Articles producció científica> Economia

Defining prices in an inter-regional SAM system

  • Datos identificativos

    Identificador: imarina:7979901
  • Autores:

    Llop M
  • Otros:

    Autor según el artículo: Llop M
    Departamento: Economia
    Autor/es de la URV: Llop Llop, Maria
    Palabras clave: Social accounting matrix Price impacts Output Multipliers Model Inter-regional and intra-regional price transmission Impacts Cost linkages
    Resumen: © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group The International Input--Output Association. The literature of inter-regional social accounting matrices (SAM) focuses on quantity-oriented models that determine the transmission of income impacts. This paper develops a price version to identify the channels of price transmission at the inter-regional (or inter-country) level. The method proposed divides the total multiplier effects into intra-regional price multipliers (i.e. the cost impacts within a region), open loop inter-regional price multipliers (i.e. the cost impacts from one region on another by quantifying all the within-region impacts), and closed loop inter-regional price multipliers (i.e. the circular cost impacts transiting through the accounts in the other region and returning to the starting region). In addition, the intra-regional multipliers are divided into the intra-account, the inter-account and the cross-account (circular) effects. The empirical application, which uses a bi-regional SAM that distinguishes the United States (USA) and China (CHN), highlights the importance of the within-region interdependences for explaining price impacts.
    Áreas temáticas: Economics and econometrics Economics Economia Ciencias sociales Business and management
    Acceso a la licencia de uso:
    ISSN: 09535314
    Direcció de correo del autor:
    Identificador del autor: 0000-0001-6609-7528
    Fecha de alta del registro: 2024-07-27
    Versión del articulo depositado: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
    Enlace a la fuente original:
    URL Documento de licencia:
    Referencia al articulo segun fuente origial: Economic Systems Research. 33 (4): 492-508
    Referencia de l'ítem segons les normes APA: Llop M (2021). Defining prices in an inter-regional SAM system. Economic Systems Research, 33(4), 492-508. DOI: 10.1080/09535314.2020.1804331
    DOI del artículo: 10.1080/09535314.2020.1804331
    Entidad: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
    Año de publicación de la revista: 2021
    Tipo de publicación: Journal Publications
  • Palabras clave:

    Economics,Economics and Econometrics
    Social accounting matrix
    Price impacts
    Inter-regional and intra-regional price transmission
    Cost linkages
    Economics and econometrics
    Ciencias sociales
    Business and management
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