substrate. Thus, the new ligands afforded high to excellent enantioselectivities in the reduction of carboxylic acid derivatives (ee's up to >99.9%) and moderate ee's (up to 67%) in the hydrogenation of enamides.
    Áreas temáticas: Chemistry
    Acceso a la licencia de uso:
    ISSN: 0957-4166
    Página final: 262
    Volumen de revista: 25
    Versión del articulo depositado: info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersion
    Enlace a la fuente original:
    URL Documento de licencia:
    DOI del artículo: 10.1016/j.tetasy.2013.12.010
    Entidad: Universitat Rovira i Virgili.
    Año de publicación de la revista: 2014
    Página inicial: 258
    Tipo de publicación: Post-print
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