Autor según el artículo: Lorenzo-Seva U; Ferrando PJ
Departamento: Psicologia
Autor/es de la URV: Ferrando Piera, Pere Joan / Lorenzo Seva, Urbano
Palabras clave: Spss Sample splitting Replication R Msa Kmo index Item selection Item discrimination Exploratory item factor analysis spss sample splitting replication r kmo index item selection item discrimination exploratory item factor analysis
Resumen: Kaiser's single-variable measure of sampling adequacy (MSA) is a very useful index for debugging inappropriate items before a factor analysis (FA) solution is fittedto an item-pool dataset for item selection purposes. For reasons discussed in the article, however, MSA is hardly used nowadays in this context. In our view, this is unfortunate. In the present proposal, we firstdiscuss the foundation and rationale of MSA from a 'modern' FA view, as well as its usefulness in the item selection process. Second, we embed the index within a robust approach and propose improvements in the preliminary item selection process. Third, we implement the proposal in different statistical programs. Finally, we illustrate its use and advantages with an empirical example in personality measurement.
Áreas temáticas: Social sciences, mathematical methods Social sciences (miscellaneous) Social sciences (all) Psychology, mathematical Psychology (miscellaneous) Psychology (all) Psicología General social sciences General psychology Ciencias sociales
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Identificador del autor: 0000-0001-5369-3099 0000-0002-3133-5466
Fecha de alta del registro: 2024-07-27
Versión del articulo depositado: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
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Referencia al articulo segun fuente origial: Methodology-European Journal Of Research Methods For The Behavioral And Social Sciences. 17 (4): 296-306
Referencia de l'ítem segons les normes APA: Lorenzo-Seva U; Ferrando PJ (2021). MSA: The Forgotten Index for Identifying Inappropriate Items Before Computing Exploratory Item Factor Analysis. Methodology-European Journal Of Research Methods For The Behavioral And Social Sciences, 17(4), 296-306. DOI: 10.5964/meth.7185
DOI del artículo: 10.5964/meth.7185
Entidad: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Año de publicación de la revista: 2021
Tipo de publicación: Journal Publications